I Once.


Well-Known Member
I not once but twice have had a gun pulled on me.

1st it was a sawed off shotgun to the nose.
Second was a 38 special about 5" away from face.

Don't sell drugs kids.
You could get killed.


Well-Known Member
i once tried to fart and mud but secretions came out and ruined my new pair of pants


Well-Known Member
I once loaned someone on this site $200 without ever even meeting them. they haven't paid me back yet. i still trust them and call them my friend.


Well-Known Member
i once was in shock as to why someone needed 200 dollars loaned to them and fdd gave it without meeting them and they sitll havent paid him back yet


Just some idiot
i once was in shock as to why someone needed 200 dollars loaned to them and fdd gave it without meeting them and they sitll havent paid him back yet
Sounds like FDD is a nice fella, I know some people like that....good people, but good people often get taken advantage of


Well-Known Member
OOOOO u didnt say "I once"!!!
ya they get taken advantage of and FDD is a nice guy he does so much and gets little in return

I once felt bad for fdd, decided to give him my legendary recipe for the "Dead Italian"


Well-Known Member
I once helped a friend try to get his children back. he was low on cash. i hear from him daily and he is in a jam. I often understand.


Well-Known Member
I once loaned someone on this site $200 without ever even meeting them. they haven't paid me back yet. i still trust them and call them my friend.
I once hope FDD will make that mistake with me...i'll pay him back. I want the ed rosenthal super bud


Just some idiot
IT WASN"T A MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I once helped someone truly in need.
I wasn't insinuating that it was a mistake I was just saying that some people take advantage of NICE people, not that your buddy did. I got friends like you and it's sad when they get burnt.

I once gave a family member money to get out of a fix...never saw it again, and my little sis is loaded now I could really use that money now..lol

I once lent a buddy a 1000.00 and all I got back was a PS3....it's hard not to be nice.

I commend FDD on loaning money to a friend in need...especially if it involved children.


Well-Known Member
ya man FDD thats deep you deserve the purple heart badge. i mean thats just so nice to do for someone

i once loaned soneone 200 dollars, and the keys to my old chevy to get his wife back (ex husband kidnapped her ) . he got her back, hes in jail. i got my chevy back (sold that sum bitch lol ) and i havent been paid back but thats the price u pay to see 2 people happy


Well-Known Member
I apologize FDD....poor gramatical context.

"I once wish FDD would make the same genorous offer so I could buy ed rosenthal super bud". :D


Well-Known Member
^^^ dude he gave 200 dollars to a guy to get his kids back, u want 200 dolllars to get bud..

Thats just sick


Well-Known Member
I once was chatting to a dude about his dearly departed friend on rollitup.org,and some retard jumped in and tryed to kick some shit off.(racewar,what a dick!!)