NEED HELP!! Big light, Small Area


Active Member
Okay, so as you can see I just joined tonight. We have a big problem. We have seedlings growing in a 3x2x6 area under two cfl's. They aren't growing cfl's, but they seem to suffice (1 30w, 1 15w) for now. I have a 600w hps, and we're simply vegging until it's time to put them outside.

So, the plants are starting to need more light (they're bending towards the light) and we could either go with putting them under the hps for a couple hours at a time in an open room (very inefficient) or getting bigger cfl's. The area is a small closet with drop-in ceilings in the surrounding room right next to a window, making it fairly easy to set up ventillation.

Again, we're just keeping them going until it's time to put them outside, so any help would be greatly appreciated. They are about 2.5-3 weeks old at the moment. We don't have much money, so if we get another light, we wouldn't be able to supplement it with any type of expensive cooling method. We'd love a way to be able to run the 600w as to not let it go to waste.

P.s.- I know hps isn't the optimal light for veg, but that's what we have. I can post pictures tomorrow sometime.

Here are pics.


Leo Kitten Grower

Well-Known Member
I'd just move stuff around every day. Use tho 600 when you can.

Just what I'd do.

I move these out every day before the humans come (making room for some cat nip) then they water and we put them back

Edit: thank you for the rep it went from 22 to 78 Meow-oh-Prrrrrrr 56 point. I need a nap.


Active Member
Thanks for the super quick response, T@ll. That is our first choice, the 250w mh. I'm sure it will be easier to see once I put those pics up. We're just afraid that it will still be too hot in there. Like I said, we can run ducting and use a couple computer fans for intake/exhaust. We just can't get too fancy at this point unfortunately. Would the 250w mh be super easy to keep a space like that relatively cool?


Active Member
Wow, Leo, you made my day. How long do you keep them out? That's the exact situation we're looking at.


Active Member
That would be great, toker, but I have a Hydro Hut, and plan on utilizing the 600w when I have more ample conditions (money) and a bigger room.

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the super quick response, T@ll. That is our first choice, the 250w mh. I'm sure it will be easier to see once I put those pics up. We're just afraid that it will still be too hot in there. Like I said, we can run ducting and use a couple computer fans for intake/exhaust. We just can't get too fancy at this point unfortunately. Would the 250w mh be super easy to keep a space like that relatively cool?
get one with vent holes and get some tubing that for a dryer so the heat goes out side of your grow....


Active Member
get one with vent holes and get some tubing that for a dryer so the heat goes out side of your grow....
We're going to try what LEO is doing and set them out for a couple of hours first (that being the cheapest way from what I can tell). I will definitely supplement this with plenty of pictures so you can see exactly what we're working in. There are pvc pipes in the closet (running to/from a water pump it seems), and the light tried to burn them up when we tried it in there for a couple of hours.


Active Member
By the way, thanks for all of the speedy responses. I haven't been on a site since OG, and I'm beginning to warm up to this place already. Kudos, all!

fat sam

Well-Known Member
i use a 600 hps for everything, from clone to bud, toss that hps in there, if you keep the plants under those shit bulbs they probably wont make it, here is a pic of a 1 month old plant grown under a 600 hps



Active Member
i use a 600 hps for everything, from clone to bud, toss that hps in there, if you keep the plants under those shit bulbs they probably wont make it, here is a pic of a 1 month old plant grown under a 600 hps

The only problem is those pipes. The light tried to burn them up. Would putting them under for a couple hours a day in the middle of a bigger room be sufficient just for vegging them? Thanks for the response.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Leo, I couldn't help noticing a Mountain Dew in that picture. Are you sure that's a good idea? Aren't you cats... uh... energetic enough as it is?

And come to think of it, aren't you a little concerned about using your real picture here? What if McGruff is cruising the board tonight?

Leo Kitten Grower

Well-Known Member
Leo, I couldn't help noticing a Mountain Dew in that picture. Are you sure that's a good idea? Aren't you cats... uh... energetic enough as it is?

And come to think of it, aren't you a little concerned about using your real picture here? What if McGruff is cruising the board tonight?
Diet Dew to help me drag those 50"er out. Then a Red Bull the wings help me lift them to the table.

You humans think all black cat look the same.

I'm the one in back.