chicago to callifornia

ok i kno this is a little off topic but ow many you people thinks its poosible to drive from calli to chicago a good amount of this stuff dumb idea? cuz by me this shit is ridic ozs of i dont even kno if the names are reall latly its been kushiewreck chunky cheese and cheese but there aint no smell i want some shit that stinks ya kno i cant pay 450 for garbage ne more


Well-Known Member
Posting in English generally will help you get more responses.

You're asking driving with weed I'd assume. There's always a risk of getting in an accident or pulled over. If its well hidden/out of sight, with no noticeable odor, then police would have no reasonable cause to search your car. There's always some risk involved though.


Well-Known Member
yeah i wouldnt try that. if you got pulled over by a cop and talk to him like you typed your post, you would go to jail.


Well-Known Member
your paying 450 an oz. thats horrible dude. No weed is worth more that 50 an eigth idc what you say.


Well-Known Member
and yea I live in indiana and my friend does it qtrly. Hell bring back like 30 pounds and sell for like a month. It helps that his cousin is growing it though. Very risky


New Member
dont drive like and idiot and like "desertflower" said dont talk tot he cop how u posted over hear