Info on temp spikes please


Active Member
so we've got three plants about 19 days into flower. we were gone all day for a birthday and when we came back the temperature was 90-94 f. we dont know how long it was so warm. my question is what could this do to our plants? will it stop their growth or do you think they'll be fine. We measured them after we cooled the room off, and measured them again in the morning, and they appeared to have grown a half inch or so. Maybe a little less. We can't be quite sure though. The plants are not showing damage to the leaves.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

90-94 degrees is pretty warm. If this happens to be common occurence you can very well be headed for problems. Hopefully this was the only time this will happen right?

Keep your focus on the potential for rising temps esp now that the ambient temps are warming up.

:joint: Boneman


New Member
In a way it depends on the strain. weed comes from all over the globe...if you have a northern strain then it may be affected much more than say a strain form Africa. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
are you using co2? your plants can take higher temps if you are.
im not using co2. been debating it. ive found just about as many arguments for as against using it so any info on that would be nice, especially from veteran growers. thats probably the only time that the temp is going to get that high. we're pretty focused about the environment of our young ladies. also trying to find an air conditioner so that wont happen again. namaste