ne 1 take tramadol?


Well-Known Member
so i jsut got this stuff first took it last night, it was alright not great, did it again tonight and its not doin much at all >< was wondering if i cut it in half it would increase the effects since its time release. or if i should take 2 pills instead? im currently on 150mg tab.

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
I took tramadol once. It didn't do too much. It is for short-term anxiety relief. What side effects are you experiencing at 150mg?


Well-Known Member
probably because im use to t3s and percs? is it ok if i take another tramadol right now? or a perc?


Well-Known Member
yeah i read i shouldnt mix it with perc so ill jsut try another 1 of these pills. even though its 2nd day on them i probably shouldnt be taking 2 when im recomended 1 a day but wut ever.


Well-Known Member
i took it for pain i took 2 always and felt alittle better and thats it but i wouldnt mix if u want a high stick with pers or pain relief either way pers will be stronger


Oracle of Hallucinogens
yeh ya gotta take a few of the bitches.. sometimes they give you a bitch of a headache on the comedown, the the high is all right when you get your dose right.


Well-Known Member
yeah i hear the high is pretty good with dosage right but the dosage is so close to overdosing i guess its not worth the risk. i dont want a seizure. ima just throw this bottle in the garbage probably like i did my last prescription of melexocam. cause these dont do ne thing for pain.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
huh? Who said the dosage is close to OD? I have eaten those like candy man.. the only side effect I have suffered was a massive headache.

"Ultram is produced by Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical. Ultram comes in 50 mg tablets and is taken orally. It is prescribed at 50-100 mg every 4 to 6 hours, not to exceed 400 mg per day."


Active Member
i swear on my life

take 3-500mg and you will NOD,
i got 180 trams from an online source
and i went through them in a few weeks

took 8-13 each time
would nod off for like 5 seconds and thought i was asleep for an hour


Well-Known Member
holy hell yo i took 2 and i was compltly fine but i smoked a bowl of my weed and ive felt bad and good all night...... mostly bad though.


Well-Known Member
well i slept like 2-3 hours wich is rare. even though i stated it alrdy ima state it again. thesee pills are no good. i dont reccommend anyone to take them. ask for tynol 3 or percs instead if your ever prescriped these. they have less side effects and more pain relief.


Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem with them... ever, and I have taken a lot.
ok first off they are not a opiate the are a synthetic! they are addictive though! i have taken 20 at a time before! i would get fucked from them! they make me speed when im doing something but relaxed when i just sit around! the thing is you have to be carefull they can cause seisures!!! you can get off on 5 to 10 of them for the most part! but as with all drugs be carefull. i personaly think they do more for pain that oxys but thats just me! be safe!!!!