Mobile detection units?


Well-Known Member
dont grow.. hahaha

ummm really, they will be looking for heat coming out of your house... I have seen people vent all of there hot air into their house to evenly distribute the heat, but for the most part, they will see hot spots from your lights if they are not adequately air-cooled, and even then, the hot air has to go somewhere, so they will see wherever your exhaust is.. try and keep everything as cool as possible, and maybe vent your heat to 2 different areas of the house... AC in the room will help keep temps in check (and they are only about 100 bucks at your local home depot), then you vent your heat from your lights elsewhere... other than that, i dont know.. I got a cann card, so they can stop by and seem my babies if they want.. haha


Well-Known Member
im happy someone started this topic as i kinda live in a notorious area in the uk and im setting up in my house loft and extracting all the hot air and the intake to roof tiles. Will this ring alarm bells do you think? any other way round this?


Well-Known Member
You don't have to worry about infared at all really lol, just dont vent outside. These camers CANT SEE THROUGH ANYTHING they only pick up pockets of heat. If you vent into the house they cant see it, period.



Well-Known Member
You don't have to worry about infared at all really lol, just dont vent outside. These camers CANT SEE THROUGH ANYTHING they only pick up pockets of heat. If you vent into the house they cant see it, period.

100% true... its just, depending on HOW much heat your moving into the rest of the house, it tends to heat the whole house up ALOT... can be a problem in the summer... but hey.. Id rather be sweating on the outside then getting raped on the inside.. haha


Well-Known Member
How much could it possibly heat a house during summer months? It's supposed to be hot so if your grow room is ideal temps say 80 degrees or so, wouldn't it be virtually invisible?
Yeah at those temps there would really be no way to tell by infared, The only way really would be to close up your whole house and have no ac for them to see anything, and even then I don't think it would be enough for a warrant, cause its just as hot outside, depending where you are, is the inside.

Just dont vent outside, you won't have to worry about inafred. Keep that smell in check too, common sense :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
You don't have to worry about infared at all really lol, just dont vent outside. These camers CANT SEE THROUGH ANYTHING they only pick up pockets of heat. If you vent into the house they cant see it, period.

so do you suggest that i connect my intake to a roof tile, but just connect my exhaust into a part of my loft that isnt exposed to the outside air?

would this be toxic or cause any problems with whats been exhausted?