Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I hope I am in the tornado!! Maybe that is why the sky is all black? Maybe this will be it for this house!!! Alright, now I am fantasying....Back to reality, I got to go clean, D'oh!


New Member
woot! Bong hits all around... I'm getting the same storms Sunny but they tend to split away from me as they approach. Good luck!!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
These are our biggest pests down here....The Palmetto....It is a roach, why don't they just call it what it is? It is a roach people, and, the South LOST.
Thats a baby.. when I was in the Keys there was one on my hotel wall that I could have put a saddle on... I left.. fuck that... when the bugs are big enough to ride it's twistys checkout time.....

Hey rob... if tips' cows get wings, then we have problems....

or tips be shrooming....:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thats a baby.. when I was in the Keys there was one on my hotel wall that I could have put a saddle on... I left.. fuck that... when the bugs are big enough to ride it's twistys checkout time.....

Hey rob... if tips' cows get wings, then we have problems....

or tips be shrooming....:eyesmoke:
Twisty I have seen them that big too! Gross!! It cracks me up they call them Palmetto bugs....wth? They are ROACHES....I also hate all the freakin love bugs down here. Every year we are bombarded by them! Then to find out it is because some genius at the University devised a program for mosquito control. These 'love bugs' were supposed to kill off the mosquitoes...well, it didn't work and now we have issues with these bugs every year. Then throw in the cuban lizards that have eaten all the pretty florida lizards and the stick bugs and the fire ants and the.....well, it just goes on. This is the bug Capital of the world.


New Member
You are right Sunny, Florida does have a lot of bugs... I stepped out this morning and in the fog i saw these two going at it. I snapped a quick pic and fled inside to my bong....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
sweet sweet justice.

hows everybody - thanks for the sorry's and concern.

im half way through a 30 rack of nice cheap busch
ive located some keif

i feel better - and not "temporarily" better due to inebriation

more so- i feel calmer...i feel like maybe i dont need to be with her anymore..

im currently looking for the girl "wit them apple bottom jeans.....boots wit da fur...wit DA FURRR..."

haha not really - but its sillsville.


Well-Known Member
sweet sweet justice.

hows everybody - thanks for the sorry's and concern.

im half way through a 30 rack of nice cheap busch
ive located some keif

i feel better - and not "temporarily" better due to inebriation

more so- i feel calmer...i feel like maybe i dont need to be with her anymore..

im currently looking for the girl "wit them apple bottom jeans.....boots wit da fur...wit DA FURRR..."

haha not really - but its sillsville.
is this the same girl again ? :wall::roll: