crop rotation: cunfused

toker 10

Active Member
ok so ive read so much and dont think thiers to many things i havent read on , but im still confused about how most people say to take clones when in veg.
if you take them clones you need to keep em in veg. i dont get how you rotate em like you need two rooms to do this right ?
the one flowering room (aka plants you just toped or took clones from) then veg room(aka clones)

it seems to me you need two rooms to keep the crop rotating but i need to make sure im not mising some info that might end up makeing my life much simpler
also im planing on growing mabye 6 plants in my 2.4x2.5 area do you think that they might be a bit cramped in thier ? i could make the grow area 10" deeper but then i will be tempted to grow more , i know of the one plant per sq foot rule but heard it dosent always apply and isnt exactly a rule of thumb
id like to grow the plants about 3 feet tall

what would u guys advise me to do ?


Active Member
Take clones from mother plants on veg not on flowering stage!!! And keep them on veg till you want to start flowering.

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Active Member
crop rotation?

lets say you wanna grow 6 flower 3,then a month into flower you add 3 more plants.this way you can harvest every month.or you can do this every week even.

i think thats what you are trying to get at?

theres a veg room and a flower grow your plants in the veg room,when you think there ready,you put them in the flower

you should take clones from plants that are growing in the veg room.not flowering.then you keep them vegging until they have roots and until they are big enough to flower.

since you wanna grow lots of plants in a small area you need to flower them early.depending on the characteristics of your strain.check the forum for sog grows.or you could just grow 2 bigger plants.

toker 10

Active Member
crop rotation?

lets say you wanna grow 6 flower 3,then a month into flower you add 3 more plants.this way you can harvest every month.or you can do this every week even.

i think thats what you are trying to get at?

theres a veg room and a flower grow your plants in the veg room,when you think there ready,you put them in the flower

you should take clones from plants that are growing in the veg room.not flowering.then you keep them vegging until they have roots and until they are big enough to flower.

since you wanna grow lots of plants in a small area you need to flower them early.depending on the characteristics of your strain.check the forum for sog grows.or you could just grow 2 bigger plants.
yea something like that i was just makeing sure you absoulutly need two diferent rooms

and im not sure what method i wanna go with as i know i have a great place for scrog i feel unwilling almost to go that route , not sure why


Active Member
i said sog not scrog.just grow your plants just flower them earlier.

if you only have one space.youll have to veg then flower in the same can do it but its a pain.youll have to start from seeds or clones again after each takes a long ass time.if you have another space you can have plants ready to flower all the time.


Active Member
Your space is fine.
I have 9 plants in a 2x2 area, SOG style.
3 deep, 3 wide. They grow just fine.
Start them early, lollypop, & vent well.
Finishes at 2 1/2 - 3 feet.