I know nothing


Active Member
I been lurking around yalls site for awhile reading man yall got some good stuff here. I wish I found the forums before. I have placed three orders from seed companies so far I aint got nothing but billed. I just ordered today from attitude but my first was over a month ago and guy told me would be 10 days top so I guess thats a lesson learned. This is my last order I cant keep paying for nill. I was really wanting to try this but I may just have to dream of what could have been. LOL. I am new in my town and dont know anyone so I cant even get bag seed to practice with.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
I been lurking around yalls site for awhile reading man yall got some good stuff here. I wish I found the forums before. I have placed three orders from seed companies so far I aint got nothing but billed. I just ordered today from attitude but my first was over a month ago and guy told me would be 10 days top so I guess thats a lesson learned. This is my last order I cant keep paying for nill. I was really wanting to try this but I may just have to dream of what could have been. LOL. I am new in my town and dont know anyone so I cant even get bag seed to practice with.
Nirvana,man! no one but!


Active Member
Space angle,
You make me feel better I have an order in with them also. LOL. I guess if I try em all I'll find out who will do right and who wont.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Space angle,
You make me feel better I have an order in with them also. LOL. I guess if I try em all I'll find out who will do right and who wont.
they will do you right. unfortunatly, I got fucked by Attitude, but no one cares cause they didn't. Nirvana has taken care of me and have gotten nothing but satisfaction and great quality seeds. you'll be ok with them!


Well-Known Member
they will do you right. unfortunatly, I got fucked by Attitude, but no one cares cause they didn't. Nirvana has taken care of me and have gotten nothing but satisfaction and great quality seeds. you'll be ok with them!
Have you not learned your Karma lesson yet? lol If your not careful and keep bad mouthing Attitude, Nirvana will strike out with Karma. :peace:


Active Member
Hey yall my order came from nirvana. AK=48 is what I got. This makes me more concerned about the Dr. green thumb order I placed it two weeks before the nirvana. Paitience is not my deal tho. Any one wanna help a new guy germ and grow these? I sure would thank yall for any suggestions or info on the seeds I orderd.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
sorry you had a bad experience from Attitude.. I hear only the best from them, on the contrary, I hear nothing but shit from Nirvana lol. I went with Hemp Depot, amazing customer service. Seedboutique is also recommended.


Active Member
Ive wish to clarify I have not had a bad expereince from Attitude I just placed my order with them. They were one of the best talked about companies on all the forums. Nirvana was great in my case. I got worried because every one on the other forum was rating them very low. This is my first time and its hard to know who you cann trust and who you cant. I didnt want Attitude to get a bad mark when theey have done everything they say they will so far.

Brick Top

New Member
I have begun to wonder if a seedbank or maybe more than one is intentionally attempting to sink Attitude’s battleship by joining sites like this and putting the breath on Attitude because Attitude is beginning to take a big bite out of their business.

I find it so very odd that the members that have been here a while say nothing but good things about Attitude and it seems to always be someone new who is attempting to rip Attitude a new one and claims they have been ripped off.

Look at the thread starter, it says he’s new and been lurking and he had a whopping four posts as of the one he started this thread with.

It very much has the appearance, as do other similar threads that have mysteriously been popping up more often than a 13-year old boy gets wood during co-ed swimming in gym class, that someone is intentionally trying to make people begin to doubt Attitude’s credibility.

Or maybe someone for some reason wants people to reply saying 'well I just ordered this and that from Attitude' or 'I don't use Attitude but I just ordered this and that from XYZ Seeds.' People do tend to reply in such a way.

If so why do they want such replies?

Has anyone else noticed that and thought the same as I do?


Well-Known Member
I wonder the same things when I started reading about Attitude, not one bad word about them for at least a year and then in the last month things start popping up.

That still doesn't mean they are starting to turn bad, companies usually start selective scamming before they start ripping people off blantantly. We'll just have to see.

The only problems I've seen with Attitude that I believe are the ones where they didn't get the seeds because they used a fake name. The mailman could send them back to the company or put them in the dead letter box, or find someone with that name on up the road and deliver to them. Also if someone uses a fake name and sends it to their friends house, Then let's say their mom gets the letter and doesn't recognize the name and throws it away, then attitude gets blamed for not sending anything. Also they've had problems not accepting these gift Visa cards. That is all the real problems I've heard of in the past year or two.


Active Member
I have said nothing bad about attitude. Both my orders have arrived and I am 100% sasfied with my results. I ordered and they delivered. Dr. Green thumb was slower than nirvana and expensive but I ordered before I found the forums and when your new it seems no matter where you order someone says they are shit no delivery or something. If you new I'd advise place your order with which ever seed company you want. Make a cheap purchase at first try them out dont do like me an order expensive beans and then freak. PEACE Dr. Green thumb had no stealth at all. Not trying to put him down it's just the facts.