White Widow closet grow + Hydro Waterfarm buckets + 1st grow **PICS**


Active Member
Just like Bitti said. I put the cover above the drip ring to prevent light from getting thru without getting in the way of the watering.
As I read your last post Im beginning to wonder if my nute burn isnt the result of splashing as well. My plant is pretty short and bushy and my burn appeared in spots rather than at the tips. Think I'm going to try juicing them up a bit and see.


Active Member
Day 36:

Plants have been in flowering for almost a week now. Since then, I have noticed the plants are showing increased growth rate. Every day or 2 the plants grow an inch.

Taking Oxide and Mr. Biti's suggestion, I decided to cover the tops of the hydroton with mylar. This is to help with PH fluxations and also avoid algae growth from developing on top of the hydroton.

I also recently calibrated my PH meter. I highly recommend you do so. I found my PH readings were off by .5 Also, my PPM was off by approx 100 ppm. I calibrated using solution that was rated at 4.0 and solution at 7.0 Also, used PPM solution that was rated at 1000 ppm to calibrate.

Its been a couple days since I last checked on the waterfarms. I been letting them circulate for a couple days before topping off with water/nutrients (if needed)

I'm trying to keep PPM levels around 200 when topped off. PH levels between 5.5-5.8
When I checked the PH levels today, all had risen to around 6.2-6.4
PPM seemed stable around 200 for 2 of my plants. 1 plant showed an increase to 300 PPM in one plant (However, water levels dropped by 1 gallon) I flushed the reservoir for this plant, added fresh water and adjusted PPM and PH.

Took some height readings - plants around 15inches in height now.

Also, since the plants have been on a 12/12 cycle, I been checking my closet for light holes and duct-taping them up. Trying to ensure plants get complete darkness.

The circulating tower fan in the closet seems to been improving growing conditions. Temperature stays around 78*F and humidity around 25-30%

Some pics (I noticed on one of my plants, there are some spots on the leaves on 1 side.. maybe splash up nutrient? Plant looks healthy though)



Active Member
Day 38:

Well, i'm in the 2nd week of flowering and plants are growing! Tallest plant is almost 18 inches with other 2 trailing behind an inch or 2.

1 of my plants is showing some yellow spotting on the lower leaves primarily.. a slight concern, even though rest of plant seems healthy and is growing. I made a post in the plant hospital forum to see what the Dr. says :P https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/181791-spots-leafs-2nd-week-flowering.html#post2345613

Covering the tops of waterfarm units seems to help with stablizing the PH in my buckets. (thanks Oxide!)
Took readings today and topped off buckets:
- PH measured 5.6-5.9
- PPM approx 180-220 (plants seemed to suck up very little nutrients.. but I'm keeping the solutions around 200)

Some pics: If you see any signs of sex, let me know! I've done some research online with sexing but still unsure where/when to start. When should these babies start showing their sex?



Active Member
Day 40:

Plants are growing still - tallest is 19 inches (has grown an inch in 2 days) with others around 18 inches.

I noticed that one of my plants that sits directly under the HID light is showing signs of heat stress I think. The top leaves are curling up at the edges and turning brownish. They look a little burned. The bottom leafs are fine. See the first couple pics below.

I raised my HID light several inches as well as moved the plant's position under the light.

Checked PH and PPM levels - I was surprised that my PH seemed stable - all between 5.5-5.8. Again, I attribute this to covering the tops with mylar as well as using strong concentrated PH down solution (Advanced Nutrients PH down, more concentrated then GH)
Also, my meter is more accurate now. Meter was off by .5 before i calibrated recently.

I added back tap water, some PH down and Drip clean. PH levels between 5.5-5.8, PPM is around 200.

See pics below


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
it looks like early stages of a nasty phosphorous deficiency. what ml of micro/bloom are you using per gallon?

edit: how close was your hid? and do you have a fan blowing on tops unders hid?


Active Member
it looks like early stages of a nasty phosphorous deficiency. what ml of micro/bloom are you using per gallon?

edit: how close was your hid? and do you have a fan blowing on tops unders hid?
I'm using approx. 1ml micro/bloom per gallon. A very mild nutrient solution - PPM stays around 200.

HID was about 6inches or so from tops of plants... HID shining right on top. I moved the plant and raised the lights. I also have a tower fan blowing air over the plants.

I made a post here: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/182521-heat-stress-see-pics.html
Community strongly believes it is heat stress. Makes sense, only the tops of the leafs (closes to the HPS light) seemed to be curling up and turning brown.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
I'm using approx. 1ml micro/bloom per gallon. A very mild nutrient solution - PPM stays around 200.

HID was about 6inches or so from tops of plants... HID shining right on top. I moved the plant and raised the lights. I also have a tower fan blowing air over the plants.

I made a post here: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/182521-heat-stress-see-pics.html
Community strongly believes it is heat stress. Makes sense, only the tops of the leafs (closes to the HPS light) seemed to be curling up and turning brown.

sounds about right then, how many watts is your hps? ever thought about cooltube?

edit: im impressed how those girls have boomed with such a mild solution, seedsman WW got that hybrid vigor!


Active Member
sounds about right then, how many watts is your hps? ever thought about cooltube?

edit: im impressed how those girls have boomed with such a mild solution, seedsman WW got that hybrid vigor!

im running a 400 watt AgroMax HPS bulb with a Cooltube setup. Going to have to pay closer attention with raising the lights as the plants grow.


Active Member
Day 43:

Plants still growing at a rate of 1-2 inches every day or 2. Tallest one is almost 25inches, with other 2 trailing at almost 23inches each.

Emptied all 3 reservoirs, increased nutrient strength to 300ppm (up from 200ppm). We'll see how these babies react with some extra nutes.

Adjusted PH levels to around 5.7 - PH has been holding steady.

Sexing...: I purchased feminized seeds ( from Seedsman), but i'm assuming nature isn't perfect and there is still a possibility of them turning male? .. So its starting to get that time now, plants starting to show some growth around the node areas. I did some research online, they said if plants are showing white hairs then most likely a female. All 3 plants showed some white hairs coming out of the tops.

I know these pics arn't the greatest quality, but if you can tell any obvious signs of Sex, please fill me in! :)


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
cant tell at all, they should have some pistils where the branches start on the main stem. if they havent shown, dont sweat it man they will show soon.


Active Member
Day 45: hermies??

Checked on plants today - 2 of my plants are showing signs of hermies i think. I took higher quality pics (See for yourself)

Bought 3 White Widow feminized seeds from (Seedsman Bank) sold by Attitude
- 2 plants showing signs of Hermie (seed pods at nodes)
- 1 plant looks all female (no signs of seed pods yet)

I do not want to destroy my hermies, because I believe I can still get bud from them (w/ seeds though :(

However, to combat the hermie, I did some research and there is a product called Dutch Master Reverse which is suspose to stop the male growth on the plants. If used properly, it seems from reviews that this product works. You combine it with Penetrator, and then spray the leaves with the solution. 10 days later, reapply.

I'm over 2 weeks into flowering, starting on my third. I hope I can catch this in time before the plant gets worse.(should be receiving products next week) I plan to pick whatever pods I can reach with tweezers.

See pics of flowers and see for yourself, what do you think? (sorry I could not attach, pics too big for rollitup, please visit my imageshack link)

PICS (link 1) http://img21.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=dsc00851f.jpg

If above link didn't work, try this: http://profile.imageshack.us/user/madhat7998/
(click on images)

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
thats fucked up, pic quality isnt good enough for me to be 100% but one of them looks like a full male. You should contact the distributor who sold you those seeds and also the seed bank. They will probably send you more seeds which is always good. As far as the hermies producing bud, it will be very undesirable. The best thing to do is use them to make some hash. I don't think that dutch masters reverse will help if you have over 50% male flower. I think its more intended for the ocassional nanner. I would let them go untill you get a new batch ready to get in there and then use them to make hash. Terribly sorry for your mishap, i will not be purchasing seedsman seeds anytime soon. I hate incidents like this


Well-Known Member
the first pic looks like its a male. i cant really see the rest of the areas of the others to tell u what they r


Active Member
Day 46: and then there was 1... :sad:

Well, judging from the responses, it seems I have 2 full males?? and 1 female I hope!

I uploaded a bunch of pictures today, with side-by-side comparisons of all 3 plants. When your looking at the pics, the 2 plants on the left are the 'males' and the one on the far right is hopefully my female survivor.

I plan to trash my males today, and baby my 1 female plant. If there are any real good nutes out there that I can use to increase the yield of my 1 plant please fill me in.

Here is the link to my pictures i uploaded today - used Imageshack again because they are higher quality pics. Please review, and let me know if i'm making the right decision by trashing the 2 and keeping the 1.

Pics link: http://img7.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=dsc00871d.jpg


Well-Known Member
ok do u even know what male and female flowers look like? cause from what i can see frm the first pic is 2 females the other i can see cause i dnt know what pics r the third plant. so but looks like u have 2 def females the one with top buds r females not males