Smoking Ediquette... The Do's and Don'ts

Never hit the bong with a load you cant clear in one hit, and then take another hit to clear the smoke that you left in the chamber from the first bong load, that just scamming for another bong hit.


Well-Known Member
if a bong or pipe gets a crack or becomes unusable, put a broken bowl in there and when ur buddy comes in the door to smoke toss it at his head and call out "globe trodder dat shit!"


Active Member
If you rolled it, you light it. If it's someone else's stash, use judgement.
If you are smoking with someone else for the first time, it's like a first date. Make sure to follow all rules from this thread to a T.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what that means. If I did something wrong, then whack my pee-pee.

I think it's proper etiquette to off the bastard that broke my bong. It's 30 years old now.
never whack the peepee of the fellow smoking with ya....... EVER!

unless your both into that. then by all means whack away


Well-Known Member
NEVER pass the joint if its gone out, it must be lit (specially if its gone out cos ur telling a shit story)!!


Active Member
coughing is a good sign
all thats improtant is to use all the rules that have already been said and dont be PARKING!!!PAY THE METER AND PASS THAT SHIT!!


Active Member
Dont ash out the window after I have told you time and time to ash in the ashty cup.... just asking to make a uturn in the middle of the highway why arent you :evil:


Well-Known Member
Dont ash out the window after I have told you time and time to ash in the ashty cup.... just asking to make a uturn in the middle of the highway why arent you :evil:
lol how about dont be a dickhead and ash in the trash when theres an ashtray your too lazy to reach for.

toker 10

Active Member
if i roll up an l and take 5 hits instead of 3 dont insinuate im chiefin unless your willing to be of my l
3 to an l sept certain circumstances

if you hand me a beat bong and say "thiers like one more in thier" ill kill you <== most hated thing posibly


Active Member
Some more....

- When u pack a bowl, hand it to someone else to start it off and then they hand it the opposite direction.
- Holding the lighter to the bowl the entire hit.
-----Everyone got a lot of good ones.


Well-Known Member
When you have a nasty ass cough and cold that has you all congested and you are as contagous as the ebola, dont offer to burn one down and lip the fuckin joint so bad that when i hit it, its as wet as a fucking soaked fuk it you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.