Ron Paul is my pick (so far)


Well-Known Member
I have a major problem with Ron Paul on one or two of his positions....however, on balance, he is clearly the most anti-establishment of ALL candidates!
We all need to overthrow the status quo!
As Charlie Parker said....Now's the Time!:joint:
Check this out....


His focus on founding ideals, America first, core Republican values pays dividends

By Mark Anderson​
THE MEANING AND IMPACT of Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul’s presidential bid is becoming clearer by the day, as Paul’s “Texas Straight Talk” resonates deeply with a diverse spectrum of Americans and changes the political climate in a way that makes establishment candidates appear dull and unappealing. Pundits and observers reluctantly point out that Paul’s consistent views and adherence to pro-American principles impress voters enough to support him even when they disagree with him on specific issues.

According to Paul himself, in Georgia, Dr. Paul Broun defeated State Sen. John Whitehead in a special election to Congress. How? By sticking to constitutional principles. In other words, the “Ron Paul approach” disarmed a well-funded establishment candidate and allowed a better man to fill a seat in Congress, where constitutionalists are nearly extinct.

“John had all the establishment and money on his side. But [Broun] discussed obedience to the Constitution, limited government, the failure of the national Republican leadership and a less aggressive foreign policy. And he won. Columnist Robert Novak said this ‘terrified’ all the establishment types in the Republican Party,” said Paul, who had talked to Broun during his campaign and was “thrilled” to congratulate him on his victory.

“There is a new wind blowing,” Paul said in a news release posted at “Our bottom-up campaign—not top-down in the usual official fashion—has gotten far bigger and more successful, at a faster rate, than even I dreamed. And the sky is the limit. Don’t we owe it to our great forebears, and to our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren down through the generations, not to lose our country? We can win the fight for the ideals of the founders. We can have freedom, peace and prosperity. We can be blessed by our fellow citizens, and by all those who come after us.”

Paul’s campaign press secretary, Jesse Benton said the Broun-Paul issue underscores the power of truth.

“There are a lot of parallels between Ron and Dr. Broun,” Benton told American Free Press. “Both are medical doctors; both are strict constitutionalists. It’s a strong indicator that if a real constitutionalist runs, they can overcome establishment backing and deep pockets of campaign finance.”

Indeed, the establishment flagship, The Wall Street Journal, ran a July 23 commentary by John Fund, who wrote that Dr. Broun told him: “The race boiled down to someone who represented the status quo versus someone who wanted to vote for change.”

Fund noted that Broun “prevailed by using direct mail and telephone messages to go over the heads of party leaders with a pledge that, once in Congress, he would apply a four-way test before voting on any bill: Is it constitutional and a proper function of government? Is it morally correct? Is it something we really need? Is it something we can afford? He has said that, like libertarian congressman and fellow physician Ron Paul of Texas, he will always carry a pocket copy of the Constitution with him and consult it before voting. In an effort to limit pork-barrel ‘earmark’ projects, he says he will even apply that standard to requests for federal funds made by local officials in his district.

“[Broun] capped off that legislative commitment by offering strong support for efforts to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2005 Kelo [vs. New London] eminent domain decision that upheld the power of local officials to seize private property for private uses. He also strongly endorsed the abolition of the IRS and the replacement of the income tax with a national sales tax.”

Notably, Paul has said repeatedly that he differs on that point, saying he would abolish the IRS and the income tax but would not replace the income tax with anything. He would deeply cut spending so less taxes are needed in the first place.

Interestingly, Fund added: “The conventional wisdom in Washington is that someone in Congress who votes against federal spending that isn’t in accord with the original conception of the Constitution will have trouble getting re-elected. But Rep. Paul, who has made his votes against almost every federal program a centerpiece of his insurgent GOP presidential campaign, says he finds that he gains more votes from people impressed with his consistency than he loses from those upset that he isn’t a passenger
on the federal gravy train.”

AFP takes the approach of setting the constitutional standard and seeing who reaches it. So far, Paul is the only one to genuinely do so, objectively speaking. AFP makes no election predictions either way. The Constitution is the basic thing to which all officials take a sworn oath to uphold and defend. News reporting should observe that standard as the measure of a candidate. Anything else becomes a mere battle of personalities, as well as repackaged legislative tinkering that has had its chance in the public domain and failed.

Benton also noted another parallel: Broun won due in part to the support he got from a combination of traditional conservatives, libertarians, assorted constitutionalists and even progressives.

This same combination, ranging from the age of 18 to the elderly, also is supporting Paul. Benton said many progressives who are bored by the Democratic presidential candidates were initially attracted to Paul by his anti-war stance but are sticking with him because of his apparent integrity and championing of liberty.

“He’s not a packaged politician” and they know that, Benton told AFP.


Well-Known Member
More on Dr. Ron......

Welcome to Ron Paul Radio--Let's GO!

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Ron Paul stands for limited government. For many they think that means he is uncaring. To those who understand, nothing could be further from the truth. Our government does not make anything, create anything or have any means of creating wealth. It has what it has by taking from others by force. When Ron Paul seeks limited government, what he is really asking for is limited coercion over our lives. That is why so many support him. We don’t like being coerced. We like liberty and freedom . And we like Dr. Paul.
excerpted from:Congressman Ron Paul's Secret Revealed by Jennifer Haman


Well-Known Member
Too bad he's got a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination, much less elected.


Well-Known Member
Hi Dank, those were indeed my sentiments, however, I am beginning to think that Paul actually has a chance....however slim....!!!


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is the only candidate that makes any sense , at least to me, The rest of these phonies can only pander and regurgitate their power slogans.

Unless some major skeletons amble out of Rons closet he gets my vote.

I'm tired of having to pick between the lesser of two evils or as the south park boys said picking between a "Giant Douche" or a "Turd Sandwich".


New Member
I've been registered as a Libertarian for over twenty years. I've decided to switch to the Republican Party so I can vote for Ron Paul in the primarys.

Is Ron Paul still appearing in the Republican debates, or have they found a way to eliminate him?



Well-Known Member
I love most of the things Ron Paul stands for.I wish there was some way we could get him in office instead of the murderous witch Clinton.....I now see that NOBODY will beat Clinton.Sad days for America comming soon.


Well-Known Member
I've been registered as a Libertarian for over twenty years. I've decided to switch to the Republican Party so I can vote for Ron Paul in the primarys.

Is Ron Paul still appearing in the Republican debates, or have they found a way to eliminate him?

You know the Republican debate was on early this morning...It's amazing how the Democrats get their debate during prime time and the Republicans get their debate EARLY on a Sunday morning when everyone is at church, breakfast, or sleeping.....absolute BS.


New Member
shamegame ...

I watched the morning shows today. Condi Rice was a guest on one of them. The moderator, Bob Schiffer, threw tons of hardballs her way and she fended every one of them off and threw them right back at him. Then the next guest was a Democrat Senator ... nothing but soft balls were thrown his way. Man, the hypocricy of the Main Stream Media is sickening.



Well-Known Member
i think he really has a chance at this. the youngest voters are strongly supporting him and as disillusioned older traditional Reps find more and more disgust in failings of the corrupt neocons his chances improve every day.

lots of people have asked me about him after seeing my bumper sticker. i'm going to print a stack of brochures to keep handy!

i saw the web talk about the rep debates, more of the same... praise for the top 3 and one benign comment about an obscure attack on romney by someone...



New Member
Although I support most of Pauls agenda, The elimination of taxes and the unmittigated assumption that private charity would support the downtrodden in the society is unnerving to say the least. His aversion to anything federal is also not to my liking. By privastizing everything, the corporations that already have a giant hold on society would control it completely. The end of the minimum wage and any government controls on corporations wouild mean less income for the average American and more pollution for the world. Individual freedom is great, but the corporations and CEOs have proven that greed has no boundaries. With his abolition on many government watchdog agencies, I believe the average citizen would fare far worse for his presidency. I do like his individual freedom assumptions and his ending the war. I think he would make a good Vice president where he could work on some of his ideas with approval by a Democratic president like Edwards or Kucinich.


New Member
Although I support most of Pauls agenda, The elimination of taxes and the unmittigated assumption that private charity would support the downtrodden in the society is unnerving to say the least. His aversion to anything federal is also not to my liking. By privastizing everything, the corporations that already have a giant hold on society would control it completely. The end of the minimum wage and any government controls on corporations wouild mean less income for the average American and more pollution for the world. Individual freedom is great, but the corporations and CEOs have proven that greed has no boundaries. With his abolition on many government watchdog agencies, I believe the average citizen would fare far worse for his presidency. I do like his individual freedom assumptions and his ending the war. I think he would make a good Vice president where he could work on some of his ideas with approval by a Democratic president like Edwards or Kucinich.
sorry to disagree with you, med. but off the top of my head, i see all these government 'watchdog' agencies as just corrupt beaurocracy, working hand in hand with the large corporation to shackle the people. the federal government is WAY too involved in our lives. and if nothings else, the change would be a wake up call to those powers that be.

we, the people, are watching you. and we still have the power to curb your efforts of mass control over people. we can change the status quo, which has been slowly building in favor of fascism.

Ron Paul for president! He's got my support.


Well-Known Member
I agree emphatically with closet.'s above post!:joint:

Paul is the ONLY one running who scares the ever loving crap out of the established political order.
This fact is the main reason I am much more optimistic about his chance to actually win!!!
The election is more than a year out.
Spread the word!



Well-Known Member
great post closet! couldn't agree more.

all those agencies waste our good intentions med. wouldn't you rather donate what you can afford to private charities who are concerned with monetary stewardship and making a difference instead of having your money stolen and distributed to corrupt, inefficient agencies where unbridled cronyism and eliteism sets the tone?

you have to wake up and face the fact that being Federal doesn't make it compassionate, effective or impervious to gluttonous waste. it's actually the opposite!



New Member
sorry to disagree with you, med. but off the top of my head, i see all these government 'watchdog' agencies as just corrupt beaurocracy, working hand in hand with the large corporation to shackle the people. the federal government is WAY too involved in our lives. and if nothings else, the change would be a wake up call to those powers that be. I agree with the above and also think we should have more individual freedom. The problem with total abolition of taxation and government oversight is the corporations would rule without any limitation. Who would equalize the rich and the poor, no-one. There would be a class separation of unparalleled
design. The rich would certainly get richer and the middle class would fold under corporate wage reduction to compete with Bangladesh and foriegn workers. AS in, you would be training your replacements @ 1.35 an hr.
we, the people, are watching you. and we still have the power to curb your efforts of mass control over people. we can change the status quo, which has been slowly building in favor of fascism. This is very true, The Bush regime is a real good insight into how a dictatorship unfolds within a democracy. The problem is how to throw out the bathwater without the baby (democracy). We must Impeach these assholes to show the politicians that we are in charge and you can not get away with these atrocities. Sign the Impeachment doctrine on the net. Just type in Impeach and follow the trail.
Ron Paul for president! He's got my support.
As I've said in another post. Ron paul would make a good Vice pres to a Democratic pres, a little ying and yang.


Well-Known Member
great post closet! couldn't agree more.

all those agencies waste our good intentions med. wouldn't you rather donate what you can afford to private charities who are concerned with monetary stewardship and making a difference instead of having your money stolen and distributed to corrupt, inefficient agencies where unbridled cronyism and eliteism sets the tone?

you have to wake up and face the fact that being Federal doesn't make it compassionate, effective or impervious to gluttonous waste. it's actually the opposite!
I really don't know if private charities would be the answer either. My wife and I recently attended a dinner to raise money for pediatric aids or one of the aids charities. We paid $10,000.00 a person just because she wanted to meet George Clooney. This dinner had a place that you could check out how much actually went to the people the charity was helping. After checking, I found out that of the 15 million raised, only 10% of the money actually got to the people. That is a grand total of 1.5 million out of 15 million. So 13.5 million went to pay for the dinner and then pay the celebrities 15,000.00 each for showing up. And that would be par for the course of private charities if you check with the I.R.S. They keep a public record of all monies raised by the charities, all costs, and all amounts going to the people the charity is suppose to help.


Well-Known Member
I really don't know if private charities would be the answer either. My wife and I recently attended a dinner to raise money for pediatric aids or one of the aids charities. We paid $10,000.00 a person just because she wanted to meet George Clooney. This dinner had a place that you could check out how much actually went to the people the charity was helping. After checking, I found out that of the 15 million raised, only 10% of the money actually got to the people. That is a grand total of 1.5 million out of 15 million. So 13.5 million went to pay for the dinner and then pay the celebrities 15,000.00 each for showing up. And that would be par for the course of private charities if you check with the I.R.S. They keep a public record of all monies raised by the charities, all costs, and all amounts going to the people the charity is suppose to help.

i agree, too many private charities follow the horrible example of the government when it comes to efficiency.

still, if you look at your contributions to the government, i doubt the percentage that actually gets to those who need it is even a whole number, much less double digits. it's prob only a tiny fraction of a whole number...



New Member
Originally Posted by 420worshipper
I really don't know if private charities would be the answer either. My wife and I recently attended a dinner to raise money for pediatric aids or one of the aids charities. We paid $10,000.00 a person just because she wanted to meet George Clooney..........................................Well, this certainly explains a lot about your views. The last time I spent 20,000 for anything it was a long saved down payment for my house. This clears up the Ron Paul thingy as He would certainly be a gift to the wealthy. Next time you feel like giving 20K to charity, go down to the poorest neighborhood you can find and hand out 100.00 bills. This will certainly eliminate the middle men.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 420worshipper
I really don't know if private charities would be the answer either. My wife and I recently attended a dinner to raise money for pediatric aids or one of the aids charities. We paid $10,000.00 a person just because she wanted to meet George Clooney..........................................Well, this certainly explains a lot about your views. The last time I spent 20,000 for anything it was a long saved down payment for my house. This clears up the Ron Paul thingy as He would certainly be a gift to the wealthy. Next time you feel like giving 20K to charity, go down to the poorest neighborhood you can find and hand out 100.00 bills. This will certainly eliminate the middle men.
I would never vote for Ron Paul whether he would help me or not. And because I worked hard going to college for 10 years, and continue to work hard to earn a good living has nothing to do with my views. Look at Bill Gates, Donald, Trump, Oprah Winphrey, all are worth/making more than me and they are Democrats. Seems they should be Republican since they would be helped more by them. And if I went down to the poorest neighborhoods and handed out 100.00 bills, that would be a hand out. I thought you were against hand outs? I'm not wrong now am I?


New Member
I would never vote for Ron Paul whether he would help me or not. And because I worked hard going to college for 10 years, and continue to work hard to earn a good living has nothing to do with my views. Look at Bill Gates, Donald, Trump, Oprah Winphrey, all are worth/making more than me and they are Democrats. Seems they should be Republican since they would be helped more by them. And if I went down to the poorest neighborhoods and handed out 100.00 bills, that would be a hand out. I thought you were against hand outs? I'm not wrong now am I?
So are you a Dr. or just a little slow? I thought college was for 4 years with 2 more for a masters, and 2 more for a doctorate, and what are the last 2 for, med school? What charity gives a hand up? Aren't all charities a hand out. A hand up is like a grant for college or a Headstart program for pre-school kids that has proven to be very effective, The GI bill that helped me buy my first house was a hand up. Any scholarship programs are a hand up. Food stamps that make sure people have enough to eat are a hand up as the hungry can't focus on anything but food. Did you get a hand up with your college or was it a gift from your parents. It's like most young people don't have 10 years to give to their education as making a living becomes paramount, and without parental help (Rich Kids), they have to go out and get a job. It seems to me that wealthy people scorn the poor as much as the poor scorn the rich. Maybe a division of the wealth is not such a bad Idea, ~LOL~, I'm sure you'll see it differently