throwing eggs at houses and stuff


Well-Known Member
man ive been thrown in the back of a cop car with four other people and a full tire with the rim. and they had 2 cars there so this was not nessicary. fucking assholes told me to lay on top of the four other people or they would beat my ass cause there was nobody around to see. we werent doing shit just walking home from school and they said we were tresspassing after warning and they put up a no tresspassing as they were stuffing us into the car. spent the night in county and got out around 6am on 4/20.... i proceeded to smoke fat bowls that morning while everyone else was in school.

thats the last time ill ever go near any train tracks.


Well-Known Member
man ive been thrown in the back of a cop car with four other people and a full tire with the rim. and they had 2 cars there so this was not nessicary. fucking assholes told me to lay on top of the four other people or they would beat my ass cause there was nobody around to see. we werent doing shit just walking home from school and they said we were tresspassing after warning and they put up a no tresspassing as they were stuffing us into the car. spent the night in county and got out around 6am on 4/20.... i proceeded to smoke fat bowls that morning while everyone else was in school.

thats the last time ill ever go near any train tracks.
I was never a teen here. I had to deal with down home boys club cops in Missouri. They were push overs (and it was a different time) the few times I got caught with weed I just had to dump it. Used to eat pastries with the cops outside the doughnut shop before school. I played with their German Sheppards. Always had dog treats with me to feed the dogs just in case the dogs ever came around while I had a bag on me. I figured it was better they knew me as the guy with treats. Thankfully I never had to find out if that would have worked.



Well-Known Member
ive also been pulled over while smoking and they just took my bowl so i guess it just depends on the cop.

hah... thats a good idea having treats for the dogs


Well-Known Member
Anyone who finds this kind of stuff as 'all in good fun' is not thinking straight. The exact same thing is costing me serious $ and could have cost my neighbors their lives and maybe my family our lives..

Fuckin'-A right RT!

I admit, when I was 16 years old I did some pretty stupid shit, including egging people's cars once in a while, and even more retarded, TP'ing. Looking back, I can't believe I ever thought that kind of stuff was supposed to be fun! Karma came back and bit me in the ass later on though. One of my cars got broken in to, TWICE, and I had all my stereo stuff ripped off. Also, one time when I was in downtown LA with friends we were walking around trying to find a club to go to since the rave we had originally been at got shut down for fire code violations. I was just strolling down the street and stopped at a corner to wait for the sign to switch to "walk" some other people came cruising by in a car and totally nailed me smack in the chest with an egg. Just about took the wind out of me it hit so hard! It may have been taken about six years for it to come full circle, but I had it coming. As they say, live and learn. Too bad so many of us choose to learn it the hard way.
True man. I am 16 and ive done my fair share of stupid shit. It was all retarted but we all learned from our mistakes. Yea Karma is a bitch but hey thats life. Just Smoke your weed and sit back and listen to the soothing sounds of some Bob marley. He was a god hehe.


Well-Known Member
True man. I am 16 and ive done my fair share of stupid shit.
Like post that you're 16 on a forum that requires it's members be at least 18 years old?

No offense, but you're far from being able to "look back on your youth" and share any real words of wisdom. But yeah, at least you know Bob's cool. Lol.


Well-Known Member
True man. I am 16 and ive done my fair share of stupid shit. It was all retarted but we all learned from our mistakes. Yea Karma is a bitch but hey thats life. Just Smoke your weed and sit back and listen to the soothing sounds of some Bob marley. He was a god hehe.
when will they learn..


Well-Known Member
I was never a teen here. I had to deal with down home boys club cops in Missouri. They were push overs (and it was a different time) the few times I got caught with weed I just had to dump it. Used to eat pastries with the cops outside the doughnut shop before school. I played with their German Sheppards. Always had dog treats with me to feed the dogs just in case the dogs ever came around while I had a bag on me. I figured it was better they knew me as the guy with treats. Thankfully I never had to find out if that would have worked.

cops aren't supposed to let the dogs accept treats from people, for obvious reasons. the cops mentioned in this story were, in fact, gay.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you wouldn't let your kids take candy from strangers would you? So why is it any different for your dog? ESPECIALLY if your dog is part of your job.


Well-Known Member
cops aren't supposed to let the dogs accept treats from people, for obvious reasons. the cops mentioned in this story were, in fact, gay.
In a large metropolitan area it never would have worked out that way ...
This was 17 years ago in town of less than 3000 permanent residents and a county of less than 5000 residents. Slightly different level of paranoia than today in larger cities.
