Well-Known Member
A lot of people have asked about my air system. So here will be a picture run thru for all that asks me any thing.
This is the main flower room
It has the 430 watt hps and the ballest is in there.
For the rest of the pictures click for larger.
air inlet to the right of the door.
The dryer tube is attached to the inside of the inlet. On the othe end is a cheap AC fan , those little black or silver one i have a lot. The fan is on the 12/12 timer and only runs when the lights are on.
air inlet to left of door. It is set up for winter grow. With winter set up only the dryer box is attached to the inlet. I tape over the rest. AC/Heater vent is rignt there. so it is blocked off for winter. This room doesn't need more heat. Then look in the grow room and you can see the dryer hose attached to the inlet. The hose runs up to the ballest for the light.
The summer grow I let the AC blow in the vent. The grow room stays 76 deg f 2" under the 430 watt hps.
hose runs up to fan and ballast.
in the end of the hose is a little 12 volt fan that only run when the lights are on. The little black AC fan is just blowing on the 12/12 part of the grow I'm doing at the time of post.
stay cold.
The next part is the gutts of the system. I'm using a 350 fpm blower to pull air from the flower room thru the filter, thru the blower, and out of the room to vent out side on second floor window.
I never turn this fan off!
exit out top blower DIY filter.
I use this https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/89078-diy-carbon-filter.html or this is the same https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/78637-coffee-can-filter.html
hose exhaust out side 2nd floor window.
fan under light to move hot air away.
winter tempature/humidity
Next is the Veg/clone/mother cab.
hose between both cabs. I have a little 4" inline fan from home depot in the white cab to blow air into the flower room.
inlet into flower room from veg.
I'll do an update with good pics of the veg room later.
Next is the Dryer box.
in use.
it's just a rubber maid box. I have a 12 volt DC fan that runs any time there is stuuf in the box.
one off the screens.
leaves for hash and yes I smoked them also.
This is the main flower room
It has the 430 watt hps and the ballest is in there.
For the rest of the pictures click for larger.
air inlet to the right of the door.
The dryer tube is attached to the inside of the inlet. On the othe end is a cheap AC fan , those little black or silver one i have a lot. The fan is on the 12/12 timer and only runs when the lights are on.
air inlet to left of door. It is set up for winter grow. With winter set up only the dryer box is attached to the inlet. I tape over the rest. AC/Heater vent is rignt there. so it is blocked off for winter. This room doesn't need more heat. Then look in the grow room and you can see the dryer hose attached to the inlet. The hose runs up to the ballest for the light.
The summer grow I let the AC blow in the vent. The grow room stays 76 deg f 2" under the 430 watt hps.
hose runs up to fan and ballast.
in the end of the hose is a little 12 volt fan that only run when the lights are on. The little black AC fan is just blowing on the 12/12 part of the grow I'm doing at the time of post.
stay cold.
The next part is the gutts of the system. I'm using a 350 fpm blower to pull air from the flower room thru the filter, thru the blower, and out of the room to vent out side on second floor window.
I never turn this fan off!
exit out top blower DIY filter.
I use this https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/89078-diy-carbon-filter.html or this is the same https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/78637-coffee-can-filter.html
hose exhaust out side 2nd floor window.
fan under light to move hot air away.
winter tempature/humidity
Next is the Veg/clone/mother cab.
hose between both cabs. I have a little 4" inline fan from home depot in the white cab to blow air into the flower room.
inlet into flower room from veg.
I'll do an update with good pics of the veg room later.
Next is the Dryer box.
in use.
it's just a rubber maid box. I have a 12 volt DC fan that runs any time there is stuuf in the box.
one off the screens.
leaves for hash and yes I smoked them also.