So at long last, here is another update. We stopped using Bio Flores today, so we are using Bio Boost, Rhizatonic, Cannazym, Purplemaxx, and molasses. At the next watering on Wednesday or so we will start using Gravity as well.
We are planning on flushing in two weeks doing a 2 step flush. First we are going to saturate the soil with water to allow the salts and nutrients to start to "loosen" up, and let it sit about 15 minutes. Then we are going to run a large quantity of water through the bucket to flush out all the excess nutrients. This will force the plant to use up its remaining nutrients that it has stored, resulting in a smoother smoke.
After the flush, we are only going to water with Purplemaxx and pure water, nothing else. Without further adieu, here are some pics.
Sorry about the low quality of the pics, we are working on getting a better camera. Towards the end one of our friends might come out with his D-SLR and take some hi- res pics.