I want yall to meet my Kali


Well-Known Member
I love the complacent way he's just napping away while props are being set around him. XD Cats are amazing, wonderful creatures dammit! My one kitty loves weed. She never visits my room unless I have some. My other cat hates it... but gains great satisfaction from the cellophane that's torn off of cigarette packs. No other cellophane will do. Felus Catus I LOVE YOUUUU! lol...


Active Member
Kali is suuuuuuch a pot head, always putting his nose of the pieces right after they were hit.

But what is this you speak of about props being placed around him? I came home from class and found him like that!


Well-Known Member
Oh! How... extraordinary. ;)

My cat uses the internet while I'm away. Several times my away messages on AIM have been taken down, new IM windows opened and messages typed and sent to people. They're always along the lines of 'atyahghahrhp4374qy'...

My friends invariably reply "Oh, hello Stella." when they get one of these messages. She likes to step on the keyboard and watch what the screen does. XD

EDIT: Here's her picture!


Active Member
I used to loathe cats until I met mine. Now, I can handle them. Fortunately, the things I don't like about cats, Kali doesn't do. The only time he isn't sleeping is: 1) when I'm sleeping or 2) when I bust out the nip.


Well-Known Member
My two kittehs know how to be annoying. My other cat, Anwar, will meow incessantly at my door until I open it and let him in... no matter what time of day or night it may be. He'll sit out there for HOURS and howl until he gets what he wants. Recently, he's figured out how to open my door... and will just come waltzing in if I ignore him too long. I hate having my door open when I'm trying to sleep... it's a weird thing with me...

All he wants is to sleep in my bed. That's where the fluffiest afghans are. :hump:


Well-Known Member
N o I understand completely! I cannot sleep with a door open.
If it opens just a crack, even, I wake up with a start with my heart pounding. When I was a teenager, I flipped SHIT when my mother took the door off of my room because she suspected me of using drugs. Ironically, I wasn't at that time... I had such a powerful panic attack that I passed out!