SOME jealousy? Med, in almost every post, you exude jealousy. You have jealousy coming out of your freakin' pores. Over the past year and a half, or so, you've espoused the ruination of the rich ... the rich being anyone who has attained in life more than you have. You continually bash the corporations, but think nothing of collecting your union pension without a thought that the money you are collecting was invested in mutual funds and the stock market. In other words, your living is partially derived from those very corporations that you hate so much. I've known plenty of VERY rich people in my lifetime. Some are clients of mine. You have no freaking clue of the pressures these people endure on a daily basis. You have no clue about the huge responsibilities they have assumed. You sit there and just whine about "the rich" getting too much of your pie, and have no clue about wealth creation and the fact that "the pie" is not finite, but is infinite and ever expanding. You have no clue that government is nothing but power ... and not there to help you. Your idea of good government is a government that punishes achievement and stifles incentive. And yes, I've called you a communist. Why? Because in the past I've directed you the the U.S. Communist Party web site so you can see where your ideas come from ... and you've admitted that you agree with everything on their site. So, what would you call your political views if not communistic in nature??