Starting Soil + Soil


Active Member
Alright, I a, thinking about using the Aerogarden, but if I get that, I want everything to go perfect. I need to know some pretty good like starting soil type stuff, and then just regular soil. Help me out pleasee!


New Member
any half descent potting soil or top soil will do mixed with perlite(it has no nutes and a ph of 7.0).
add nutes later.


New Member
Alright I looked that up> I'll have to figure out the dosage. Another quick question, what kind of nutrients should I use? And would i be better off using the Fox Farms Soil if I were to use the Aerogarden?
you mix the medium so its 60% soil and 40% perlite.
i dont know what fox farms soil is does it have nutes already added???????.
no nutes for the first 3 weeks.
are you growing in soil????.
i know very little about hydro growing(never been interested).


Active Member
you mix the medium so its 60% soil and 40% perlite.
i dont know what fox farms soil is does it have nutes already added???????.
no nutes for the first 3 weeks.
are you growing in soil????.
i know very little about hydro growing(never been interested).
Directly after germinating the seeds, are you suppose to put the seeds in the potting soil or what? And also what is best to put the seeds/soil in?


New Member
Directly after germinating the seeds, are you suppose to put the seeds in the potting soil or what? And also what is best to put the seeds/soil in?
i sent you a message explaining how i germ my seeds to sprout.
never use paper towels.


Well-Known Member
Any regular soil wud do jus fine but imo I think tha fox farm soils tha best comes with nutes mixed in and u don't need 2 feed da plant for the first couple weeks ...ok now as far as germinating goes as soon as da seed cracks &| u see tha tap root move it into soil I personally use 12 or 16oz cups for about a few weeks then I transplant them into pots works great u cud also use jiffe cups jus put tha hole cup into soil &| let it do its thing tha roots grow thought tha cups so its less of a hassle