planting next to a fence...


Well-Known Member
im going to plant two girls this year and i ve heard that the color white reflects light. so im goin to plant them next to my white block fence (wich is a north fence and runs from east to west)

my theory is that since the fence is white it will reflect some sunlight and give my girls more light, wich eguals more growth right?
idk if there is any science behind this idea.
what do you ppeps think?:confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
i think the importance of reflection is only needed when growin inside. if your outside i'd think that you would be better off havin ur babies out in the open so the sun can light up all 360 degrees of it


Well-Known Member
i think the importance of reflection is only needed when growin inside. if your outside i'd think that you would be better off havin ur babies out in the open so the sun can light up all 360 degrees of it

well the sun will still hit the plant as it would in the open because im planting just far enough so that the plant leaves come within inches of the fence. soo the sun would hit it im just wonedering if the extra reflected sun light will make much of a difference.

Cannabis Cutie

Active Member
that minamal amount i dont thing will be a noticble diffrence at all. hey plant 2 plants 1 there an 1 in the open an see if their is a diffrence.

Cannabis Cutie

Active Member
vine it means when its growen u weev the plant in and out of the fence. wen i do it i top it after the 4 th set of leaves and have the branches goin oppisite directions along the fence and i keep topin it still as i normally would and even w/ the distinctive leaves most people dont notice that it is pot