Automatic AK47 grow


Active Member
hey Boson, plants lookind good so far, I dont want to lie to you so I will say that soil is easier. But I will never go back now that I have had some successfull hydro grows. Even with a small amount of plants hydro grows faster and I think you get larger yeilds. The down side to hydro is that their is a learning curve. I think most hydro growers have had small and large failures but as long as you know why the failure occured you are learning and can make sure you dont fail due to the same circumstance again. Just remember, nobody learns anything from pure success, failure is part of success. Keep up the good work and dont get discouraged; I know its easier said that done. Hydro is so much more satisfying when you finally get a grow that really kicks butt, your at the right site to get good advice and encouragement.


Well-Known Member
hey man, you been giving them nutes or not? the second one looks like its asking for nitrogen if you havent already started it......hahahahahah and definitely let the cat have it if it grows testes!

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Cnt tell from that pi, take better one?
Yea, for some reason the closeups were kinda coming out a little blurry last night. After the lights come on in a couple of hours I'll take some more pics and put 'em up.

hey man, you been giving them nutes or not? the second one looks like its asking for nitrogen if you havent already started it......hahahahahah and definitely let the cat have it if it grows testes!
They have been getting nutrients for a week now but the second one is a week older than the other two, so it probably needs a stronger solution than the others. And I have given my cat all the males, he loves em. I'm a little concerned because they haven't been flushed fully and might still have some nutes in 'em, but he seems ok.. except for the occasional skitz out

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
hey Boson, plants lookind good so far, I dont want to lie to you so I will say that soil is easier. But I will never go back now that I have had some successfull hydro grows. Even with a small amount of plants hydro grows faster and I think you get larger yeilds. The down side to hydro is that their is a learning curve. I think most hydro growers have had small and large failures but as long as you know why the failure occured you are learning and can make sure you dont fail due to the same circumstance again. Just remember, nobody learns anything from pure success, failure is part of success. Keep up the good work and dont get discouraged; I know its easier said that done. Hydro is so much more satisfying when you finally get a grow that really kicks butt, your at the right site to get good advice and encouragement.
Thanks for the boost, cronic! I do know that you gain more from failure than you do from success; but knowledge gathered from failure is still failure, and failure will not justify the $200 light bulb to my girlfriend.

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Last night plant #2 ended up dying so I transplanted seed #4(pic 1) in its place. I don't think it shocked it or anything, but we'll see how it does over the next couple of days. Plant #1(pic 2) is still growing and I attached a better pic of the preflowers(pic 4) in hopes that someone can tell if it's male or female. Plant #3(pic 3) looks really healthy and symmetrical except that two leaves look like they have grown together.


The Higgs Boson

Active Member
This was supposed to be last night's update, but RIU was down. I can't remember what I was going to type, so here are just the pics instead. The last couple are plant #1 which I am sure is male now, so it has been removed and is awaiting execution by cat bite.


The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Today's update is another sad one. I lost my oldest one yesterday because it grew balls and today my new seedling wilted and died. Apparently, it did suffer some shock when I was transplanting it. Next time, I'll have to find a better method to do so. So, I only have one plant left but it is a BEAST! This one is almost as big as plant #1 was, and it's a week behind it. Tomorrow, I'm going to change the nutes in the reservoir to transition to bloom for a week. Hopefully, this one won't man up.

