and when you open your shed door to tend the plants... out shines the Beacon of Destruction, blinding your neighbors on their back porch and setting the dog a'howling.
SAFETY should be your first, last, and only concern. grow inside your house. stick to just growing in the closet like most people just starting out if space is a problem.
protect the floor by growing in a large tray or by running a single peice of plastic or waterproof tarp over the floor and up along the walls a few inches.
money is a concern... so put your money where it's going to count, into the equipment and lights and air ventilation that are required to grow in any indoor space. and if you want to upgrade later on... then use your closet as a two or three shelf clone area and use the bedroom (or a section of it) for flowering. otherwise just stay in the closet.
good luck.