Breeding Journal


Well-Known Member
Bury the bucket in the ground. That will maintain the temps outside. BTW NICE PICS AGAIN.
That there is a good idea. You could have a large in-ground reservoir and circulate the water to hempy buckets. If you have a strong enough pump, that should work.
Lol I think it will work but what should I put in it..
I not using it for marijuana, this is something I want just for fun...
I want to know what would look the cool.
beef master tomatoes
bell peppers
giant sunflowers
So you think I can bury it in the ground...By the way Cemchris.Really, really really knows his shit..

You won't find him on here.. Just telling me how much I suck..But I can deal with him telling me..

But I can't say anything else so nevermind...

But I grew habenros last year..And I'm not going to use them that much..

So something else, Believe me I eat hot stuff all the time and I even put habenro sauce in my beer..I drink the shit out of the bud clamto's
Damn those are good

you need habaneros,a little goes along way...


Well-Known Member
*cough* fuc habenros *cough*

Bell peppers *cough* jalapenos *cough*


sorry bruh, that was a big hit..
Lmao, but I'm really going to grow some veggies in it..

I just thought it would be cool to have 30 foot tall stalks of corn..
or some giant sun flower, You know something for when friends come over and they don't know my marijuana, I can show off my hydro with out incrimanating myself


Well-Known Member
one time i had some bell pepers goin one summer and they mustve been pollinated from a near by neighbors jalepano or habanero cus they were spicey as a mofo,i took a bite expeting the nice sweet coolness of a bell,instead my mouth caught on fire. i was pissed when it happened,damn deception,i knew that the peppers could cross,but it was the unexpected that had huge deception:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Yea corn is good, my homies neighbor, some old timer grows corn and bunch of other shit, after seeing that, and starting to grow marijuana idk why people dont just do that, save a shit load of money, take advange of mother earth :mrgreen:

what could be better, grow your smoke, and smothing to munch on
thats really what Im trying to do..
Last year I crossed some small salad tomatoes with the big boy just got medium size tomatoes waste of time...

But i have been looking around the net and man ther is thousands of different kind of tomatoes and peppers ..

I bet somewhere there is a pepper forum, some dudes sitting aourn on there computers with one tab for porn and one tab on pepper forum and another on some Tatu remix song....


one time i had some bell pepers goin one summer and they mustve been pollinated from a near by neighbors jalepano or habanero cus they were spicey as a mofo,i took a bite expeting the nice sweet coolness of a bell,instead my mouth caught on fire. i was pissed when it happened,damn deception,i knew that the peppers could cross,but it was the unexpected that had huge deception:twisted:
well corn sucks because it's not yielder at all you may get like 3 or 4 corn cob's, it's more of AG thing...but It grows really fast..

Maybe I will stick to the bell peppers Just because it's the most expensive thing you can buy(well maybe tomatoes)

And your right If everyone grew pot. it would be a great world but half my income would go down the toilet

[quote="SICC";2272689]Yea corn is good, my homies neighbor, some old timer grows corn and bunch of other shit, after seeing that, and starting to grow marijuana idk why people dont just do that, save a shit load of money, take advange of mother earth :mrgreen:

what could be better, grow your smoke, and smothing to munch on[/quote]
lol, thats what I mean, If all of my friends grew pot.. I would have a lot that is worthless, regardless the value would go down and I wouldn't freak out everytime I have it the car..

When it come to legal part..I don't know where I stand..
[quote="SICC";2272824]thats why you sell some of the weeds[/quote]
I hope ya'll like the shot's I've taken over the last couple of days...

Somewhere between 55 and 60 Damn leap year... I started 12/12 on 1-25-09

And my man machine

Check out this snake I found in my grow room...



Well-Known Member
haha this fool, is that CAT yours? thats some crazy shit, buds lookin great as always, coughing a lung on some Trainwrek as im typing this haha, bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
the plants look great.thats a cool snake,you should start feedin it mice. its a friendly creature,and within time it will let you hold it. it wants to be your friend and stay in the warm place,and it will stay when you put ac in for the summer.
No It's all going inside a house after this.. But Might bring the snake for the hell of it...

Really the plants are nute burned, and I haven't been taking the greatest care of them there has been times I forget to water for three days and My coco drys up really fast..
I also had cold temps and really high temps.. My Hps is burning the shit out them..
And I have alot of plants that aren't putting on any weight just stopped growing and turning red...

It's all kinda BS,
But I have also been selling some of it wet. I have some friends begging me for some so if I can make the same off it without drying and curing, well hell yeah...:mrgreen:
the plants look great.thats a cool snake,you should start feedin it mice. its a friendly creature,and within time it will let you hold it. it wants to be your friend and stay in the warm place,and it will stay when you put ac in for the summer.