Lots of 400W Metal Halides for YOU!


Active Member
Hey guys, I cleaned out a warehouse which had a few lights they were willing to have hauled away 400w ballasts and MH bulbs (the hoods are for warehouse lighting tho). Since I have gained tons of knowledge from some of you guys, I have decided to give you guys first dibs. Im in LA (near hollywood) so if you're willing to pick them up or meet me somewhere ill hook you up. PM me or sumpthin'. I dont wanna be a sales guy or anything, I just really think some of you guys might appreciate these.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
yeah sure ill hook up with you, then maybe you hook me up with some handcuffs.
how are people gonna pick it up and keep their identity secure. sorry but security must be #1 priority. you may really be help and thanks for the offer.


Active Member
Hi, I abide by the regulations set under Prop 215, and my wife and I would love to receive 400w light equipment. PM me and I can send you my email or cell #. Thanks!


Active Member
Well if you want lights you can have lights. I don't care what you do with them, for all i know you might like watching light bulbs pop on the ground. Although that would be expensive entertainment. YOU CAN BUY THESE AT ANY HYDROPONICS/WAREHOUSE SUPPLY STORE. THEY ARENT ILLEGAL. Meet me in the middle, you don't know where I live, I don't know where you live.....

PS Check out Prop 215 and SB420. They raided clubs in january and didn't make ANY arrests. It would be difficult for me if i were a cop to bust anyone and expect it to go through in California (except San Diego, be careful down there).

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Well if you want lights you can have lights. I don't care what you do with them, for all i know you might like watching light bulbs pop on the ground. Although that would be expensive entertainment. YOU CAN BUY THESE AT ANY HYDROPONICS/WAREHOUSE SUPPLY STORE. THEY ARENT ILLEGAL. Meet me in the middle, you don't know where I live, I don't know where you live.....

PS Check out Prop 215 and SB420. They raided clubs in january and didn't make ANY arrests. It would be difficult for me if i were a cop to bust anyone and expect it to go through in California (except San Diego, be careful down there).
sorry bro didnt mean anything bad. your right, thanks for offer. its nice thats someone wants to help people out.