Tobacco is easy to grow,it is the drying and curing that is hard.Tobacco needs to be maintained at a specific humidity and temp for a year or longer.
I do not have a clue how chew is made or what kind of tobacco is used.OPH
Tobacco is easy to grow,it is the drying and curing that is hard.Tobacco needs to be maintained at a specific humidity and temp for a year or longer.
I do not have a clue how chew is made or what kind of tobacco is used.OPH
tabacco is easy to grow buy some seeds online there very tiny and legal to grow up to 100 plants and above is true curing is the hardest to due caus eo fhte heat and humidity need and time at least a year or its harsh and the bigest problem espcally where warm cause insects love tabacco plants and will eat them up liek crazy as well as derr and many wild animals if you hunt you coudl get deers very close wiht tabacco plants and if grown inside insects if get a swift of the smell will surely get gathered all over your screen window peace
For chew you use dark tobacco, like Kentucky Brown leaf, Kentucky Dark,or Narrow Leaf Madole,Which can be blended together or not to taste. you can also use them to make cigars.