Getting drunk lead to cops busting my Grow


Well-Known Member
. You know, the intention of those kops wasn't to check if your place was secure... they look for any opportunity they can to get into private dwellings, to snoop and look for opportunities to boost their arrests record.
Exactly. That is the criteria on how they are judged. Never admit shit! EVER!! 99% of the time, honesty won't do shit for you when dealing with cops, except make their jobs easier.


Well-Known Member
You didn't make yourself their enemy where they're now just out to get you. They took your one little plant and scared the crap out of you, and that's the end of it. You could plant 100 beans now and be safer than you were just yesterday.

But it's a matter of how you feel about it, not what I'd do...


New Member
Yeah dude, cops are such dicks here. I try to stay away from mormon friends, because they really look down on weed.... Kinda sucks
You need to tell them (mormon friends) that YOU are willing to be the better person and forgive THEM for their transgressions against YOU... :lol: I forgive you brother for you know not what you do...

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
OregonMeds has an ironically valid point.. The more scared shitless you seemed when they left, the better.. Good policing too IMO.. Saves you a shitstorm, saves the state some money, and gets their job done..


Well-Known Member
haha yeah. I don't recall being scared, just sick to my stomache.

1. hang over
2. hand cuffs are not comfortable
3. hang over

It was a fun night, but the morning after sure sucked. lol


Well-Known Member
I keep a clean front myself, they treat weed like crck over here in the southern bible belt.
If they knew I toked, I'd move within a week.
If they caught me growing they wouldn't shake my hand, and my family has a little pull and they stil would b dicks.
I dont even chill with smokers in my town, it's small like 6k plp.

dum dum dum dum dum..:)
heheh I love south park!!


Well-Known Member
Here its often not even a slap on the wrist alot of the time, but I don't hang with anybody who flaunts it.. And regarding a long-time diligent friend who grows indoors, I still approach and leave his house through his back woods.. I'm pretty confident he's small time personal enough not to warrant perimeter surveilance..


Well-Known Member
God I remember that day. Like it was last week.

Good thing I beefed up security a little.

And you better believe I am a little more paranoid now. Which probably is not a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree.

If you were really scared to death when the cops left, then they saw it in your eyes.

Which makes you the most unlikely suspect to be growing indoors, because were scared shitless and they saw it.

So if you are the last person they would suspect..................whats to fear now?

I'd have that shit germing within the hour if I was you, lol.


Well-Known Member
Sorry you got busted dude, no I don’t think they care about you. That’s why I don’t live in Utah… Now you know. I am medical now, but back in the day when I was growing just to do it, an alarm that I had purchased a newly installed went off, and was out of the house at the time. So my sister in law came out to tell me that I needed to turn it off and it had been on for about 2 min. Well about an hour later two cops come up and say they have to check the place because it was “mandatory” so not having a choice in the matter (because I signed them away with the stupid alarm contract) I let them in, and they searched the top floor, and thank god my sister in law came right up the steps as they were about to go down. This stopped them and they said “everything seems to be fine”. Yeah everything but my heart that had just stopped beating. At the time I had probably 50 plants, and that would have put me in a world of shit! So the moral to the story is, fuck alarms and get a gun. The end. As for busting out your own window…. Damn bro, that sucks!


Well-Known Member
hehe, yeah I I have sworn off drinking too. Only green for me from that point on.

Me drunk is not a good thing I have decided.

I'll Stick with the ganja from now on haha.


Well-Known Member
Well, tomorrow marks the 2nd year anniversary of my encounters with booze, cops, and weed.
Here's to hopefully another year of trouble free growing and smoking :D


Active Member
Your spot has been blown you are now no longer going to be able to grow there. Sorry. once you have been outed your now on the SHit list. They will now have any and every excusse to "stop by" to check on some BS activities. Everyone that comes and goes even to the other units is now a chance for them to stop by.

I say this cause I have seen it happen. I have had a few people I know get busted. Once they bust you they know you and will keep an eye on you and everything that goes on there.


Well-Known Member
I'll be just fine. Don't forget all they found was a little seedling. I had no weed on me. Just pipes and a seedling in a really shitty setup with lots of other plants and flowers. All they knew about me was I liked growing plants, and picked the wrong one to grow one morning.

If I had been busted with actual Done weed in jars, and bags then I would be very worried. Paranoid even, and out right scared out of my mind to start growing again. But 5 harvests later, and it has all been worth it.

Appreciate the concern though. :D