Is this normal?


okay, recently i started my grow, i have germinated my seeds well and i planted them about 2 days ago. the thing i was wondering was that my plant just sprouted out of the ground and it seems to be growing pretty rapidly. however the stems are bending to the left or right and the stems are not shooting straight up. is this normal and it will just straighten its self up in a day or 2. Or am i doing something wrong to have the plant to be growing to its side. I water about 1-2 times a day lightly and it is under the light for about 16 hours a day (maximum lighting i can do for my situation atm)


im growing 2 plants, one is doing great while the other is bent over a bit, it was late on sprouting up by a day compared to the other one i got going. but anyways i have 2 13watt CFLs hung above the plants about 3-4 inches away. i plan on uppping to 26watt CFLs later on in about 1-2 weeks or so.
dude you are over watering it like a motherfucker. Only water it when you stick your finger in the dirt and the top inch is dry. and 16 hrs wont cut it. 18/6 for hids or 24/7 for cfls. Otherwise you will stress it and it will be more likely to be a male.


I dont think i am over watering it, i spray the plant using a top from a spray bottle and spray 3 time on the plant to moisten the soil, in no way i believe i am over saturating the soil with water (but i will cut back on the water and see if that helps with the situation). and with the lighting 16 hours is the absolute most i can really give it at this time (being on the situation i am in right now) will it still grow with 16 hours? (seedling has only been 2 days in soil) thanks for the advice though.


Well-Known Member
I dont think i am over watering it, i spray the plant using a top from a spray bottle and spray 3 time on the plant to moisten the soil, in no way i believe i am over saturating the soil with water (but i will cut back on the water and see if that helps with the situation). and with the lighting 16 hours is the absolute most i can really give it at this time (being on the situation i am in right now) will it still grow with 16 hours? (seedling has only been 2 days in soil) thanks for the advice though.
It will still grow, but it will just take longer to be ready for the flowering stage. I use the 24/0 cycle and I see good changes and growth daily. Once in a while I spray my leaves not very often. Wy dont you just try to start a more efficient way to water. Just give the soil a good watering every 2-4 days, or when the soil is somewhat dry more (completely dry on top). If your not watering and just spraying water a few times a day your plants probably arent getting enough water...I dunno, just a suggestion/opinion. Whatever you do, good luck.


Well-Known Member
The roots need oxygen and if you are constantly watering they also wont grow in search of water, plants need this and it's best to let the soil dry out a little between waterings.
BTW whoever said says plants wont grow with 16 hours of light, hmm, well what happens when you plant outside, we dont get 24 hours of light where I live, dont get 18 either, in fact breeders reccomend 16 hours for a higher percentage of females.:weed:


its striaght now, all i had to do was give it like 1 more day of light and stopped for a day watering it helped it grow and straightened up and it trippled the height from yesterday


your plant will be fine, make sure its getting fresh air and good water..