What's hash like?


Well-Known Member
So yeah, whats the attraction behind hash? Im interested in it, only smoked buds myself.


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Staff member
Well, the reason we all smoke bud is the Trichome's and good has is Just Trich's so its very pure and as a rule very tasty. One of my favorites.


Active Member
Its the oils too. Gota be more careful when buying it tho. Most of the hash in the UK is soapbar which is like 2% thc if that with loads of nasty shit mixed in. Only bought and smoked soapbar once n that was when i was at school and didnt know any better. :spew:

Good hash is amazing tho. Takes very little in the bong or pipe. Just miss that nice herby taste you get with a nice clean bowl of bud.


Well-Known Member
yeah hash is the shit, use a grinder or somthing to catch the kief (trichs) and you can make your own blonde hash, i do it all the time kicks ass.


Well-Known Member
i think that hash had a better appeal back in the day, because the buds were shittier.

I have sime gdp hash, and all i do is pass out when i smoke it


Well-Known Member
yeah, weed wasn't so common as hash when i started smoking, and sensi was a rare treat indeed... the best cannabis we tended to get before the appearance of skunk et al was charas or sometimes oil


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the law is more strict against hash? would the piggies think a gram of hash would be like having 10 grams of bud? if not, hash would be a great way to size down your harvest so your less paranoid of being caught with so much bud


Well-Known Member
I like to sprinkle a little golden kief in my joint some times to give it a little extra kick :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i like hash, but only good hash. soapbar is shit.

i can smoke joints of hash all night long, and still do shit, whereas with weed it makes me wana sit down and fall asleep. even with satvias.