looking for a way to drop ph levels in water


Well-Known Member
Cheap way out is to use vinegar or lemon juice to lower and baking soda to raise. Whoever sold you the meter should have the right stuff to adjust your ph.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
ph down solution is available at hydroponics stores.
but lemon juice is all natural and works fine.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any fancy meters but just the little test kit from the hydro shoppe. Notice about 2 capfuls (teaspoon each) of Real Lemon Juice per gallon brings it down about right for my water supply. Have noted the lemon juice dont have a lot of staying power as compared to the watered down sulphuric acid sold with most ph kits. I can add two capfuls of the lemon juice and the ph will be right but if I bubble it for a while to areate the water before adding it to the plants the ph will rise again and it will take an additional capful to bring it back down again. Think I might play around with some vinegar to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
thanks lemon jucie dose work well im droping it down and then useing it all in my soil plants .so not to worry about it going back up.all my water is mixed and use at that same time i dont store it.but thanks learn something new every time i get on here so props to this site for sure.


Well-Known Member
thanks lemon jucie dose work well im droping it down and then useing it all in my soil plants .so not to worry about it going back up.all my water is mixed and use at that same time i dont store it.but thanks learn something new every time i get on here so props to this site for sure.

I never understood why people use lemon juice instead of ph up/down solution.

It's much cheaper to just buy the legit ph up/down solution. It's like $10 for a quart and arguably works better.


Well-Known Member
Just for the sake of argument, I can get a quart of lemon juice for quite a bit less than $10.

I guess your right, if you buy it online or something. I was thinking of the plastic lemons full of lemon juice that you find at the supermarket that are like $3.


Well-Known Member
its not that i didnt want to go the local hydro store and get some i did but like all other of you i wanted to work in ths grow shop right then not tomorrow so i went and played and low in behold it worked well had jucie in frig so lol but thought i would try the solution too .but either way it works. and jucie at the store is cheaper.worked last night and water is still 5.5 today so.learn something new every day lol.this is my first grow and 6 weeks in now and putting 7 very nice prospects into flower every one pray for babys girls.they look so sweet and smell sweet too. ill keep you posted .


Well-Known Member
Reading your posts is really hard. There are two "Shift" keys on your keyboard, please use at least one of them. It would also help if you used periods, commas and othe punctuation marks appropriately. Spell check or a quick proofread might not be a bad investment of your time either. You're not texting your buddies and this is not a race to post as fast as possible.

Sorry, but this is one of those things that really gets me going.


Well-Known Member
Sorry bud, but my spelling and typing and correct grammar sucks, ill the the first to stand up and say i suck, but you get the point.As far as posting as fast as i can lol, well it takes me for ever just to do this much. And my buddies are in the barn growing,only ones i give a shit about.Iv learned a lot on this site but correct grammar and spelling is'nt going to be one of them.