usually after i trim the buds, i hang em in a cool, dark place and keep the humidity around 50%. I dry em for about 9-12 days depending on how the stems snap on them. usually i wait till the snap off clean but with a little flex left to them. you dont want them overly dry because they'll start crumbling.
then i cure em in a couple of great big Milk Bone jars that I have left over when my dogs done eatin them, lmao. ( clean em out real good first and make sure they're sterile and dry, lol.) i open up the jars two or three times a day to let out some of the humidity, kind of fan it with my hand to let some fresh air in too, then i give the jar about a half turn so the humidity can get out of the center of the jar too. usually takes anywhere from 10 days to 2 weeks to cure em right. should be ready to smoke then. i usually cryvac the extra ( vacuum seal .) I did see a high Times comp vid and the dudes said they cured their buds for 4 months! couldn't imagine that.
Drying and Curing properly IS the most important part of the growing process, right? I mean, if you spend all that time growing it, keeping an eye on it, fixing any problems and loving them, wouldn't you want the best tasting and potent weed you can grow?
I guess the whole purpose of curing is to get the humidity at just the right level, so it lights good, tastes smooth and kicks like a mule. ever get a bag of wet weed? Smokes like a sea hags crotch!
And btw, the bud in my hand there ( yes its mine ) weighed just a little over a half ounce, verrrrry nice, heheeee