1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}


Well-Known Member
Glad to see things are back on track. This one is looking better than the last one too. Keep it up!!


Well-Known Member
Glad to see things are back on track. This one is looking better than the last one too. Keep it up!!
Thanks for the support! Yeah, last time was rough...

Day 6:

So, no post for day 5 because nothing really happened. I now have both plants into larger pots, having transplanted the second one yesterday morning. It seems to be lagging behind in growth - maybe it's still a bit stressed from the transplant. It isn't showing any unhealthy signs though.

Take a look at the pictures of day 6! They were taken this morning, where usually I take pics in the evening, so they may be a bit smaller, but still.



Well-Known Member
so far so good. yeah, my plants didn't really show that much growth at that size for a few days, which worried me too, but once the next set of leaves starts coming in it'll really take off.


Well-Known Member
so far so good. yeah, my plants didn't really show that much growth at that size for a few days, which worried me too, but once the next set of leaves starts coming in it'll really take off.
Yeah, I can see things picking up already. Well, at least I can see noticeable growth everyday!

Day 7:

Eve is finally starting to grow a bit faster, so hopefully that trend continues.

Hazel is growing fast now, or at least fast compared to my newbie standards!

Today I noticed some green moss (algae) on the top of both pots. Not very much, but it was there. My humidity is a bit high, and the temps are around 70 deg F. I wrapped the top of the pot in tinfoil, dull side up, and I'll leave it like that for 24-48 hours to kill off whatever algae is there. Does that make sense anyone? Lol... I read it on the forum and I hope it works.

Anyways, here are some pictures, in order - Eve, Hazel, Algae, Pots with Foil.



Well-Known Member
You could use some hydrogen peroxide to kill the algae. I hear works pretty well.
Thanks for the advice! I actually read around the forums, and did just that after work today.

Day 8:

Well, I took off the foil today. I hope 24 hours of darkness was at least semi-effective. I just couldn't stand having all this foil around the girls, so I took it off!

I mixed a weak hydrogen peroxide solution in preparation to water Hazel (the bigger one), but upon further inspection, I don't really think she needs watering yet. Five days ago I thoroughly watered that 5 gallon pot, and I'm pretty sure there's a good amount of water left - Hazel sure as hell isn't drinking it all, and I don't think that much is evaporating. So - I'll wait on the watering.

I did, however, spray a slightly higher concentrated H2O2 (peroxide) solution on the top of the soil, to hopefully finish the algae off. I'll keep a watchful eye on it.

Eve is still going slow... She is getting larger though! Maybe the transplant hurt her somehow and she's all confused, haha... Anyways, since I've got limited space, and I am ideally vegging these until the last week of May (assuming they don't get TOO big), I may do a circular LST on Eve. If it works, great, and if not, oh well, I was limited on space anyways. What do you guys think?

I was initially worried that Hazel's fan leaves were drooping a tiny bit (hence the side shot), so I took a picture of it. My other hypothesis is that, since there was foil right below, she was getting light from below too, and didn't feel the need to stand quite at "attention", haha...

Pics for today -
Eve / Hazel / Hazel / Hazel (Side)



Well-Known Member
Day 9:

Things are going well. Hazel is really taking off I think! I don't have much else to say.

Eve is still slow, but is still growing every day, so I'm not complaining! I noticed an ever so faint brown spot on her largest (and closest to CFL) fan leaf. I know the soil is pH-ed okay, and the watering shouldn't be an issue. So, I think maybe it's the CFL being too close. I moved it about 1.5 inches away, and I'll see what happens.

Eve / Hazel / Eve brown spot



Well-Known Member
Day 10:

Hazel is my favourite - end of story... haha

Eve's growth continues, at a slightly faster pace. Her brown spot became more defined, but I think it's fine now after I moved the light away, since the leaf perked up, so she was obviously scared from the light. Eve is my guinea pig though, so as long as she isn't dead, I'm happy.

Hazel is turning on the turbo chargers, but ever so slightly. She's just gearing up for full out vegging. I moved the light away just a bit because I feared it was too close for the next 24 hours of growth.


1. Eve (notice the brown spot on the far leaf)
2. Hazel (oohhh I love her)
3. Hazel's stem. Notice the secondary growth (I think) in its infancy.

Until tomorrow :D



Well-Known Member
Day 11:

Growth as usual. Eve is growing slowly, and Hazel is continuing her nice and fast growth.

Now, I transplanted Hazel (big one) into that 5 gallon pot like 8 days ago. I haven't watered her since I thoroughly watered the original soil. I haven't seen any signs of droopiness or anything from Hazel though.

Perhaps I should water with a tiny bit of H2O2 just to prevent a possible overwatering?

Anyways - pics:

1. Both plants. Eve is left, Hazel is right (and much bigger!)
2. Eve's brown spot seems to be drying out. No biggie, since her new growth is fine - I am almost sure this was heat stress from the too close 42W CFL.
3. Hazel, with a poker chip for size comparison (it was all I had around at the time!)
4. Hazel again!

If anyone reads this, I'd appreciate a bit of insight into when I should water. Like, the soil still feels semi-moist when I jab my finger down a couple inches, but I also am worried about letting the water just sit there the soil. Would some fresh water + tiny bit of H2O2 help, or am I just worrying too much? The soil is Lambert's Potting Soil, which I don't believe is that organic.

Until tomorrow!



Well-Known Member
Day 13:

No photos or anything for day 12 - it was just growth as usual.

Today I gave Hazel a thorough watering, and I tied her stem up a bit. I did this because my orientation of the bucket for the first 3-4 days made the stem originally grow out at an angle, and I wanted to correct the problem.

Eve continues to grow slowly, and I'm caring less and less about her every day. Is there an orphanage for not-wanted plants anymore? I wish I could just fedex this super lemon haze to an owner willing to put up with her, haha...

Anyways, pics for today:

1. Eve & Hazel
2. Hazel's stem - I tried to make it straight a bit more, but now the leaves are on a bit of an angle. I think they will straighten themselves out over 24 hours under the light.
3. Hazel shot. End to end, it's about 8 inches, maybe a bit less (100% guess just there, no real idea).



Well-Known Member
Day 14:

Week 2!!!

Eve is getting worse a bit (not that I care...), but there are some brown-ish spots appearing on one of her original two fan leaves. It's not heat stress, and I don't really know why. pH? Maybe. I'm pretty sure I pH-ed the water just fine though.

Hazel! She's growing, but I'd like to see her start growing a bit faster now - it's the beginning of week two and I want to see her really kick it into overdrive. I added two lights, so Hazel has 126 watts of CFL on her (2x42 @ 6500K, 1x42 @ 2700K).

On Hazel, I noticed a SLIGHT bit of yellowing on one of her fan leaves. It's a super small part around the edges. I'm pretty sure this is because she is gonna start needing some nutes soon, no? Tell me what you guys think.

Unless she starts showing a lot more yellowing, I'll probably give her nutes on Wednesday night (52 hours from now or so).

Until tomorrow!


1. Both plants - notice the more lights on Hazel.
2.Eve - ehh...she is getting a bit worse, but just that one shitty leaf.
3. Hazel's yellowy spot... Just a tad on the left of the biggest leaf in the pic.. Not much!
4. Hazel - woooo



Well-Known Member
Day 16:

Vegging continues. I will be adding nutrients in the next watering, which will be in about 4 days. I realize I could probably add some now, but the soil is wet as it is, and I don't want to overwater. Hazel looks a tad droopy as it is, but I'm not sure if that's just because she is getting bigger. Take a look, it's the only pic for today. It's actually of both the plants, but I don't care much about Eve. Hazel is on the right - how does she look?

I'll be gone for a bit - the next update to this journal will be Day 20. See you then. Comments are welcome!



Well-Known Member
Day 21

Okay, so it's been a few days since an update. Let's recap: Eve is still growing slow, and Hazel is growing well. I topped her today! Take a look at some pictures. You'll see Hazel all grown, then her after my topping.

3 pics:

1. eve and hazel, before topping hazel
2. eve and hazel, after topping her
3. a look at the topping.

I may have topped after the 3rd node, when I really wanted to top after the 2nd node.I couldn't tell what was what. Oh well - topping is still topping!

I plan to veg for another 5 weeks.



Well-Known Member
Day 24:

Both plants are growing well still. Hazel is getting nice and bushy - I hope she starts to get vertical soon. I might move the lights an inch or two further away to encourage a bit of stretching.

Eve is getting big too, actually. She's much less bushy than Hazel, but she might actually yield some fraction of an ounce eventually, haha...

Anyways, three pics: Both plants, eve, hazel.

I'll probably be updating the journal every few days now, assuming all is going well.



Well-Known Member
Looking pretty nice Chipp >.<

The plants are bushy as can be :P I would try and keep them in that state if you can >.<- Soon as you start flowering youll get that classical sativa response ( OMG OMG OMG OMG STRECH MODE )

How big do ya want them? :P


Well-Known Member
@Chromulan: Yeah, sorry about the lack of updates lately. It's been growth as normal.

@Drio: Thanks for the compliments. Also, yeah I'm keeping the 42W CFL's around 2 inches away. Final height? From the base of the stem to the top of the plant, probably no taller than 3.5 feet.

Day 29:

So it's been a few days since any updates, yeah! I'll fill you guys in on what's been happening.

- It's been growth as usual. Eve is stretchy, but I don't care, as I only give her 1x42W @ 2700K. I actually topped her 2 days ago.
- 2 days ago, I gave Hazel her first real dose of nutrients. I gave her about 1/4 strength of this ( http://www.hydroponics-garden.com/grow-terra-400-g.html ).
- After 2 days, Hazel seems to be responding well to the nutrients.

Hazel's topping has gone well too, I think. Sure, she might actually have 6 tops (haha), but I think she'll turn out just fine.

Anyways, ideally hazel would fill up my growbox (see the pic on page 1 for a grow box shot). So, I'm not sending her into flower just yet. I hear that sativa's can shoot up to triple their height in the first couple weeks of flowering, so I'm keeping that in mind. Also, Super Lemon Haze is a sativa-indica mix (not sure the proportions).

Anyways, she will be veging for at least another 2 weeks. If she starts getting crazy bushy, eve might have to go somewhere else to grow, haha...

Pictures from today!



Well-Known Member
geeezz louise man, im straight envious. i got a few of these in day 9. keep up the pics cuz i want mine to be like yours are


Well-Known Member
Whatever you do Hazel is going to be an awesome plant :P

Regarding Eve i think you should try feeding her nutrients at 1/2 strength and give her alot more light , from the looks of it shes giving up.

Perhaps some root hormones like auxin would help.


Well-Known Member
@Drio: Thanks for the complements about Hazel! Regarding Eve - I don't really care about her. I planted two because I didn't want a runt - I really didn't plan ahead for them both growing. I'm just kind of seeing how Eve will do without much light / care /etc. I can't bring myself to axe her, but I can just let her kind of slowly grow... I just don't know what to do with her!!!

@Shotty6868: Thanks! I'll keep you posted as often as I can.

Day 31:

Day 30 was growth as normal. Hazel has some light spots on leaves, but it's pretty minimal, so I'm pretty sure everything is going well. I'll be hitting her with more nutrients in just over a week - my next watering (in a few days) will not have any nutrients.

My temps are getting a bit higher (high 70's) now - my climate is just getting warmer here. I've got a weak fan oscillating on Hazel.

Anyways, I won't be able to update this thread until Monday, May 4th.I'm on vacation, and I've got some trusted people looking after Hazel and Eve. I hope they do okay!

Two pics for today: Both plants, and Hazel by herself.

