is it safe to feed my guinee pig fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
well its not a guinee pig its a degu, which is a relative of the guinee pig. same sise. a little bigger.

he loves the stuff. he will eat as much as i give him but i only give im a little bit.

any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I give my dogs fan leaves pretty often and once had them actually steal a few plants. They ate a rediculous amount of material and ended up throwing most if not all of it back up. They then proceeded to sleep for almost an entire day. They ended up ok. I would imagine as long as you don;t go crazy with it it will be fine. If I remember correctly some animals do actually have an attainable ld50 with thc but I don;t think a fan leaf here and there is enough to kill your pet.

well its not a guinee pig its a degu, which is a relative of the guinee pig. same sise. a little bigger.

he loves the stuff. he will eat as much as i give him but i only give im a little bit.

any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I give my dogs fan leaves pretty often and once had them actually steal a few plants. They ate a rediculous amount of material and ended up throwing most if not all of it back up. They then proceeded to sleep for almost an entire day. They ended up ok. I would imagine as long as you don;t go crazy with it it will be fine. If I remember correctly some animals do actually have an attainable ld50 with thc but I don;t think a fan leaf here and there is enough to kill your pet.

ok thanks man. nice avatar pic by the way.
an attainable ld50? whats ld50??

i had one big fan leaf, i gave him 3 leaves off of it. ill give him the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. LD50 is the amount of a substance that causes 50% of a certain animal or human to die when exposed to it.

ok thanks man. nice avatar pic by the way.
an attainable ld50? whats ld50??

i had one big fan leaf, i gave him 3 leaves off of it. ill give him the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure fan leaves during veg. state wouldnt hurt unless, like these guys said, it was just a ridiculous amount. But really, too much of anything isn't good eh?