The UK Growers Thread!

hey peeps does any1 no roughly how much electricity a 250hps would use or if any1 nos where i can get a smaller wattage hps.

surely they cant use that much electric my hoover uses 1200w lol

+REP for da help

Im in a shire but not either of those lol. Wen i was burning a 250w It was like a few quid extra a week on top of me normal lecy bill, Im on a pay as you go lecy meter. Costs me bout 3 pound aday now lol.
Im in a shire but not either of those lol. Wen i was burning a 250w It was like a few quid extra a week on top of me normal lecy bill, Im on a pay as you go lecy meter. Costs me bout 3 pound aday now lol.

thanx is that 3 quid a day wiv all ya normal elec appliances 2???

im thinkin of steppin up from cfl but dont wanna hit me pocket 2 much more

thanx again mr west
20-25 an 8 to 180s an O in the southwest,no one ever knows wot it is,all manner of toxic shxt bein sold down here for a long time now, it's shockin all the glass,sugar an sandy shxt gettin served up. one lot last year was covered and i mean COVERED in curry powder of all things,it stank of curry an nothin else an smoked like you'd expect a load of spices to smoke,HIDEOUS. it was only the glass stuff that finally forced me to do my own,only problem with doin ur own is bein rendered constantly an buildin up elephant like tolerence levels hahahhah
thanx is that 3 quid a day wiv all ya normal elec appliances 2???

im thinkin of steppin up from cfl but dont wanna hit me pocket 2 much more

thanx again mr west
nah thats bout 3 quid a day for everything lights fan tv pc the works. B4 I started growing I used to pay approx £5 a week and now its bout £12.
nah thats bout 3 quid a day for everything lights fan tv pc the works. B4 I started growing I used to pay approx £5 a week and now its bout £12.

thanx again mr west i wil certainly be makin the step now cfl are always givin me short plants long grow time n shitty fluffy buds
I'm trying to set up a CFL grow - anyone know where I can get a Y-splitter here in the UK?

I've tried the usual places but with no joy :(
I'm trying to set up a CFL grow - anyone know where I can get a Y-splitter here in the UK?

I've tried the usual places but with no joy :(

They are not in production here in the UK.

Just buy some american Y splitters and some plug adapters from Ebay.
personally mate, you should just go for a 250 w hps from the same people, theyre pretty good, i got one from them a few months ago and it was great.

if your worried about electricity, then enough cfls for a decent grow would be similar to running a 250w hps, but ud get way better results.

as for how much electricity costs,
times 0.25 x how many hours you want it on for x the cost of one kwh, thats how much per day.

for example 0.25x12x 0.11p = 0.33 thats 33p per day. thats an increase of £9.90 a month. or for vegging at 18 hours a day £14.85 increase a month.
Hello people, back once again, profile needs updating.

2nd time with White Russian, here are the vitals:

5 x Plants
GT 424 N.F.T tank
Ionic Grow
Ionic Hydro Bloom
Cuttings started off in Root Riot cubes with Clonex rooting hormone,
400 Watt HPS

Will add PK 13 / 14 the last few weeks of flower.

Day 8??? of flower, 9 hours light, used this method before and was satisfied with the end results.

Obviously have gone down the route of 12/12 before, but I'm trying to save the pennies!
£12 - 7 = 1.71 per day

£3 per day x 7 = £21 per week

so which is it?
Actualy its 30 pound a forghtnightish, dipends how many washes i do and meals i cook like genralliving needs, I buy my lecy with what ever i got in my poket at time normaly ten pound a time.
Actualy its 30 pound a forghtnightish, dipends how many washes i do and meals i cook like genralliving needs, I buy my lecy with what ever i got in my poket at time normaly ten pound a time.

You've got one of those stupid meters?

There's a way to slow down the clock inside them using magnets..but that might be for American meters (saw it on youtube a few months back.)

Or you could do the "magical" wire trick.

My dad used to use the wire trick every few days a week, (It adds up to a hell of a savings) it basically over-rides the meter and you get free electric.

It's illegal but when you're skint..well you know how it is.

Not sure if this can still be done to newer meters though, best guess is to google it!

Reason you should not leave it on all the time is because the electric companies will figure out (if it's on all the time) what you're doing sooner or later.
i wish my gas n eleccy bill was that cheap, i spent £395 last quarter but then again my flat wasnt double glazed and it was the coldest quarter