Plants Droopy and falling


Active Member
Hey .. well let's get it straight i only grew one plant last year , :o now i'm feeling to go for a bit more seeing as we should be having a good summer here ! :weed:

They're quite droopy at some times and are falling over .. very quickly they stand back up straight when it's nice and hot again it seems to be when the weathers not all that .

Apart from that as you can all see everything looks ok :hump: !

Thanks to everyone who's going to follow the journey !


Active Member
The pictures
Hey .. well let's get it straight i only grew one plant last year , :o now i'm feeling to go for a bit more seeing as we should be having a good summer here ! :weed:

They're quite droopy at some times and are falling over .. very quickly they stand back up straight when it's nice and hot again it seems to be when the weathers not all that .

Apart from that as you can all see everything looks ok :hump: !

Thanks to everyone who's going to follow the journey !


Active Member
i'll take more pictures as time goes on but i would quite like to know why they all over sometimes and the stems are really quite thin .


Active Member
These are the babys today .. they're all standing back up again like always i'm quite confused lol .



Active Member
arn't they on there ??? i've loaded them all on and on my screen all of the pictures are there people !! =)


Well-Known Member
i can tell you right now that you are over watering, let the plant dry out for a day so the roots will have to "look" for water


New Member
i can tell you right now that you are over watering, let the plant dry out for a day so the roots will have to "look" for water
underwatered plants also droop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
a root bount plant will also droop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
so how can you tell him he is overwatering his plants when you have no facts.


Active Member
They're outdoor =) .. i bring them in every night and then every morning when i get up they're back in the sun.. i'm waiting till they're bigger and stronger and then i'm planning to plant them outside =).


Active Member

Havn't been at home for a while , and been busy trying to get the plants rolling. Here we have 3 Females that i planted 3 days ago , as you can all see (those who have been following) that the plants are growing well and are healthy , we lost 2 plants because of the plants being left outside and the rain ruining them, and we have 2 males (I planted them somewhere else just for fun. the rest of the plants are waiting to be transfered to somewhere else.