

Active Member
So, I've got a 3 and a half hour drive tomorrow and I need some new comedy to listen too.

I'm personally a big fan of Mitch Hedburg, Daniel Tosh, Gabriel Iglesias, Mitch fatel, etc.

Who are some of ya'lls favorites?

Brick Top

New Member
I tend to be rather old school, but that of course could be because I happen to be old.

I think that Rodney Dangerfield was funnier than most ten other comedians put together. I would say the same about George Carlin. Sam Kinison was very funny and stood out above most in the business.

Gilbert Gottfried has some very funny material out, especially his ‘dirty jokes’ material, and Kathy Griffin is very funny along with Sarah Silverman.

There are many choices.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
<A id=add-to-quicklist-R32Ln7YZ6ig title="Add Video to QuickList" href="" ql="R32Ln7YZ6ig"> Added

2:25 check this out

Captin Crazy

Active Member
tommy tiernan is deadly for havin a smoke. tommy tiernan live is his best one i think. cracked is gas too. youll find his stuff on youtube!


Well-Known Member
Doug stanhope
russel peters
jim gaffigan
kat williams
daniel tosh
mitch hedberg
george lopez
pablo fransico


Well-Known Member
Steven Wright can't go wrong
Lol steven wright's probably the worst comedian ever, it's amazing people like him

I have too many favorite comedians, comedy's pretty much all I watch

Some of my favorites -
Dave chappelle
Kyle cease
Mike berbiglia
Greg geraldo
Katt williams (only if it's uncut, he's not funny on cable cuz there's too many bleeps)
And Nick dipaolo

Edit: Forgot about pablo francisco, he's fucking awesome


Well-Known Member
Doug Benson
Zach Galifianakis
Sarah Silverman
Eugine Mirman

Fuck Dane Cook.

Heyyyy now... Dane is a tool, but at the same time chicks love his stand up. Probably because he is such a bitch himself. but i like his early stuff ;-)

He does suck as an actor though. I hate his movies.


Well-Known Member
Dane cook is a hack

try some artie lange, george carlin, dennis leary, dice clay

I love george carlin, im sad he died last year :-(

Dennis learys no cure for cancer is one of my all time favorite stand up acts. "IM AN ASSHOOOOLEEEOOOOOEEEEOOOOO" lol

...As for the dice man, alot of people cant handle his act, he takes shit too far for most... BUT I LOVE IT! haha his poems are awesome lol