Should I grow in the house or build a shed?


Well-Known Member
The problem with two grow rooms and/or with a heater is the electricity bill increase. I was planing on one-time operation. If it works out I might start a continuous grow with two rooms, two or three mothers clones. But now I am not ready for this.


Well-Known Member
okay. so if the electric bill is the problem... run the ducting to the room. have it airtight. insulate the walls and everything.... but since you dont whanna run the heat all night long... just insulate the floor realy nice in the room. cus thats where you lose alot of heat. getting absorbed into the ground. since i assume you dont a basemant.. anyways.. put insulation down, then put a wood floor on top of it. try to make a few layers if you can.. Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
I thought ceiling was more important because the warm air rises and cools there. Why floor?

I'll build a part or all of the shed this weekend and see what's what. If paranoia permits, I'll post pics on Monday.


Well-Known Member
cool air comes up through the floor. your right about the roof. but i thought thats a given lol.. yea gets some pics up. whanna see what this is gonna look like.. Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
and when you open your shed door to tend the plants... out shines the Beacon of Destruction, blinding your neighbors on their back porch and setting the dog a'howling.

SAFETY should be your first, last, and only concern. grow inside your house. stick to just growing in the closet like most people just starting out if space is a problem.

protect the floor by growing in a large tray or by running a single peice of plastic or waterproof tarp over the floor and up along the walls a few inches.

money is a concern... so put your money where it's going to count, into the equipment and lights and air ventilation that are required to grow in any indoor space. and if you want to upgrade later on... then use your closet as a two or three shelf clone area and use the bedroom (or a section of it) for flowering. otherwise just stay in the closet.

good luck.


Well-Known Member
and when you open your shed door to tend the plants... out shines the Beacon of Destruction, blinding your neighbors on their back porch and setting the dog a'howling.

SAFETY should be your first, last, and only concern. grow inside your house. stick to just growing in the closet like most people just starting out if space is a problem.

protect the floor by growing in a large tray or by running a single peice of plastic or waterproof tarp over the floor and up along the walls a few inches.

money is a concern... so put your money where it's going to count, into the equipment and lights and air ventilation that are required to grow in any indoor space. and if you want to upgrade later on... then use your closet as a two or three shelf clone area and use the bedroom (or a section of it) for flowering. otherwise just stay in the closet.

good luck.

exactly.. i went from 45W CFL's to a 2400W HPS garden... quality over quantity is a lesson best learned yourself... Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
my vote goes to growing indoors because thats the only way i have ever done it and i feel its not only safer but easier, the last thing you need is some meddling kid stumbling across your magical marijuana shed


Well-Known Member
im not for the whole shed idea. but if it only has the one entrance that is "inside" the house since he said it would be built onto the house.. i dont see any reason why it wouldnt be as safe as growing in the room if it was built with the house initially.... as long as there arnt any windows of course, and you got the smell coverd...


Well-Known Member
The shed will be entered through my bedroom, so the only way my neighbor would see the light would be if I banged her, which I won't.


Well-Known Member
well i have a grow shed what i did was put a sunhut inside of the shed so when i open the doors no light did have to have couple of holes for good air ventilation the only problem is it does get a little cold but pot its a weed havent have a plant die only had a couple need an extra week of flowering due to temps and i didnt run and extension put it pvc under ground with proper gauge wire and up to code so it can be done couple of peeps have said to use a small space heater for temps but im paranoid about fire so i havent but havent had any problem the biggest difficulty is making sure neighbor isnt watching u gallons in to the shed but i could also run a pvc water pipe into the shed and have a knoozle on the inside and problem solved for that too


Well-Known Member
dhhbomb, could you tell me a bit more about your setup?

My "shed" would be an extension to the house and I will be entering it from my bedroom. So watering, cables, light aren't the issue at all.

The only problem I see is low temperatures during 12/12.

Do you have a thermometer in your shed?
What lights are you using? How many watt?
What is the range of temperatures outside?
What are they inside buy day/night with the lights on/off?
Do you have problems with pests or humidity issues?


Well-Known Member
I grow i a shed.. just got a jardin secret darkrrom, using a portable ac uit and squirel fans for air in and out .. for colder weather i switch the light cycle to nighttime. if to cold whenn winter comes ill get a portable heater.. the great thing about darkrooms is they allow you to control the enviroment and o light leaks. extesion cord is burried uder the ground.


Well-Known Member
sweet deal. one of my GG's has gone kinda dead.... i put him under a light to reanimate it but the leaves on it have gone all down. if it doesnt recover by my next update ill put pictures up of it by apart from the rest. if it gets better ill for get i wrote this :P urs look shweet :D