PC Grow : Lowryder and Sharksbreath


Active Member
Yo whats up guys! Alright So I have finally sacked up and started a Stealth Grow in my closet for personal use.


-17" Tall PC Case

-2 100watt CFL's for veg, 2 13 watt warm for flower

-1 intake computer Fan.(hopefully gettting outtake soon)

- 1 Feminized Sharksbreath Seed (Germinating )

- 1 Regular Lowryder #1 Seed

I plan on LSTing both plants. Advice wud be greatly appreciated:) :bigjoint::leaf:



Active Member
the problem you are going to have if i am not mistaken is lowryder is not the type of plant you switch to set flower you want to grow that under a 20-4 light regiment, it is an auto-flowering strain. but the sharksbreath is not that needs to be grown under 18-6 to 24 hour light regiment until sexually mature (which normally happens around week 3-4). then it needs to be placed in a 12-12 light regiment to induce flowering for 8-9 weeks


Active Member
Both Seeds have poped there heads up and broken the seed shell:bigjoint:. The Lowryder seems a bit more green and has 2 little tiny U shaped leaves showing. The sharksbreath is very light and the leaves are closed like a ball. Im kinda concerned about the light burning the seedling since its so early in development. I have an exhaust fan right next to it so it will keep the heat down.

The Tempature in my grow Box is 72F.

Any advice wud be greatly appreciated :)



Active Member
the problem you are going to have if i am not mistaken is lowryder is not the type of plant you switch to set flower you want to grow that under a 20-4 light regiment, it is an auto-flowering strain. but the sharksbreath is not that needs to be grown under 18-6 to 24 hour light regiment until sexually mature (which normally happens around week 3-4). then it needs to be placed in a 12-12 light regiment to induce flowering for 8-9 weeks
Thanks for your advice. Autflowering Plants like low lifes and lowryders will automatically grow in ANY light cycle. Thats why it can be planted any time of the year. I am going to LST my sharksbreath to get nice fat colas and maybe my lowryder. Then switch to 12/12. At that time my lowryder will be around the same Size. I read on the Joint doctors Lowryder site that switching 12/12 does not effect its growth cycle and will sometimes speed it up.

EDIT: Nevermind on 18/6. I am just going to 12/12 and LST. Smaller Bushier Plants.


Well-Known Member
I think it will do better 20/4 but ok
my lowryder in 22in tall hopefully you can figure something out for making it even more tiny not sure this is a great idea for a regular sized case. Would suggest getting a larger computer box.


Active Member
I think it will do better 20/4 but ok
my lowryder in 22in tall hopefully you can figure something out for making it even more tiny not sure this is a great idea for a regular sized case. Would suggest getting a larger computer box.

I am just going to do 12/12 and LST. I think that wud work great? What do you guys think?


Active Member
Just woke up this morning with a horrible cough and a stuffed nose :(. I wishi had some dank. That wud make feel better :). Anyways I have an update but no pics until later today.

Lowryder is alive and well. More green with 2 u shaped leaves. 1 leaf is a little torn tho:( but I think she(hopefully) will pull through.

My sharksbreath looks the same but is a little bit taller. I am starting to get a lil worried about her. Let me know if there's anything to make her pop open and be green:)

Anyways off to bed until I feel better
Ill have pics later today:)


Active Member
I was looking at my sharksbreath and I noticed that there was this gooey thing keeping the leaves closed. I got my tweezers and picked it off. Now it is starting to look how lowryder did yesterday. I got some pics for Day 1 1/2 so you can see my babies.

Lowryder has a little riped leaf. Idk if you can see it cuz my iphone camera sucks. It is on the U shaped leaf and you can see a little gap. Ill edit it to show you. Will it heal?



Active Member
About half hour ago I noticed that my seedlings u shaped leaves are starting to get droopy. My sharksbreath has it bad but lowryder has slightly. I think I watered too much. Ill admit that. What do I do? Not water for a lil bit?


Well-Known Member
Hope the plants are perking up. That sharksbreath has some mean genetics.
If you want to harvest in a pc case then I would run a 12/12 like you say. The lowryder will be fine under any lighting regime but it will never rival that shark so that's the one to concentrate on. It's feminised too so you'll get a payday out of it :)
I never ripped one of those leaves but I doubt it will repair itself. The plant will find a way to get what it needs out of it though, so don't worry too much.


Active Member
Hope the plants are perking up. That sharksbreath has some mean genetics.
If you want to harvest in a pc case then I would run a 12/12 like you say. The lowryder will be fine under any lighting regime but it will never rival that shark so that's the one to concentrate on. It's feminised too so you'll get a payday out of it :)
I never ripped one of those leaves but I doubt it will repair itself. The plant will find a way to get what it needs out of it though, so don't worry too much.

Dude! I am talking to my idol! You are the one that inspired me to do a PC grow. And your Grow Journal is freakin amazing bro! ha!

Anyways I just got home and I looked at my babies and the leaves are perked up and look fine. It was simply the fact that I watered to much.

What is your take on sharksbreath? One of the reason that I am growing it is from the seedbank I ordered off of it said it was a low odor variety. Whats the smoke like?


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate. I was really hoping a few people would get inspired to grow in pc cases after looking at my thread, so you just made my day :)

Glad to hear the plants are looking better. I'd love to grow out some of that sharksbreath as I've smoked real Lambsbread once. I could tell a story nobody would believe about it, but it's enough to know that it's a very long flowering strain so there won't be too much of it in the genetics you have. Any would be a blessing though :) True Lambsbread needs to be cut with a knife like hash and is on a different planet to anything I ever smoked. White Widow and Chronic are top line smokes but don't even come close.
Make sure you look after that plant. I really want to know how it grows out.


Active Member
Cheers mate. I was really hoping a few people would get inspired to grow in pc cases after looking at my thread, so you just made my day :)

Glad to hear the plants are looking better. I'd love to grow out some of that sharksbreath as I've smoked real Lambsbread once. I could tell a story nobody would believe about it, but it's enough to know that it's a very long flowering strain so there won't be too much of it in the genetics you have. Any would be a blessing though :) True Lambsbread needs to be cut with a knife like hash and is on a different planet to anything I ever smoked. White Widow and Chronic are top line smokes but don't even come close.
Make sure you look after that plant. I really want to know how it grows out.
wow I can't belive I ended up with such a great plant. I have a question about your growing tho. What did you do to get rid of odor? I am going out to buy 1-2 ONA blocks to place right next to my closet and pc and I have a carbon filter that I made out of pencil cups. It's a really great device. Ill include the link later today. I plan on putting that onto exhaust.

Ima put some pictures of my babies later today when I get home.


Well-Known Member
I use stuff you buy to replace the odour filter in cooker hoods. It's only 70% activated carbon but it keeps most smells at bay and it's very cheap. Just find a way to cover your exhaust fans with it and you should be fine.
I find that ona blocks are good at hiding the smell of weed but introduce a strong scent of their own that gets people asking questions, so I don't tend to use them anymore.

Look forward to seeing the pics and the link.


Active Member
Alright So I just got home. My babies are
doing great as usual:hump:

I have a few questions.

I have a picture of this Odor Absorbing Gel that I got from Home Depot today. They didnt have any ONA so I just got that. I also made my self a really good Carbon Filter and I put that onto my Exhaust Fan. Im just waiting for my friend to hook it up with another Computer Fan so I can have an intake.

With my outtake off its about 80F-83F.

When its on its about 75F-80F.

I just want an intake to for my plants so they can get some fresh air:mrgreen:

And here is the link for v12xjs




Active Member
No prob bro.

My plants are great but growing helluh slow. Is it just cause its the beggining of life for them? or is it something else?

Let me know:)


Well-Known Member
They are doing fine, they're only a couple of days old. Give them 6 weeks in a pc case and you won't be asking for them to grow faster :)
Can't see any problems but did you say you have an intake and no exhaust? That's probably the wrong way round. You can run without an intake (passive intake) ok but you need an exhaust fan.