New England Outdoors 2009 - NL x Skunk/Arjan's Ultra Haze #1


Well-Known Member
ya i always feed about half the recommended dosage and it may just be nute lock out due
to salt build up and problems with the tap water I never use tap water i always have problems when i do
What do you suggest using? I do have a PUR water filter I could use, but would that resolve the tap crap?

I might just go out and buy gallons of water, but if I can just purify tap or let it sit out for 24 hrs I'll do that :blsmoke:

Appreciate it romy, thanks again for the help guys, everyone's been a BIG help. :dunce:

Edit: Ok I'll read up more on foliage feeding so I won't cause more harm than good :)


Well-Known Member
i just have a few big water bottles i take to the water store and get filled ,
it cost 1 $ for 10 gallons


Well-Known Member
i just have a few big water bottles i take to the water store and get filled ,
it cost 1 $ for 10 gallons
Oook yeppers def goin to the store and grabbin some gallons of water. Then I can start doing what you're doing, for cheaper.


Well-Known Member
well this is not fun.

my plants have stunted growth and most of the leaves that were sort of yellow are now turning all yellow/brown rust spots and dying.

Some of the leaves even grumble to the touch

I seriously don't know what the problem is and it's pissing me the fuck off.

It's not over fert cause I just fed them once (2 days ago) and it was half the solution.

Maybe the bottom roots aren't getting enough water? FUCK THIS SUCKS I HAVE NO ANSWER HELP

My plants look shittier and shittier each day.


Well-Known Member
Hey chowda...dude i feel for ya man :(
I've just been looking at your pics again and it looks like your soil is packed tight in the pots,Is the water draining ok or is it taking a while to sink?
I'm clutching at straws mate but you need good loose soil and drainage.
Man,its easy for me to say but dont let it get ya the worst you can always start again.


Well-Known Member
Hey chowda...dude i feel for ya man :(
I've just been looking at your pics again and it looks like your soil is packed tight in the pots,Is the water draining ok or is it taking a while to sink?
I'm clutching at straws mate but you need good loose soil and drainage.
Man,its easy for me to say but dont let it get ya the worst you can always start again.
Ya but... 28 seeds germinated, 13 remaining, probably 10 survive it's like...

$200 on seeds down the drain.

I'm not starting again I will resolve this.

Do you think I'm rootbound by any chance or something? I don't believe I am but what else could be the problem? I water every 2-3 days when it's exceptionally dry.

I've got Mg, K deficiency in a couple of satoris apparently and N + Mg in others. Either this is or the pH is fucking whacked but I checked it today with the watering and it seems to be within 6.2-7.0

The soil HAS been used for a month, so maybe the soil is just crapping out and isn't as rich (also packed down like you said from constant use)?

Please, I'm still quite newb but I've been researching like crazy!

It's better to learn from someone that has been through a bunch of crap with marijuana, so please, give me a list of things I should definitely do.

Temp: 78ish
Humidity: 30-40% all the time
Light: 18/6

I'm all out of ideas. Man I thought marijuana was "easy" to grow but all it's been doing is giving me problems.



Well-Known Member
chowda...fuck ph levels,dont be sidelined by it...i fed my plants from seed for 4weeks with a water ph of 7.2,they were 18inches tall with canopies of 24inches.

Ok,if it was me facing this problem and i had nobody to turn to i would replant!.Do not pack the soil down but leave it nice and loose,just throw it in the pot..Good soil carries enough food for at least 4weeks...just feed them water when they are virtually bone plants are in 11ltr pots and i give them 1 1/2ltrs each feed,i feed them by little cupfuls at a time,by the 3rd cup i start to get runoff in 11ltr pots.Airation and drainage is key.

This is what "I" would do.


Well-Known Member
chowda...fuck ph levels,dont be sidelined by it...i fed my plants from seed for 4weeks with a water ph of 7.2,they were 18inches tall with canopies of 24inches.

Ok,if it was me facing this problem and i had nobody to turn to i would replant!.Do not pack the soil down but leave it nice and loose,just throw it in the pot..Good soil carries enough food for at least 4weeks...just feed them water when they are virtually bone plants are in 11ltr pots and i give them 1 1/2ltrs each feed,i feed them by little cupfuls at a time,by the 3rd cup i start to get runoff in 11ltr pots.Airation and drainage is key.

This is what "I" would do.
Ok that's all I wanted to know, what other people would personally do.

I'll probably re-pot today or tomorrow, I don't have much $ to buy new pots but I've got extra down cellar. I'm also at the bottom of my last bag of soil, so my next pay check I'll be purchasing a decent amount of stuff.

When I transplant and put new soil into the pot, should I still flush the entire pot again? I've read flushing with transplanting is good, but what if it's brand new, unused soil?

What about the back left plant? It's pot is sufficient enough for the plant, what do you think? It's got leaves curling down like the other satori, which shows signs of overwatering.


-Less watering (even though it's 2-3 days)
-Transplant to bigger pots so I don't have to worry about that
-Feed 1/4 solution instead of 1/2.

Thanks again warkrimez, any help at all is greatly appreciated. :)


Well-Known Member
man bro i know the shitty feeling of buying seeds then getting nothing....but i wanna try to help, have you though about just letting them dry out a bit then taking them out of there pots, weting the roots to flush and loosing the soil, to help get out any salts or anyting that could be blocking the roots from gettin a newb aswell just wanna TRY to help...


Well-Known Member
man bro i know the shitty feeling of buying seeds then getting nothing....but i wanna try to help, have you though about just letting them dry out a bit then taking them out of there pots, weting the roots to flush and loosing the soil, to help get out any salts or anyting that could be blocking the roots from gettin a newb aswell just wanna TRY to help...
No I actually haven't tried that yet. Would it be fine to soak the root ball then transplant into newer soil/bigger pot?? I was scared last transplant to let them see too much light or get touched too much. I broke the ball apart a bit to encourage root growth, but iuno main.

By the way too brah, I appreciate the sympathy a lot. :blsmoke: Just even trying to help me is more than I can ask for. I'll plan on transplanting soon once I get enough soil to fill up new pots.


Well-Known Member
i used my soil straight out the bag and watered them lightly after repotting...when i transplanted i waited till they were nearly dry so it would come out in 1 piece,then i slightly broke it up before potting it.


Well-Known Member
alright bro...just a little run down on how "I" like to repot...let them dry for a day or 2 to ensure they come out easily, then "i" like to fill my watering can with phd water and just water the shit out of the root ball until it is almost comeing apart...then "I" take the new pot you are transplanting into and fill it with the soil straight from the bag and dont compact it like war said, make sure you leave some room for your plant to fit into the pot, then kindly fill in the sides around it with more freshly bagged soil...after that get your watering can and water the shit outa that bitch one more time with phd corrected water....i dunno if you were lookin for that much info but im stoned and wanna help:peace:good luck


Well-Known Member
krimes sent me over to check out your grow, i'm only just finishing my 2nd grow and a week into my 3rd (i'm no expert). the yellowing of your leaves looks like your not giving them enough grow nutes and they look under watered coz of the drooping leaves. I know thats totally the opposite of what others have said but my 1st grow went yellow when the plants were young and i tried loads of stuff before upping the (organic bio biz) grow nutes and within 3/4 days they came back nice and green. i've now learned that you have really really carefull with bloom nutes, i burnt the crap out of mine with bloom nutes. yours don't look that bad to me, you'll get through it mate and good luck, Oscar

ps. like i said i'm no expert. i can't stress that point enough. look at my pics in krimes' thread and you'll see what i mean about being carefull with bloom nutes. i wish you the best of luck..


Well-Known Member
chowda- did you stick the top half of the busted plant in some water and try to root it? you can make a cheap ass cloner just by throwing an airstone in a small container (cool whip) and making an round plug outta foam/foam rubber. just keep her under a dome for 7 - 10 days and mist daily and you will be all set.

oh, and i gave you some bad info a few pages back about the distilled water info... i said distilled h2o had a PH of 7. well it does in theory. as soon as it is in contact with air it reacts with carbon dioxide from the air and creates carconic acid wich naturally lowers the PH until it is in equilibrium with the air. which will typically give you a PH in the high 5's to low 6's

i tested my wally world distilled when i started using it and was consistantly 5.5 to 5.9 ph. i spaced it out when i cut n pasted the 7.0 stuff from google.... the good news is that is perfect ph.

your still under vegging lights, right?


Well-Known Member
chowda- did you stick the top half of the busted plant in some water and try to root it? you can make a cheap ass cloner just by throwing an airstone in a small container (cool whip) and making an round plug outta foam/foam rubber. just keep her under a dome for 7 - 10 days and mist daily and you will be all set.

oh, and i gave you some bad info a few pages back about the distilled water info... i said distilled h2o had a PH of 7. well it does in theory. as soon as it is in contact with air it reacts with carbon dioxide from the air and creates carconic acid wich naturally lowers the PH until it is in equilibrium with the air. which will typically give you a PH in the high 5's to low 6's

i tested my wally world distilled when i started using it and was consistantly 5.5 to 5.9 ph. i spaced it out when i cut n pasted the 7.0 stuff from google.... the good news is that is perfect ph.

your still under vegging lights, right?
smokie: Yea i'm still under 400w MH and I took the clip from the broken plant and made 2 clones with it.

I put rooting solution on the stem and put them in soil with a plastic bag over them to create lots of humidity. Little ghetto, but I sprayed once earlier today and it's still humid as hell.

I also bought a better pH tester today and my tap water is most certainly between 6.5-7.0 so that shouldn't be the issue here.

Only thing I can think of is over watering and under fertilizing. Either that or I've got soil in all of these pots that need to be replaced.

Tomorrow I'll transplant the biggest and sickest one and see if it gets any better in new soil and a good flushing of the roots. :)

Still staying positive through this, you only learn from your mistakes so this will be a great lesson for future grows :blsmoke:


I just found out I was using water with a pH of around 8.5 and the other kind was lower than 5.0!

I do believe I've found the issue, now to buy some pH down or pH up, or just find some good fahkin water :mrgreen:

This makes me happy because now I think the pH is what's causing the deficiency and would explain why they looked good for one day after feeding and now they're back to looking like crap. This is a good day. I hope this is the issue :hump:

thanks again for the help brahs. :blsmoke:

EDIT #2: huuhhh? my tap water just went from 8.0 to 6.2ish? I'll have to get back with you on this.

lol false alarm. Checked pH 5-6x and it was all within 6.5-7.0

This whole post is redundant :)


Well-Known Member
I've made a startling discovery! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I just did a pH test of the runoff, of 2 of my plants and the pH was 5.5!

I've never given my plants a good flush as of yet, so maybe that's the problem? This would cause N lockout and other necessary nutrients right?


Well-Known Member
Most def .but i think a good flush would be good then let them dry out and re-pot them asap and use r.o
from now on its cheap and i have never had issues with it un like my tap water


Well-Known Member
reverse osmosis filtered water
So the runoff of 5.5 is bad right? Just making sure, cause it might start as 7.0 but then get to 5.5 from filtering itself through the 6.3 soil.

Don't know if that makes any sense :dunce:

I don't know, just want confirmation from some of you, don't want to flush the shit out of them if not needed.