Please look and Give me advice.


Active Member
This is my first indoor grow so it has been a learning experience. My setup is basic. I have a 4'x4' x 8' high room made with a pvc shell wrapped in black plastic to keep the light in. I have a Sunsystem 250 metal halide light and two shop lights vertically with plant bulbs.

I switched to a 12/12 cycle 49 days ago. I let the males grow until they got pollen everywhere and then decided to kill them off. I kept one male as you will see in the pics. So I have one large plant, one male plant, and two small plants. I have so many questions. Will you vets please look at what I got and tell me what you think? Any help is appreciated. Is it time to harvest? Can I smoke the male plant?


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
man i am speechlees. just freaking speechless. was really hopeing it was an early april fools joke.
i hope this was a seed run but your first time.
ohhh man.
make hash from the males. you may as well grow the females out now and get some seeds from it.
you want to kill the males before they release the pollen so you can have seedless smoke.
you gotta clean that grow room up in good shape before you start more.

well i guess i wasnt speechless but took me awhile to write this. i kept looking at the pics.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
I let the males grow until they got pollen everywhere and then decided to kill them off. I kept one male as you will see in the pics. So I have one large plant, one male plant, and two small plants. I Can I smoke the male plant?

I have no idea why you would let a male plant spread pollon, that makes your bud filled with seed. you can smoke a male plant but it will do nothing, it is not high in THC, worthless, throw out ALL males as soon as you realise what they are.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
yea man, at least you did learn alot i guess, but wow, i think if more people read this they will give lots of pointers where you went wrong, wow, you have to do a Complete wash down before going again... Not to beat it to death but WHEN GROWING MARIJUANA WE DO NOT WANT MALES....NOR DO WE WANT THERE POLLON unless your trying to get seeds from it


Well-Known Member
You are going to have seeds all over. This is going to severely reduce your usable yield, unless you feel like using the seeds for breeding or making oils or eating them.

I've read that male pollen is psychoactive, though I've never personally smoked straight pollen. If I were you, get rid of the males right now and try to keep whatever yield you can salvage.


Well-Known Member
Whats the reason for keeping the big male are you trying to create seed for future grows? I would also tend to expect that due to the lack of light that it take longer before harvest. You have 16sq ft and you should shoot for having 2,000 lumen per sq ft at the bare min and for best optimal lighting closer to 4,000 lumen per sq ft. So at bare min you want 32,000 lumen(you may still not have tight dense buds) and the closer you get to 64,000 the nicer the results. The MH bulbs work best for veg and HPS for bloom however you could take a plant from seed to harvest with either lamp but you will get increased results by either switching bulbs between veg/bloom or running both spectrums in the bloom room at same time.

Lumen output for HID lamps.
150w hps = 16,000
250w hps = 25,600
400w hps=50,000
600w hps = 90,000
1000w hps = 140,000
150w mh = 11,000
250w mh = 20,000
400w mh = 36,000
600w mh = 55,000
1000w mh = 110,000

I am not sure what flourscents you have if they are shop lights or if they are t5's but the MH you have is somewhere between 18,000 and 20,000 depending on who made the bulb. My advice would be that if to scrap the flourscents if they are the cheap t8 shop lights then go and buy an aditional 400w HPS lamp to burn in the bloom room with your 250w MH. This would give you 60,000 lumen at 3750 lumen per sqft, yeah not quite 4000 but close enough leave the flourscents in there and your even closer. Also running both spectrum for either bloom or veg is benificial, it does work best if have more MH for veg and more HPS for bloom however with a 400w HPS and 250w MH you could still veg and bloom under them with better results than a HPS or MH alone.


Active Member
So what should I do? Im 7 weeks into flowering. Looking at the plants how long would you guess I have until I can harvest?

Whats the reason for keeping the big male are you trying to create seed for future grows? I would also tend to expect that due to the lack of light that it take longer before harvest. You have 16sq ft and you should shoot for having 2,000 lumen per sq ft at the bare min and for best optimal lighting closer to 4,000 lumen per sq ft. So at bare min you want 32,000 lumen(you may still not have tight dense buds) and the closer you get to 64,000 the nicer the results. The MH bulbs work best for veg and HPS for bloom however you could take a plant from seed to harvest with either lamp but you will get increased results by either switching bulbs between veg/bloom or running both spectrums in the bloom room at same time.

Lumen output for HID lamps.
150w hps = 16,000
250w hps = 25,600
400w hps=50,000
600w hps = 90,000
1000w hps = 140,000
150w mh = 11,000
250w mh = 20,000
400w mh = 36,000
600w mh = 55,000
1000w mh = 110,000

I am not sure what flourscents you have if they are shop lights or if they are t5's but the MH you have is somewhere between 18,000 and 20,000 depending on who made the bulb. My advice would be that if to scrap the flourscents if they are the cheap t8 shop lights then go and buy an aditional 400w HPS lamp to burn in the bloom room with your 250w MH. This would give you 60,000 lumen at 3750 lumen per sqft, yeah not quite 4000 but close enough leave the flourscents in there and your even closer. Also running both spectrum for either bloom or veg is benificial, it does work best if have more MH for veg and more HPS for bloom however with a 400w HPS and 250w MH you could still veg and bloom under them with better results than a HPS or MH alone.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

You are going to have a ton of seeds.....You need a 600w to properly light up a cab that size.


Well-Known Member
Take a magnifying glass and look at the trich's. They will be clear/white while the plant is blooming. They will turn hazy and get cloudy/darker when it gets closer to harvest time, its time to harvest when the majority have turned. With the lack of light and useing MH for bloom instead of HPS my guess (and yes its a big guess with just a few photos to look at) would be you have atleast another 3 to 4 weeks to go. You will have much better results if you follow the advise above for your next grow.


Well-Known Member
Oh one more thing is that you should have mylar or white paint for the walls not the black stuff you have there. You allready dont have enough light and the black walls will asorb the light, the white or mylar walls will reflect more light back to the plants.


Active Member
Thanks guys. Looking at my pics are the balls on my plants buds or seeds? If they are buds do they flower like a rose?


Well-Known Member
for start:

1) the male is at peek time to harvest, so harvest it. the leave are at max thc so you can just dry and smoke. It will be harshish and take a toke or four more to get buzzed. Also hash would be good.

Just get rid of it. You may want to save some pollen in a jar you can frezze it. You made the pollen so save some for a controlled pollen of 1 or 2 branches not the room.

2) Grow the female out they will be seeded, but you had seedy dope before and you know it will get you stone. Just 1/2 your harvest weigt will be seed and stems. That still leaves 1/2 as smokeable dope and thats why you are here.

3) clean, then clen again. and if you can find anything eles to do clean some more. It takes forever to clean up a pollen burst the size you have.

yes it's from experance look this over at 1/2 way in I let 2 4' males have their way with my girls and the room. Mounts later I'm still cleaning from the plant orgy. very long read and my firsts so some stuff may be wrong.

Don't worry you will get it.


Active Member
Great pointers guys. So let me ask you this. Im pretty stuck with the lights i have but I can make my growroom most anyway I would like. My light setup will be 1 250 watt mh/ hps switchable lamp and 4 shop lights filled with plant bulbs. What size grow room should I make. I plan to line it with Mylar.


Active Member
Or I should say...what would be the optimum size for the light setup I have. How many plants can I grow in that size setup?


Well-Known Member
Based on my 430 watt set up in a 4x4 area.

1 monster plant? veg to 18" =

maybe 2 mid size 4 foot plants. ( veg to around 12"). =

or 8 or so small 12/12 early grow no veg time 12/12 from seed to veg to 6". =


Well-Known Member
Do the math..

If you are going for 3,000 lumen per sq ft then add up the lumen output of all your bulbs (32w t8 1 bulb = 2600 lumen) and divide it by 3,000 this will tell you how many sqft your lights could cover. As for the number of plants its pretty much your decision, you could have a few larger plants or more smaller ones. You really need to do some more reading and research, check out the FAQ's and spend some time reading the newbie section and growroom set up sections of the forums.


Well-Known Member
Do the math..

If you are going for 3,000 lumen per sq ft then add up the lumen output of all your bulbs (32w t8 1 bulb = 2600 lumen) and divide it by 3,000 this will tell you how many sqft your lights could cover. As for the number of plants its pretty much your decision, you could have a few larger plants or more smaller ones. You really need to do some more reading and research, check out the FAQ's and spend some time reading the newbie section and growroom set up sections of the forums.

3000 luman per sq ft is alot,

If you want to do the math this is the formula. (you can't just add lumans)

Let use my little t-12 set up so I don't have to guess at the #'s



4 bulbs
900 lumans each.

Step 1 as luman are a measurement of area we need to work with sq's and sq rt's

900 lumans ^2 or 900 x 900 = 810000

then we have 4 bulbs so

810000 x 4 = 3240000

now take the square root of that # for the combined lumans.

sq rt of 3240000 = 1800 lumans


next is the area to cover. now luman are the amount of light you can shine in an are 1 foot x 1 foot or 1 sq ft.

the light in this ex is 12" x 24" so the best it can do is

1800 lumans / 2 sq ft or 900 luman/sq foot.

it take 4 equal thing to doule in an area caluation. think of a checker board. 2 sq x 2 sq = 4 squres.

hope this shead some light on it.

if you want I go thru my flower room with differt lights butt as far as lumans in their combining a 430 watt and some cfl make little diff as far as the number but in life it puts light in the dark area.

so in short just think of luman as how stronge is this bulb like 100 watt vs 60 watt.

you know the more watt the more light, now you can calulate the increase.


Well-Known Member
3000 luman per sq ft is alot,

If you want to do the math this is the formula. (you can't just add lumans)

Let use my little t-12 set up so I don't have to guess at the #'s



4 bulbs
900 lumans each.

Step 1 as luman are a measurement of area we need to work with sq's and sq rt's

900 lumans ^2 or 900 x 900 = 810000

then we have 4 bulbs so

810000 x 4 = 3240000

now take the square root of that # for the combined lumans.

sq rt of 3240000 = 1800 lumans


next is the area to cover. now luman are the amount of light you can shine in an are 1 foot x 1 foot or 1 sq ft.

the light in this ex is 12" x 24" so the best it can do is

1800 lumans / 2 sq ft or 900 luman/sq foot.

it take 4 equal thing to doule in an area caluation. think of a checker board. 2 sq x 2 sq = 4 squres.

hope this shead some light on it.

if you want I go thru my flower room with differt lights butt as far as lumans in their combining a 430 watt and some cfl make little diff as far as the number but in life it puts light in the dark area.

so in short just think of luman as how stronge is this bulb like 100 watt vs 60 watt.

you know the more watt the more light, now you can calulate the increase.
Its not the average amount of lumen per sqft its the total and read anywhere about enough light for indoor gardning and there going to tell you 2,000 to 3,000 lumen per sqft. 3,000 is no where near excesive. The amount of lumens the sun produces does very however it can be higher than 100,000 lumen per sq meter which is more than 9,000 lumen per sqft.

Your math doesnt make sence to me and is confuseing considering that those 4 shop lights are not in the same square footage. Is it possible to explain your math better? Lets try not to confuse this guy because he seems confused enough running a 250w switchable ballast yet is still running the MH in flowering.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
wow bro, look at it this way. you can maybe hook up with RIU andsale seeds. yoywell have plenty. LOL good luck