Problems Developing


Active Member
Hey everybody this is my first post and first time growing, I'm looking to get some help with these plants.

I will give information to the best of my knowledge.

1 150w HPS.
1 100w MH.
5 2 Gallon pots/ Bottoms full of perlite.
Perfect Mix All Purpose Potting Soil 0.10/0.08/0.06.

18/18/21 MG Tomato Nutes.

Vegging for 1 1/2+ Months.
Transplanted Once.

Two tallest plants are just about 1' tall while the other three are between 6-8".

These problems started appearing within the last few days and was wondering what exactly it could be.

I do know that aluminum foil is a bad reflector but i have yet to find mylar or anything close to it.

I uploaded some pictures to show whats going on.

Any input is appreciated.




Active Member
It looks like nute lock out try a flush of the soil.
Flat white paint is better than foil 90% reflective i beleive.
Thanks for the fast reply.

I did perform a flush about 2 days ago on all the plants however i did not Ph the tap water i was using seeing as how it runs slightly alkaline so the existing nutes in the soil and the nutes that were used lowered it automatically.

What should be my next step?


Active Member
i had a similar problem with my ladies.... found out that i was over-watering them and the roots developed root rot.... thankfully i caught it soon enough to save them. so in short: how often are you watering those beasts? and whats the temp/ph in the room?


Active Member
i had a similar problem with my ladies.... found out that i was over-watering them and the roots developed root rot.... thankfully i caught it soon enough to save them. so in short: how often are you watering those beasts? and whats the temp/ph in the room?

I water them whenever they need it really i keep them in the moist range on my triple meter that i got from HD.

Temps are low-mid 80's with lights on and low-mid 60's with lights off.

Ph is between 6.4-6.8.


Active Member
I water them whenever they need it really i keep them in the moist range on my triple meter that i got from HD.

Temps are low-mid 80's with lights on and low-mid 60's with lights off.

Ph is between 6.4-6.8.
Notice the underlined word.... that was my problem. i have read alot of info that says it is crucial for the soil to dry out between water-ings. the reason is b/c it allows oxygen to get to the roots through the soil. try not watering as much. give it a shot it may be an easy solution. just be cautious for signs of underwatering. .


Active Member
Notice the underlined word.... that was my problem. i have read alot of info that says it is crucial for the soil to dry out between water-ings. the reason is b/c it allows oxygen to get to the roots through the soil. try not watering as much. give it a shot it may be an easy solution. just be cautious for signs of underwatering. .

Well when I flushed them they were dust dry so I'm pretty sure they are not experiencing root rot. A recent check up on them and they are starting to look better.

Also I have Ph down to correct the water levels now so that wont be an issue any longer.