Damn FaceMelter is sooo right
This baby is suffering. Most likely from overwatering, but watching the leaves turning somehow inside might be a bit of nutburn aswell.. You've said in your first post that you have 10 sprouts. DO NOT throw the 3 that you think are too many but instead see wall-mart again and buy 2 more CFLs. From 10 seedling, under heavy conditions and from bag seed you can only prey that you are lucky enough to have 5 girls. That means that after they start showing sexes you'll have more room than you initially wished for.
Don't cut any leaves. Better yet buy 2 more CFLs to put under the plants, next to the pots. this way you can make sure every leaf gets light in order to feed the plant.
You might say i'm too generous with buying CFLs. Don;t know the street weed's price where you are but here is about 12 bucks/gram... and that means a light bulb for a gram and also every bulb might mean a few grams more on your lady so twice the economy.
Answering another question of yours. Putting your plants in the window won't help too much unless you keep your windows wide open. Modern windows have UV protection and alot of the so needed spectrum is filtered by the glass. Plus you get them some extra stress from moving them and from temperature differences that may vary alot.
I hope this helps
Good luck, happy smokin'