Did YOU Get High Your First Time?

Did You Get High??

  • I Got High

    Votes: 22 36.1%
  • I Didn't Feel Shyt...

    Votes: 30 49.2%
  • I've Never Been Higher!

    Votes: 9 14.8%

  • Total voters


Active Member
i didnt get high the 1st time or the second from what i remember (i been smokin bud for about 25 yrs...since i was like 10)...but the 3rd time i got baked as all hell...uncontrolable laughter almost like trippin.


Well-Known Member
It took me 3 joints into my second time. Then it hit me. I was young but I knew how to smoke ciggs just fine at the time. I thought alot of people didnt get it the first time.
Yea that's what I thought too. Idk why but i thought that the first time smoking was like a "warm-up" round for the brain...then once it's ready you get blazed as much as you want:bigjoint:

i didnt get high the 1st time or the second from what i remember (i been smokin bud for about 25 yrs...since i was like 10)...but the 3rd time i got baked as all hell...uncontrolable laughter almost like trippin.
My first time was fucking crazy I couldn't see shit! I wish I could get that high again....I will try tomorrow fo sho:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The first time I smoked I was absolutely blown away. Several reasons for this, I think... first, I had a good coach... someone who taught me how to smoke RIGHT (that's the hardest part for beginners)... and second, the weed I smoked the first time was some crazy-ass chronic. I was outside and it was a really, really cold night in winter... and I smoked... but the high didn't hit me until I got into the warmth. I was curled up in a ball giggling my ass off for nearly half an hour. Heh... good times...


Well-Known Member
ok my first time i really didn't feel anything different but after we fired up the next one i was stoned out of my head. same thing happened after i quit for a while. not sure why that happens. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I didn't get high until my third time, but damn, it was well worth the wait. I remember my friends older brother rolled us the fattest joint I have ever seen, 2 grams of KB stuffed in it. Then we started to hit the ghetto bong, but it still hadn't hit me so I was disapponted, until I stood up....WHAM! It all hit me at once, it was the best feelng I have ever had. I just remember I couldn't control myself at all and I didn't even know what the fuck I was doing half the time. Ah, I wish I could go back in time....


New Member
IMHO its inmpossible to inhale and not get high.. especially if its your first time.. I still say if you didnt get high then u didnt inhale..Iunno thats just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
IMHO its inmpossible to inhale and not get high.. especially if its your first time.. I still say if you didnt get high then u didnt inhale..Iunno thats just my opinion.
I inhaled fo sho...are you saying that almost half the people on here didn't inhale their first time? Cause that's LUDACRIS:shock: (I like that word)

And yes if it didn't happen to you it does seem very weird. Idk how it happens but I swear my first time I didn't get high (bad conditions) Second time I got buzzed it was weird like I felt myself go out of my body for a second but it was like a wall holding me down to sobriety(good conditions...just weird, no munchies, no red eyes, not really laughing much hit the bong a few times) Third time was IN FUCKING SANE!(Perfect conditions:blsmoke:) I was tripping so hard I thought I was going to die and I couldn't stop rubbing my head and shit I got shutter vision(No idea how I got that high!) if it was dipped in formaldehyde I'd smoke that shit in a second(lots of time between sessions though) it was amazing.


i did NOT get high AT ALL my first time.... and i KNOW i inhaled:roll:.....although, my buddy did... he was blitzed, and even puked.... the two other friends we were with told me that "some people dont get high the first time".... so the gave me the 3roaches to "smoke later"...
smoked em on the way back home and still nothing; so i gave up on this pot stuff for about 6months...

the 2nd time.... i got high as the clouds... it is the only time i would compare pot to a mild hallucinogen

dont know why SOME people dont get high the first time and some do... im gonna look into it... now you got me interested:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
it took me three times until I actually got high. I'll never forget the date of when I first got high either...day after 4/20...almost my one year anniversery!! (I know, I'm still a youngin' with smoking)


Well-Known Member
it took me three times until I actually got high. I'll never forget the date of when I first got high either...day after 4/20...almost my one year anniversery!! (I know, I'm still a youngin' with smoking)
New year's eve of 1998 for me! Just celebrated 10 happy years of smoking. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeah i got high. never heard about not gettin high the first time u smoke.

i was high but not the highest ive ever been, that was in amsterdam :D

and yeah, ive seen some 1st timers, laughing all the time. and i mean all the time, not breathing inbetween, laughing at shit all when im just sat there.

wish i was just starting smoking again, things would be alot cheaper / easier and happier,lol.


Well-Known Member
I laugh all the time still...lol its just certain ppl make me laugh a lot....uncontrollably. I feel sick from not breathing but damn some things are just so funny:leaf: Idk why but me and my main friend know what makes the other person laugh (no homo) its like a game to see who can make the other laugh the most.


Active Member
my first time was with a bunch of experienced smokeres and me and my friend snuck out. i was the only one who had never done it before and the only one didnt get high. we used the makeshift can method if anyone knows what that is. i got a lot of good deep thick puffs in but i never got high. i just got buzzed. one of them said most people dont get high the first time. i figured it was that and the fact that my dads a super gnar heavyweight and i hav good genes haha. my friend got high as fuck tho he was seein purple unicorns and shit it was really funny


Well-Known Member
^Your friend was probably joking/lying...I have a friend that smokes 1 bowl of chronic and says he sees pterodactyls and shit..its really annoying so I stopped smoking with him:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i did NOT get high AT ALL my first time.... and i KNOW i inhaled:roll:.....although, my buddy did... he was blitzed, and even puked.... the two other friends we were with told me that "some people dont get high the first time".... so the gave me the 3roaches to "smoke later"...
smoked em on the way back home and still nothing; so i gave up on this pot stuff for about 6months...

the 2nd time.... i got high as the clouds... it is the only time i would compare pot to a mild hallucinogen

dont know why SOME people dont get high the first time and some do... im gonna look into it... now you got me interested:eyesmoke:
if you're really interested I'd look into anandamide, the natural cannabinoid in your body. I have a little personal theory that the anandamide might be binded to the cannabinoid receptors and something needs to disrupt them and make them break loose so ∆9thc can bind. I don't know exactly how long cannabinoids stay connected to the cannabinoid receptors or what makes them detach, I should read into that myself.


if you're really interested I'd look into anandamide, the natural cannabinoid in your body. I have a little personal theory that the anandamide might be binded to the cannabinoid receptors and something needs to disrupt them and make them break loose so ∆9thc can bind. I don't know exactly how long cannabinoids stay connected to the cannabinoid receptors or what makes them detach, I should read into that myself.

i didnt bother looking into your theory.... you came up with it, so you must know more about it than me... i just assumed YOU were doing the research on this one.. i was waiting:bigjoint:


Active Member
^Your friend was probably joking/lying...I have a friend that smokes 1 bowl of chronic and says he sees pterodactyls and shit..its really annoying so I stopped smoking with him:bigjoint:
yeah i thought he was pretending for a long time too cuz his personality's already sorta like hes high but then i saw his eyes when we got back to my house and it looked like someone took a marker and colored them red. it was crazy they were redder than the color red :shock:.

oh yeah and he was humping a pole...:-|