

Well-Known Member
SICC so all the rest of plants have 2 nobes should i just cut the top one off like i did on other ones?or should i cut further down?
what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Lookin great man, i would topp that last one after the first 3 nodes, my RIU has been fucin up, havnt been on


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";2376380]Lookin great man, i would topp that last one after the first 3 nodes, my RIU has been fucin up, havnt been on[/QUOTE]

thats cool manwell did i top the other one right?are u counting the 1st set of steams as 1st node. how long would u let them go till 12/12 cause i dont want them to turn into males and as slowly as thev been growin i dont know if that can stress them into males what u think?


Well-Known Member
thats cool manwell did i top the other one right?are u counting the 1st set of steams as 1st node. how long would u let them go till 12/12 cause i dont want them to turn into males and as slowly as thev been growin i dont know if that can stress them into males what u think?

yea i count from the first one, she looks strong enough on all nodes, i would wait until they all recover from the topping, and untill you can get the pH under control, you did it right


Well-Known Member
SICC i just topped last 1 here is some pics of that. Then the other pic is something i just noticed bymistake i cut one of the fan leaves the other day when i topped the other 3 so i cut it off hope it will be fine what u think?last is one i topped 2 days ago its growin good



Well-Known Member
SICC i just topped last 1 here is some pics of that. Then the other pic is something i just noticed bymistake i cut one of the fan leaves the other day when i topped the other 3 so i cut it off hope it will be fine what u think?last is one i topped 2 days ago its growin good

lookin good man, they should respond well after they recover, good lucc :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yea shes in ag i wish i had some more lights i would move it and put it on 12/12 ! but i dont so it will have to wait on the others.after they recover from being topped i will probly go ahead and switch them cause dont they double in size when they are in flower right? what u think


Well-Known Member
Those have a really weird leaf structure, is it a random bagseed? The size jump varies between strains, but yea expect them to be 2x the size they started going into flower.


Well-Known Member
lurk this plants seed came out of a big package of purp my dealer gave me he gave me 4 purp seeds and 2 kush but remember i stressed them all into being males.....all but this one for some reason


Well-Known Member
SICC are u talkin bout the plant looks weird? i think it looks like a cabbage plant HAHAHA but under all those leaves their is alot of purple stems with tiny resin glans and hairs forming all over them!


Well-Known Member
haha yea it does look like cabbage :lol:

I like it tho, cant wait to see how she turns out, she was almost a goner before,


Well-Known Member
UPDATE DAY 35 just changed water in res still no nutrients goin to probly wait a few more days then add 1/4.well roots have been
growin like crazy theres like no room in res.once they cover from being topped iam goin to go ahead and switch them to 12/12

