The Obama Deception - New World Order


Well-Known Member
This is some fucked up shit.

What we need is for someone righteous and rich to assemble an elite well outfitted group of assassins to cut off the head of this grotesque hidden organization.
see you dont understand how money works. If you are a well established individual that has wealth, your going to be protected by these groups and governments. They only truely help the rich get richer. We are all but puppets in this game called life, The key is to find the strings and cut them. :joint:


Well-Known Member
This makes me sick. I feel so powerless. To be an American has no value anymore.
Do you honestly feel that way?

Honestly people need to realize that life isnt all peaches and cream. Unless your born into greatness/wealth you have to fight your way to the top, or sometimes the middle. ...You have to look at everyday as a struggle, no matter how good you have it. If you dont fight than that means your a quitter...And no one likes a quitter.


Well-Known Member
how would u go about trying to show people the underlying problum with the poilitical system and the finacial system as a whole. this mostly meens destroyinh what people know for the real facts and cing whats behind the curtin. its not a easy thing for anyone to do with out critaczum

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
Do you honestly feel that way?

Honestly people need to realize that life isnt all peaches and cream. Unless your born into greatness/wealth you have to fight your way to the top, or sometimes the middle. ...You have to look at everyday as a struggle, no matter how good you have it. If you dont fight than that means your a quitter...And no one likes a quitter.
I honestly do feel powerless. I don't think anyone can do anything about it. Everything the past few decades has happened and is happening how Revelation describes it. Just because I feel powerless does not mean I am going to worry about it all the time though. I realize life isn't peaches and cream. I have had a lot of struggles in my life and I am damn glad I had them. A year of pain and suffering can lend more character than ten years of peace. I am focusing on school and getting my bachelors and eventually Phd in Physics. Maybe I will pioneer a meta-material that will create a negative index of refraction for all visible light and I can go assasinate all of those rich ass fuckers because I will be invisible. The more money I have one day when I am 35, the more freedom I will have. I don't like to admit that being that this is America, but I think we all know its true. Bye bye Democracy, Hello Oligarchy!


Well-Known Member
I honestly do feel powerless. I don't think anyone can do anything about it. Everything the past few decades has happened and is happening how Revelation describes it. Just because I feel powerless does not mean I am going to worry about it all the time though. I realize life isn't peaches and cream. I have had a lot of struggles in my life and I am damn glad I had them. A year of pain and suffering can lend more character than ten years of peace. I am focusing on school and getting my bachelors and eventually Phd in Physics. Maybe I will pioneer a meta-material that will create a negative index of refraction for all visible light and I can go assasinate all of those rich ass fuckers because I will be invisible. The more money I have one day when I am 35, the more freedom I will have. I don't like to admit that being that this is America, but I think we all know its true. Bye bye Democracy, Hello Oligarchy!
Put it perfectly.


Well-Known Member
This makes me sick. I feel so powerless. To be an American has no value anymore.
I used to support Obama but I soon realized that politics is a joke and their words are worth nothing. (unless you are a banker.) Americans let their values get destroyed by politics, religion and politicians who support religion. Please look at these websites:

Once enough people feel powerless there will be anger and revolt. Minnows out number the sharks!


Well-Known Member
Not that it makes a whole lot of difference, but I guess if nothing else, you can take comfort in the fact that you were/aren't the only one that thought that way. (I was most DEFINITELY NOT one of those people btw!) The only thing I don't think I will EVER understand is, how can the people be so easily duped to think that a larger, more intrusive, government controlled, way of life, is EVER the way to go! Oh yeah, most Americans aren't all that intelligent, nor informed, or care about much more than their ownselves. Wait, that makes a lot more sense now.

Limited government, and financial freedom are CORNERSTONE to a free society, and Obama respresents the opposite in every way I can think of. What a joke!

K first off, my bad I haven't been able to check the thread.. been busy with stuff...

To Mcgician:

You have a very generalistic view on things, and perhaps if I could word it I would call it ignorance, because instead of providing me with facts that conflict the given argument, you just go against it. It's almost as if you're in denial of the fact that it's possible.
And the whole point of this video was to inform you, provide you with legit factual evidence to back it all up, but still to some that might not be enough... but then explain to me why Obama went against half the things he said, and all the wallstreet lobbyists he hired, the "meetings", and do you honestly believe what the media feeds you?...
Not to be so skeptical... but I strongly believe that the world we are in today, is very different than that of what it might've been in the past... I think we all need to know what's going on around us... inform people.. on the hopes that someone wakes up one morning with a genius idea to save the world.


Well-Known Member
so what are you gonna do? =/
I'll start by sayin i'm a huge fan of your legendary backyard trees, great work.

Now, to answer what i'm gonna do about it?... Nothing, there is nothing in my current ability that I can do that would be able to make a big enough change, other than to inform, and that too when I do, i'm not trying to convince you.. i'm just giving you the side you haven't heard, the rest is up to you.

Sometimes you just need to tell someone, there isn't necessarily a reaction involved.


Well-Known Member
I'll start by sayin i'm a huge fan of your legendary backyard trees, great work.

Now, to answer what i'm gonna do about it?... Nothing, there is nothing in my current ability that I can do that would be able to make a big enough change, other than to inform, and that too when I do, i'm not trying to convince you.. i'm just giving you the side you haven't heard, the rest is up to you.

Sometimes you just need to tell someone, there isn't necessarily a reaction involved.
very well put.


Active Member
The Perfect Storm of Prophecy

Copyright © 2009

In recent months, has covered a broad spectrum of Judeo-Christian Biblical prophecy concerning the time of the end of grace - the point at which the Lord will remove His Holy Spirit from the earth - en masse - gathering His church to Himself and delivering the remaining inhabitants of the world into the time of wrath, termed the tribulation period.

As a watchmen on the tower, we stand observing the signs of the times, dead-square in the center of the birthing-pains leading up to the final hour in which the ‘lord of this world’ - the Antichrist - shall be revealed as the secular savior and messiah-man the world has been calling out for. This bold-faced king (Daniel 8:23) who is the prince that is to come (Daniel 9:26), is currently on the world scene in some way, shape or form, awaiting his hour of world rule. This can be known simply because this earth is standing at the precipice overlooking the chasm of disaster, the likes of which has never before been seen in history - and the Bible doesn’t give room for this happenstance to occur more than once. We can see the ‘fig tree’ [Israel] and all the trees [the rest of the nations] beginning to bloom - therefore, as the Lord Jesus Christ forewarned, the time is at hand and our redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28-32).

The signs are spelled out for us in Scripture and are key to being able to stand, fully awake, regarding them for what they are. The list is long and obvious to any who have eyes to see and ears to hear, for, woe to the hypocrites, “you who can discern the face of the sky but cannot understand the signs of the times.” (Matthew 16:3)

This time we are living in is one in which ’men’s hearts are failing them with fear for the things coming upon the earth (Luke 21:25-27); global financial strife, drought, widespread famine leading the shortage of food-staples, religious and social upheaval, climactic shifting like the pendulum of a clock ticking away at the seconds until eternity. The world is looking to the established governmental system of rule for peace and security … to protect them in the valley of the shadow of death, yet the Bible pronounces the warning of their desire, “ While they are saying, ‘peace and security‘, destruction comes upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they shall not escape.“ (1st Thessalonians 5:3)

The financial crisis of late begs for a change in strategy by the powers that be [who have been placed in their positions of authority by the very hand of God to bring about His judgment], who control the markets of the world. These men (and women) seek to consolidate all things into one; one global currency, one global government, one global citizenship. These kings and queens of this world look to their own understanding to solve the turmoil the entire globe now finds itself in and none seeks after God. “A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny, and see that you do not hurt the oil or the wine.” A direct reference to a time when the world market will begin to crush those that live paycheck to paycheck while the rich still have their delicacies (Revelation 6:6).

The fear of global warming causes many to shudder in fear, wringing their hands as a testament to their disbelief in the only true God. They see the signs of His return plainly but refuse to give Him the glory nor will they believe His Word, and because He has made these signs evident to them, they understand something is happening but their eyes are unable to see. These lost souls, knowing that He is God, choose to ‘hold this truth in unrighteousness’ - literally suppressing or holding down the truth within their hearts, not wanting to accept responsibility for their actions and admit their sins and seek after the Son of God, receiving salvation. They trust, rather, in their own works of righteousness to save them. Those who choose Christ will be acquitted in the day of trial, those who won’t will get what they want - they will be judged by their actions, their works, their deeds and their hearts - and be found guilty. They do not understand that even one sin will bring about eternal death [separation], mourning, suffering and rejection - never again to receive the mercy and grace shown to all in the here and now. If you here the Lord calling you, today is the day of salvation … answer that call and beg forgiveness in contrition and accept the free gift of eternal life found only in the name of Jesus Christ.

Religion has also reached a climactic point, as the world begins to choose sides. There is no new religion under the sun, only the repackaging of ideals for different cultures and eras. Unfortunately for them that are practitioners of such rituals and traditions, they’re working hard to earn a place in heaven [or whatever name they use in it’s place] but they miss the mark completely. These believe that salvation couldn’t be as easy as a gift and that it could never be found in a Man who claimed to be Deity, then allowed Himself to be slain on a cross. Religion is man reaching out for a god, Jesus Christ is God reaching down to men and relationship is the only way to enter into heaven - through the love of and devotion to the only begotten Son of God the Father, Jesus Christ. Condescension is a four letter word … love.

The right to child sacrifice otherwise known as abortion, but defiantly and proudly termed the ‘freedom of choice’ - has become a cultural hot-potato for those in power who desire only to acquire more power and who use this ‘right’ as a bargaining chip and leverage point. Not ironically, the majority of those who detest and oppose the death penalty for murderers and violent rapists claim the murder of the unborn is a God given right. Woe to those who exchange bitter for sweet and evil for unrighteousness - the wrath of God abides on their heads.

Homosexuality - and the world-wide promotion and forced acceptance thereof - is quickly becoming the tool of this movement to topple any remaining support for Christian values and replace it with anti-family morals and loose social moral responsibility. Tied to this ‘grass-roots’ agenda is the perversion of the many who - despising the moral judgment of any who love the only true God and understand the truth; that homosexuality is purely lust just as any other of many persuasions including incest, bestiality, adultery, pedophilia, and … you name it, choose to support ‘gay rights,’ knowing that to condemn the practice of same-sex relationships also passes the rod of judgment over their heads, condemning them also for their sin of choice. Live and let live being the mantra, they say if it feels good just do it. The heart is deceitfully wicked and emotions a tool of Satan.

Last but not the least of all is the coming together of a Russo-Islamic confrontation of Israel, bolstered by an American administration which is quickly dropping support for the staunchest ally we have ever had in the middle east (or anywhere else in the world, for that matter). With our newly inaugurated president Barack Hussein Obama at the helm, policies are shifting and loyalties are being questioned and in fact challenged by those in the Muslim world who wish to remove the state of Israel from the map and her memory from existence. Whether you believe it is due to his foreign policy inexperience, his lack of understanding the world from inside his narcissistic bubble, or shear evil-minded intentions bent on destroying the children of God from the land which He has given her, one thing is certain - his moves match those of a man who has disdain for the remnant of twelve tribes of Jacob and his policies, no matter how ingeniously expounded or how deeply hidden the covert nature, ooze with contempt for the Hebrew nation.

Regardless, the temperature is quickly rising in this region with an array of items popping up on almost a daily basis. Iran claiming to be a technology and nuclear superpower, gaining aid and intelligence from her closest ally, the Russian bear - has amassed an armament with which she could give any nation a run for their money. Add to this the fact that the UN nuclear watch-dog - the IAEA - has reported that Iran now has enough fissile material to produce a thermo-nuclear warhead with weapons grade plutonium - an option Israel has sworn to eradicate with ‘all options on the table.’ The conflict found in the 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel will soon come to pass. Just as unexpectedly as the events of 9/11, our television sets will, one day in the very near future, be filled with the unfolding reports of this war in which the Lord declares, “I will leave but a sixth part in the,” (alive) - that‘s an astounding 85% mortality rate … for those who would remove the nation of Israel from her land and the breath of life from her nostrils.

Be vigilant, my brethren and fellow watchmen on the tower, and continue to faithfully warn the world so as to bring as many as possible to the foot of the blood-stained cross. We are all beginning to see a ‘stepping-up’ of the adversaries attacks against us; in our families, at work, in the public arena and even in the very buildings in which we gather to worship our Lord. The wheat is ripe for the harvest, and yes, this means that the tares are fully grown and trying to choke out as many as they can, to sift us and divide us - and will continue to do so with a growing fervency until the Lord receive us to Himself carrying away His wheat to His barn and reaping the tares up and casting them into tribulation . Be of good cheer and continue in love toward one another, that the world may see the Spirit living in us and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hard times are upon us and even harder times are ahead - avoid them that tickle the ear with a ‘prosperity gospel’, remove yourselves from divisiveness and any doctrine that does not strictly hold fast to the virgin birth, the sinless life, the sacrificial death and resurrection of Christ alone as the means of the ransom of our souls, and the requirement of a man to speak with the lips and believe in his heart to receive the gift. Expose those who are liars, rebuke false doctrine while offering the hand of reconciliation to the brother who returns begging forgiveness. Keep your eyes on Christ and your hearts in the Spirit, of one accord, and look to God to straighten your path and lead you in righteousness, as this world is quickly passing away and all that is in it.

Even so, Lord Jesus, our Savior, Redeemer, the lover of our souls - He who will finish the good work He has began in us; Who is the Author of our faith and to He Who alone is worthy of worship and praise; the only begotten Son of the Father, the spotless sacrificial Lamb of God - Yeshua Ha’Moshiach, the Messiah, Christ Jesus … Come!!! Home


New Member
He's just incompetent. Don't worry, just throw everyone out in the next cycle. This will stymie the rest of his term. the next president can roll it all back. Our constitution will survive Obamas bumbling.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
He's just incompetent. Don't worry, just throw everyone out in the next cycle. This will stymie the rest of his term. the next president can roll it all back. Our constitution will survive Obamas bumbling.

out. :blsmoke:
lol he's a bumbling idiot without his telepromter. He never answers a question, he goes around them.


Well-Known Member
The Perfect Storm of Prophecy

Copyright © 2009

In recent months, has covered a broad spectrum of Judeo-Christian Biblical prophecy concerning the time of the end of grace - the point at which the Lord will remove His Holy Spirit from the earth - en masse - gathering His church to Himself and delivering the remaining inhabitants of the world into the time of wrath, termed the tribulation period.

As a watchmen on the tower, we stand observing the signs of the times, dead-square in the center of the birthing-pains leading up to the final hour in which the ‘lord of this world’ - the Antichrist - shall be revealed as the secular savior and messiah-man the world has been calling out for. This bold-faced king (Daniel 8:23) who is the prince that is to come (Daniel 9:26), is currently on the world scene in some way, shape or form, awaiting his hour of world rule. This can be known simply because this earth is standing at the precipice overlooking the chasm of disaster, the likes of which has never before been seen in history - and the Bible doesn’t give room for this happenstance to occur more than once. We can see the ‘fig tree’ [Israel] and all the trees [the rest of the nations] beginning to bloom - therefore, as the Lord Jesus Christ forewarned, the time is at hand and our redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28-32).

The signs are spelled out for us in Scripture and are key to being able to stand, fully awake, regarding them for what they are. The list is long and obvious to any who have eyes to see and ears to hear, for, woe to the hypocrites, “you who can discern the face of the sky but cannot understand the signs of the times.” (Matthew 16:3)

This time we are living in is one in which ’men’s hearts are failing them with fear for the things coming upon the earth (Luke 21:25-27); global financial strife, drought, widespread famine leading the shortage of food-staples, religious and social upheaval, climactic shifting like the pendulum of a clock ticking away at the seconds until eternity. The world is looking to the established governmental system of rule for peace and security … to protect them in the valley of the shadow of death, yet the Bible pronounces the warning of their desire, “ While they are saying, ‘peace and security‘, destruction comes upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they shall not escape.“ (1st Thessalonians 5:3)

The financial crisis of late begs for a change in strategy by the powers that be [who have been placed in their positions of authority by the very hand of God to bring about His judgment], who control the markets of the world. These men (and women) seek to consolidate all things into one; one global currency, one global government, one global citizenship. These kings and queens of this world look to their own understanding to solve the turmoil the entire globe now finds itself in and none seeks after God. “A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny, and see that you do not hurt the oil or the wine.” A direct reference to a time when the world market will begin to crush those that live paycheck to paycheck while the rich still have their delicacies (Revelation 6:6).

The fear of global warming causes many to shudder in fear, wringing their hands as a testament to their disbelief in the only true God. They see the signs of His return plainly but refuse to give Him the glory nor will they believe His Word, and because He has made these signs evident to them, they understand something is happening but their eyes are unable to see. These lost souls, knowing that He is God, choose to ‘hold this truth in unrighteousness’ - literally suppressing or holding down the truth within their hearts, not wanting to accept responsibility for their actions and admit their sins and seek after the Son of God, receiving salvation. They trust, rather, in their own works of righteousness to save them. Those who choose Christ will be acquitted in the day of trial, those who won’t will get what they want - they will be judged by their actions, their works, their deeds and their hearts - and be found guilty. They do not understand that even one sin will bring about eternal death [separation], mourning, suffering and rejection - never again to receive the mercy and grace shown to all in the here and now. If you here the Lord calling you, today is the day of salvation … answer that call and beg forgiveness in contrition and accept the free gift of eternal life found only in the name of Jesus Christ.

Religion has also reached a climactic point, as the world begins to choose sides. There is no new religion under the sun, only the repackaging of ideals for different cultures and eras. Unfortunately for them that are practitioners of such rituals and traditions, they’re working hard to earn a place in heaven [or whatever name they use in it’s place] but they miss the mark completely. These believe that salvation couldn’t be as easy as a gift and that it could never be found in a Man who claimed to be Deity, then allowed Himself to be slain on a cross. Religion is man reaching out for a god, Jesus Christ is God reaching down to men and relationship is the only way to enter into heaven - through the love of and devotion to the only begotten Son of God the Father, Jesus Christ. Condescension is a four letter word … love.

The right to child sacrifice otherwise known as abortion, but defiantly and proudly termed the ‘freedom of choice’ - has become a cultural hot-potato for those in power who desire only to acquire more power and who use this ‘right’ as a bargaining chip and leverage point. Not ironically, the majority of those who detest and oppose the death penalty for murderers and violent rapists claim the murder of the unborn is a God given right. Woe to those who exchange bitter for sweet and evil for unrighteousness - the wrath of God abides on their heads.

Homosexuality - and the world-wide promotion and forced acceptance thereof - is quickly becoming the tool of this movement to topple any remaining support for Christian values and replace it with anti-family morals and loose social moral responsibility. Tied to this ‘grass-roots’ agenda is the perversion of the many who - despising the moral judgment of any who love the only true God and understand the truth; that homosexuality is purely lust just as any other of many persuasions including incest, bestiality, adultery, pedophilia, and … you name it, choose to support ‘gay rights,’ knowing that to condemn the practice of same-sex relationships also passes the rod of judgment over their heads, condemning them also for their sin of choice. Live and let live being the mantra, they say if it feels good just do it. The heart is deceitfully wicked and emotions a tool of Satan.

Last but not the least of all is the coming together of a Russo-Islamic confrontation of Israel, bolstered by an American administration which is quickly dropping support for the staunchest ally we have ever had in the middle east (or anywhere else in the world, for that matter). With our newly inaugurated president Barack Hussein Obama at the helm, policies are shifting and loyalties are being questioned and in fact challenged by those in the Muslim world who wish to remove the state of Israel from the map and her memory from existence. Whether you believe it is due to his foreign policy inexperience, his lack of understanding the world from inside his narcissistic bubble, or shear evil-minded intentions bent on destroying the children of God from the land which He has given her, one thing is certain - his moves match those of a man who has disdain for the remnant of twelve tribes of Jacob and his policies, no matter how ingeniously expounded or how deeply hidden the covert nature, ooze with contempt for the Hebrew nation.

Regardless, the temperature is quickly rising in this region with an array of items popping up on almost a daily basis. Iran claiming to be a technology and nuclear superpower, gaining aid and intelligence from her closest ally, the Russian bear - has amassed an armament with which she could give any nation a run for their money. Add to this the fact that the UN nuclear watch-dog - the IAEA - has reported that Iran now has enough fissile material to produce a thermo-nuclear warhead with weapons grade plutonium - an option Israel has sworn to eradicate with ‘all options on the table.’ The conflict found in the 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel will soon come to pass. Just as unexpectedly as the events of 9/11, our television sets will, one day in the very near future, be filled with the unfolding reports of this war in which the Lord declares, “I will leave but a sixth part in the,” (alive) - that‘s an astounding 85% mortality rate … for those who would remove the nation of Israel from her land and the breath of life from her nostrils.

Be vigilant, my brethren and fellow watchmen on the tower, and continue to faithfully warn the world so as to bring as many as possible to the foot of the blood-stained cross. We are all beginning to see a ‘stepping-up’ of the adversaries attacks against us; in our families, at work, in the public arena and even in the very buildings in which we gather to worship our Lord. The wheat is ripe for the harvest, and yes, this means that the tares are fully grown and trying to choke out as many as they can, to sift us and divide us - and will continue to do so with a growing fervency until the Lord receive us to Himself carrying away His wheat to His barn and reaping the tares up and casting them into tribulation . Be of good cheer and continue in love toward one another, that the world may see the Spirit living in us and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hard times are upon us and even harder times are ahead - avoid them that tickle the ear with a ‘prosperity gospel’, remove yourselves from divisiveness and any doctrine that does not strictly hold fast to the virgin birth, the sinless life, the sacrificial death and resurrection of Christ alone as the means of the ransom of our souls, and the requirement of a man to speak with the lips and believe in his heart to receive the gift. Expose those who are liars, rebuke false doctrine while offering the hand of reconciliation to the brother who returns begging forgiveness. Keep your eyes on Christ and your hearts in the Spirit, of one accord, and look to God to straighten your path and lead you in righteousness, as this world is quickly passing away and all that is in it.

Even so, Lord Jesus, our Savior, Redeemer, the lover of our souls - He who will finish the good work He has began in us; Who is the Author of our faith and to He Who alone is worthy of worship and praise; the only begotten Son of the Father, the spotless sacrificial Lamb of God - Yeshua Ha’Moshiach, the Messiah, Christ Jesus … Come!!! Home
There is no such thing as god, except for in the human mind.


Well-Known Member
when does democracy work? when has it worked? come on people dont be dumb everything thats going on now has already happed some time in the past somewhere! its called progression! do you all seriously believe that every thing was perfect a few years back! conspiracys are soo dumb. im not saying theres no truth to them but they are interpreted differently by every one who reads or sees them and then its just a chain reaction of storys!!


New Member
when does democracy work? when has it worked? come on people dont be dumb everything thats going on now has already happed some time in the past somewhere! its called progression! do you all seriously believe that every thing was perfect a few years back! conspiracys are soo dumb. im not saying theres no truth to them but they are interpreted differently by every one who reads or sees them and then its just a chain reaction of storys!!
When has democracy worked? How about for the last 250 years. It's not perfect, no one says it is. That's because we are talking about human beings...who are FAR from perfect. It's still the best slice of bread in the loaf. I've traveled extensively, and stayed in places for a lot longer than a week snapping pics. Once you stay in one place or go back over and over you start to see what is behind the curtain. The US has the best form of govt, Not to say it can't be altered....but it would be nice if it was altered upwards, not down. Dismantling the system which has brought us here is no way to achieve a new start, since the replacement is inept.

out. :blsmoke:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I used to support Obama but I soon realized that politics is a joke and their words are worth nothing. (unless you are a banker.) Americans let their values get destroyed by politics, religion and politicians who support religion. Please look at these websites:

Once enough people feel powerless there will be anger and revolt. Minnows out number the sharks!
These are excellent resources for people to learn about freedom concepts, thank you for posting the links.

Obama ? I predict alot of people will regret voting for him. Bigger government, higher taxes and fewer freedoms. Not my cup of tea.

I'd add people here (Pot Smokers) really should have listened to Ron Paul, he doesn't want run your life he figures that's your job and your choice.


Active Member
Check out this web site
It'll definitely give you a different outlook on things. Be worn though some of this videos have a lot of info and it comes fast. Take breaks and let it absorb, so you can sort through it all. But a must watch!! Peace!