Local hydroponic store misinformation? Exhaust and Germination methods


Well-Known Member
Went to a hydroponic store yesterday and purchased a 76"x76"x76" grow tent with a Carbon Fliter 18"x 9.5" .

Was discussing venting methods and he said I will not need to have a fan pushing air inside the tent from the surrounding room. He said I will only need to exhaust the air from the cooled hood into the filter and out the room. Is this correct? He just said have a fan circulating the air inside and that the tent gathers fresh air on its own. Seemed a little contradictng. He did say it was airtight and leaks no smell and LITTLE light.

He then told me the paper towel method is very unneccasary and to start all seeds in Root Plugs in the dome with the heating mat. Is this something others would suggest? Once it gets roots he said throw it in 1 gallon pots.

Thanks to anyone who can clear this up. I am ordering a Soler and Palua TD 150 exhaust fan and want to make sure I don't need an intake as well.


Well-Known Member
Yep still could use some help. These exhaust and intake issues are a little more complex then I initially thought


Well-Known Member
I guess depending on how you look at things he is correct. You must have a place for the fresh air to enter and the stale air to leave.

It does not matter where you place the fan, if you are blowing in the air will find it's way to the exit vent.

If you are sucking air out, the air will com in thru the fresh air intake.

So you can place the fan in either place.

The fresh air intake should be near the floor and the exit vent should be near the top.

No I didn't read the thread so I hope this is information you can use.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. Yeah I suppose I will just vent the air out and see how much the tent naturally breathes on its own before installing intake fan. Appreciate the help la9.

Anyone got info on starting seeds from the rapid rooter plugs? Just planted 2 Church, 2 Red Diesel, and 3 G 13 Thai Skunk. He told me I did not even need to add water to the plugs, a little in the bottom catcher for humidity and they will thrive with the heated mat. Does this seem right? I still felt like I should have dropped the seeds in water or even soaked the plugs. If all goes smooth with this style germination I will add White Berry and G13 Gigantic Bud and another of both Church and Diesel


Well-Known Member
Yeah it does have vent flaps. I am assuming the guy knew what he was talking about. Thanks

Still need quick YES or NO on germination method using root plugs


Well-Known Member
I generally root in rockwool with ph adjusted water and have nearly a 100% success rate. I'm sure the plugs arent a terrible choice either and I know they're already slightly moist to begin with so I would advise against soaking them after planting. Good luck either way.

Yeah it does have vent flaps. I am assuming the guy knew what he was talking about. Thanks

Still need quick YES or NO on germination method using root plugs


Well-Known Member
I just poured a little water over the top. They had only been down 6 hours when I did it. They felt just a little bit too dry. I the guy at the store 100% germ rate was crucial and he said this will be fine so I'm sure it is. Thanks