Functioning in a non stoned world.. stoned or high.. how many times a day?


Well-Known Member
i usually end up smoking at least once a day. weekend it's usually all day friday afternoon through sunday afternoon. i'm working on my major in mechanical engineering with a business minor and it doesn't hinder my studies that much at all.
do you study whilst high.. attend classes whilst high? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I dont feel the weed hinders anything i am doing. If i had an unlimited supply i would probably carry a giant sherlock dry piece around with me. One that would hold like a quarter and just light it up like every ten min.


Active Member
I'm in college working towards a degree in biopsychology. I smoke before class sometimes, and sometimes I don't. I'm an above average student - 3.75 GPA. I also sometimes smoke before work. I'm a chef at a busy downtown hotel restaurant. I don't have any problems with it. It usually just helps me focus and think differently.



Well-Known Member
I'm in college working towards a degree in biopsychology. I smoke before class sometimes, and sometimes I don't. I'm an above average student - 3.75 GPA. I also sometimes smoke before work. I'm a chef at a busy downtown hotel restaurant. I don't have any problems with it. It usually just helps me focus and think differently.

you're yet another good example for the marijuana culture.


Well-Known Member
I like to take breaks in between sometimes. sometimes it's interesting to just be sober after being high for so many days. it's almost like being in a different sort of high. so apparently life is just a bunch of highs now haha.
i feel you on this one man:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
What sort of jobs or degrees etc are you guys doing?
professional cropper.... not the biggest OP (simple 2k) but enough to pay the bills and I don't ahve to punch a clock or do any fucking TPS reports...

I smoke all day long! bongsmilie
Its the only way to go ha ha ha

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I smoke 3-4 times a day. I am a student at university. Early in the term I usually have established which classes I can and can't go to high. Classes with lots of notes, I go to real fuckin baked. The reason is because if I'm not baked my mind wanders when I'm taking notes and I end up not taking notes and doodling or something. If I'm baked and taking notes man that shit is intricate, I go back and don't remember writing half the shit but I basically have a transcript of what the prof said written. If the class doesn't require a lot of notes and is maybe more discussion intense, where I have to think a bit faster and coherently I am usually not high. I do fine in school.


Well-Known Member
How do you guys mange it? How many times a day do you usually toke up? How does this cooincide with work or study etc? bongsmilie
half bowl b4 work, other half on break, 1 bowl after work and 2-3 more bowls whenever i feel like b4 i go to bed:blsmoke:
weed is no hindrance to me at all im always high when i go to work and when i do paperwork and it makes my add managable, w/o weed i couldnt do half as good as im doing now! marijuana really changed my life in a positive way


Well-Known Member
half bowl b4 work, other half on break, 1 bowl after work and 2-3 more bowls whenever i feel like b4 i go to bed:blsmoke:
weed is no hindrance to me at all im always high when i go to work and when i do paperwork and it makes my add managable, w/o weed i couldnt do half as good as im doing now! marijuana really changed my life in a positive way
That's bloody awesome to hear mate! bongsmilie


Active Member
I realize this is an old post but it's an interesting topic.

Im in public safety so I never report to work stoned but thats about it. Wake and bake rocks...sets the tone for the day. I also go to school at a very difficult university and pull a 4.0. Just finished one degree with a 3.85. Go to class stoned, study stoned and take exams stoned.

Own a small business and operated that stoned a good part of the time, love it.

My favorites hobbies after smoking are golfing, darts, wii, building shit or being around all sober people that have no idea I am baked.

My don'ts are:
Drive my children anywhere

Also found I can't get baked sometimes. So I do the 4:20 cycle. 20 days of smoking, 4 days off. It's a long 4 days but so much fun when I smoke again.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
yeah same here pops bud helps me focus.... my mind is all over the place usually, weed helps me concentrate & comprehend..

i pretty much get high and go everywhere... weddings, funerals, parties, work, dinner, lunch, hiking, motorcycles

Schar BK

I usually wake up and hit the bong before i rock a piss and get dressed for work, come home on lunch break and toke a few then head back to finish the shift. Then it is pretty much open season till I head to bed. Rinse & Repeat nothing like walking back into work toked up with my PPE and help my boss solve a difficult problem and get rewarded with gift cards. LOL


Well-Known Member
i pretty musch smoke all day.. if i dnt have somethin important to do. i work nites so i caome to work baked. then i'll eat like half of a brownie at lunch to carry me on thru the nite. and when i get home i get baked get the munchies and smoke another bowl before i go to sleep.. i wake and bake and do the same thing over again. its the life being constantly stoned its to a point i dnt like being sober. its feels funny.. smoke love and peace, thats what its about


Well-Known Member
i smoke everyday. atleast 5 nice bowls a day. nearly equivalent (spelling) to 4-5 spliffs. i would smoke more if i had my grow up and running. just trying to save some cash.
on the weekend i usually smoke alot more. i work in the week so i dont get the chance to smoke as much. sometimes il have the sneaky hit in the morning to get me going for the working day.

EDIT: woops, didnt realise this was such an old thread