Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
[quote="SICC";2323235]Haha i feel you on that, Somtimes i get weirded out, when im high in public :lol:

always feels like everyone kno's your high[/quote]
exactly...plus there is that whole getting ready to go thing...:weed:


Well-Known Member
Yea thats even better, I've done it before, when you got a big afro, you tend to get stopped alot, damn pigs :cuss:


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";2323739]Yea thats even better, I've done it before, when you got a big afro, you tend to get stopped alot, damn pigs :cuss:[/QUOTE]

Fro's are the shit fuck the police!:fire:


Well-Known Member
Hey SICC.... LOL tips... same shit here... I had to go out and smoked before the store opened...... Mistake...:shock:

hows it goin twist?

Its always random, sometimes you have a good experience being high in public, but then there times your like damn, im an idiot haha


Well-Known Member
Not talking to the police:shock:
[quote="SICC";2323739]Yea thats even better, I've done it before, when you got a big afro, you tend to get stopped alot, damn pigs :cuss:[/quote]

ever talk to the cops 20 minutes after smoking while holding a 2 foot bong ?
..... i have :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I guess at that point you just hit it again and offer them somebongsmilie

I don't like the police . . . .

haha, its not medi in my state ....

me n friend were chilln down my block listening to some tunes.. smokn
we drive back to my house and he parks on the road ..
start walkn down my driveway and a cop car comes down the hill pretty fast ..and he ends up pulling up in my driveway

we're almost to the house when hes comn down and i got the bong in my hand ... so i just wrapped my jacket around it and held it inside my jacket
i considered just throwing it ... but made the right choice !

why are you looking down ?
... umm your spotlight is bright ..

hes like we got a complaint of loud music

yea sorry about that .. it wasnt too loud

what were you guys listening too ?


oh what album ?


is that like you guys ?

huh ?

and then just some chit chat about college took my name and he left

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I use to work at a restaurant and the owners brother was my manager.. this was in HS. The owners brother was a little a-hole... Now, 18 years later he is a cop in my town. this guy knows I love the herb... anyway, whenever Im walking my dog around town(I always walk him completely high and we take 2 long walks a day) this a-hole whenever he sees me puts his sirens on and like swoops his patrol car up to me and scares the shit out of me.. Its almost harrassment... I hate cops... They all seem to be a-holes who like to bully people and without their little badge they would be complete failures so it gives them a sense of power over everyone.... but almost every cop i know, and I know a few, were total d**ks before and now that they are cops they seem even worse....


Well-Known Member
I use to work at a restaurant and the owners brother was my manager.. this was in HS. The owners brother was a little a-hole... Now, 18 years later he is a cop in my town. this guy knows I love the herb... anyway, whenever Im walking my dog around town(I always walk him completely high and we take 2 long walks a day) this a-hole whenever he sees me puts his sirens on and like swoops his patrol car up to me and scares the shit out of me.. Its almost harrassment... I hate cops... They all seem to be a-holes who like to bully people and without their little badge they would be complete failures so it gives them a sense of power over everyone.... but almost every cop i know, and I know a few, were total d**ks before and now that they are cops they seem even worse....

file a complaint :clap:

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Id like to but I feel that would only aggravate him more.. He thinks he is being funny... This is the same guy who stepped on a guy I worked withs broken foot cuz he thought it was funny, and when the dude with teh broken foot clocked him, the a-hole fired him... what a scurv... now, he has a badge and gun and thinks he is like the shit... Eh, what can you do... I dont wanna make waves... not when i plan on growing again very soon..., well, Im out, have a good weekend everyone!