First timer :)


Well-Known Member
well.. whats up all. it's been exactly a week since i originally planted the seed in a pot thats approx. 4-5 inches wide and same depth wise. i have 1 CPL that is 2000 lumens shining over it about an inch away. The plant is roughly 2-3 inches and has 4-5 leaves each 1/2 inch long. The CPL has been on 24/7 since the original plant date and i've been watering everytime i feel the soil needs it. Basically what i want to know is when to start this "12/12" stage of light.. should i already have or? Another thing is i'm worried about it more so not being tall but "bushier"?

To me, from reading and witnessing pics, i think it should have more leaves perhaps? But then again.. i still think its early.. maybe i'm just impatient since i'm new. Any input on this would be welcome, thanks. :)


Well-Known Member
Slow down, that's normal growth, It takes a few weeks.

How many weeks depends on what you want to end up with. You said you want bushy plants not tall right?
Well then you should grow it under 24/7 untill it is about 6 to 8 inches tall. Thats when rapid growth starts. Change lights to 18/6 let them get to about a foot. Cut the tip off (Top the plant) let her recover for a couple weeks. Then top the side branches and let her go another two or three weeks. Now 12/12 for eight to ten weeks.

She should get to be about 3/4 of the original height and twice as fat.​


Active Member
well.. whats up all. it's been exactly a week since i originally planted the seed in a pot thats approx. 4-5 inches wide and same depth wise. i have 1 CPL that is 2000 lumens shining over it about an inch away. The plant is roughly 2-3 inches and has 4-5 leaves each 1/2 inch long. The CPL has been on 24/7 since the original plant date and i've been watering everytime i feel the soil needs it. Basically what i want to know is when to start this "12/12" stage of light.. should i already have or? Another thing is i'm worried about it more so not being tall but "bushier"?

To me, from reading and witnessing pics, i think it should have more leaves perhaps? But then again.. i still think its early.. maybe i'm just impatient since i'm new. Any input on this would be welcome, thanks. :)

I too am a first time grower, i currently have 5 plants which have been growing 1 1/2+ months and two of them have reached a foot in height and the other 3 are between 6-10 inches tall.

If I were you i would grab a few more CFL's for more lumens all around the plant.

I started off using the expanding pellets which worked ok up until the roots started coming through them.

Where i messed up was leaving them in the 2 liter containers uncovered for too long which made them become root bound. That is when i switched to 2 gallon pots which made the plants take off with growth.:leaf:

All around i will have to say i had ok growth with cfl's but when i switched to MH & HPS mix the plants are much bushier and have a lot more foliage.

To make your plants bushier you can use the top/fim technique.
FIM vs. Topping

Or another good technique would be LST (Low Stress Training)

This will also help you later on.
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