HELP! Leafs curling and droping (PICS)

from my experience man, your soil has good moisture content, but bogs down after watering, fluff the top half inch or so after watering. make sure you got good drainage, and air to the roots. next step, try cutting back on the water or pick up on watering. Looks like their not getting enough. use one to two drops of biodegradeable soap to penetrate dry spots in soil


Well-Known Member
schanp yo check out that stem. whats your water ph? and what could be a few things.. but i think youre not watering enough or it gets too hot.


Well-Known Member
well for one, you need way more light than that. its indirect light so its not doing to much. get about 4 cfls and place them a couple of inches directly above your plants. how much are you watering them. i go very easy on the water in the seedling stage. your best bet would be to let the soil dry out then give it a good watering.:leaf: