Poll: "Its Not How Long You Live but How You Live"


New Member
Obviously, this is not about going to hell becuase you don't know Jesus; this is about going to heaven because you do.


New Member
It is the obedient sacrifice that Jesus Christ exemplified and / or suffered that gives us the guidance and the testimony that if you hold firm to this Promise, this Principle, this Faith that you may suffer in this world (for a season) but if you stand firm you will overcome the hell on earth and the eternal hell. So, Jesus consistently confirms and evolves the Truth, the Virtue ultimately.

I have found that a lot of critics of Jesus Christ were manipulated by heretics in the church; a seeker of the Divine must be constructively critical without compromising good reasoning when seeking out the Reality of Jesus Christ. Remember, it is usually a church leader or member that corrupts the mind a critic and not Jesus himself or the Holy Spirit for that matter.

Allot of people give up too soon; just because heretic or adversarty arrives as to be expected, remember Jesus was first tempted by Satan at his most vulnerable state (after he came out of the place of solitary 'the desert') when he was weak and hungry. So, the devil or heretics will continue to attack you; he doesn't live just because you come to Christ, as a matter of fact that makes the devil even madder; you must persevere. "Let God be the Truth and every man be a lie"

Walk by faith noy by sight. Your faith will be greater manifested as you continue to refine the Principle / Heart / Truth /Virtue of it. T

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
do you really believe that otherwise good people go to "hell" only because they dont pray to jesus. again as someone else said jesus never spoke about people going to hell for not following his teachings.


Well-Known Member
It is the obedient sacrifice that Jesus Christ exemplified and / or suffered that gives us the guidance and the testimony that if you hold firm to this Promise, this Principle, this Faith that you may suffer in this world (for a season) but if you stand firm you will overcome the hell on earth and the eternal hell. So, Jesus consistently confirms and evolves the Truth, the Virtue ultimately.

I have found that a lot of critics of Jesus Christ were manipulated by heretics in the church; a seeker of the Divine must be constructively critical without compromising good reasoning when seeking out the Reality of Jesus Christ. Remember, it is usually a church leader or member that corrupts the mind a critic and not Jesus himself or the Holy Spirit for that matter.

Allot of people give up too soon; just because heretic or adversarty arrives as to be expected, remember Jesus was first tempted by Satan at his most vulnerable state (after he came out of the place of solitary 'the desert') when he was weak and hungry. So, the devil or heretics will continue to attack you; he doesn't live just because you come to Christ, as a matter of fact that makes the devil even madder; you must persevere. "Let God be the Truth and every man be a lie"

Walk by faith noy by sight. Your faith will be greater manifested as you continue to refine the Principle / Heart / Truth /Virtue of it. T
That's a disappointing answer. Seems like a fairly straightforward question.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i have learned religious people never answer questions as they have no answers they just talk away from the subject or redirect the conversation.


New Member
do you really believe that otherwise good people go to "hell" only because they dont pray to jesus. again as someone else said jesus never spoke about people going to hell for not following his teachings.

First, we ought agree that the essence of this arguement is that Jesus not only spoke "the TRUTH" he walked "the TRUTH". Thus, it is the REALITY that is consistent with "the DIVINE TRUTH" that I want to focus on; now my reality of Jesus Christ reveals to me that He is the greatest manifestation of Good Truth and/or VIRTUE revealed to civilization / mankind on earth. There was and possibly is no greater act of God, the Spirit in man like that that He did with the period in which Jesus the Christ exemplified Him.

Thus, by no other name, regardless of how many different names He has revealed Himself to man to call / recognize Him by did He realize to the world the truest or highest map to enter HEAVEN. You can pray, the question really when you pray is the measure of TRUTH and/or VIRTUE you are praying from and to.

I often say in the ORDER of JESUS CHRIST" to acknowledge the other consistent faiths and / or religions and belief of GOD's DIVINE ORDER in Spirit or Supernatural and material or natural.


New Member
i have learned religious people never answer questions as they have no answers they just talk away from the subject or redirect the conversation.


I am not lying to you, nor deceivng you, nor avoiding your question; I tell you the TRUTH. The answer is there, though you might not receive it yet to the capacity or satisfaction of your desire. Don't give up and keep of principle and consistently evolving mind.

"Be quick to listen / understand and slow to anger." Initially, when I read your request the Scripture of John chapter 3 verses 1 - 21 came to mind, but I didn't publish it to you, excuse me.

With that being said I would to encourage you to read the Book of Matthew and the Book of John and the Book of Romans and the Book of Hebrews, in particular. I started my seeking of God in Virtue and deeds and by reading the New International Version (NIV) translation.


New Member
Hey Prophecy, I thought on your website you said you weren't gonna preach anymore while the anti christ was in office?:roll:


You ought to continue to REFINE the NATURE or PRINCIPLE of your INTERPRETATION; What I would like to make clear of that statement is: Though one of the primary antichrist is within that statement what I said (if I recall correctly is) was that I would not be helping those who practice corruption within the government. I am not talking to the antichrist; I am talking to the children of HEAVEN when I do what I do. Though I might be talking about the problems and answers of the government and false politicians and what I say may be relatively good and easy for them to take credit from the righteous that is not who I am talking to or on behalf of.

I am humbled by your sense of greater reason and lesser madness, if I may.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Once again, you babble on about nothing. Your truth is not everyone's truth.You just wanna preach.Do you even smoke pot? Oh, and don't tell me what I "ought" to do, as you are in no way a person I would follow or use as an example to live my life. Because you pretend to be righteous, but you're full of hatred for women and homosexuals, probably because you've been turned down by one and are the other.

You ought to continue to REFINE the NATURE or PRINCIPLE of your INTERPRETATION; What I would like to make clear of that statement is: Though one of the primary antichrist is within that statement what I said (if I recall correctly is) was that I would not be helping those who practice corruption within the government. I am not talking to the antichrist; I am talking to the children of HEAVEN when I do what I do. Though I might be talking about the problems and answers of the government and false politicians and what I say may be relatively good and easy for them to take credit from the righteous that is not who I am talking to or on behalf of.

I am humbled by your sense of greater reason and lesser madness, if I may.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i have learned in life not to look to much at ones religious beliefs or lack there of but there actions as human beings with regards to how they treat people. anyone who judges individuals based entirely on who they pray or dont pray to i feel sorry for. this goes back to my original question do you believe all people who dont worship jesus go to hell regardless of there actions. this is a simple question and i would like a simple answer.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You only have to look at his website, which he used to have a link to on his sig. Yes, he believes they go to hell. He also believes we are liars because we aren't agreeing... It's implied in this excerpt.

April 17
"Lies are Cowardice and Immature" Revision 11:00 a.m. est 4.17.2009

"Lies are Cowardice and Immature"
Those Who Practice Lies and Deception Ought to Stop,
The Scripture says, No Liar will Enter Heaven (Revelation 21:7-8); Please Stop Lying, I Don't Want You to Go to Hell.
I Know that Lie(s) is One Thing, but a Liar is Someone Who Habitually Lie.
Non-the-Less, the More You Lie, the Farther YOU Distance Yourself From Your Original Purpose, Your Original Destiny for Being in Existence.
The Difference Between Believers of God Almighty (Spirit and/or Word of Truth) and unbelievers of God Almighty is Believers Obey and Appreciate the (Divine) Truth as God Reveals it to Their Conscience (Even When it Hurts Sometimes); unbelievers On the Other Hand Disobey and Hate the Truth as God Reveals it to Their Conscience.
This is Why the Scriptures Tells Us that “the Meek Shall Inherit the Earth".
So, In Summary, "Don't Hate the Truth; Obey the Truth."
The "Truth" in Uncomfortable Situations or Circumstances Develops True Character; Lies in Uncomfortable Situations or Circumstances Develops Insecurities and (the Sense or Reality of) Failure.
Thus, Lies, Spiritual or Moral Disobedience and Iniquities are the Reasons for Your Insecurities and Failures: Either Lies You were Born into (Iniquities) or Lies You Created Yourself.
I Challenge / Charge You to Replace Lies and Iniquity with Perserverance, WISDOM and Truth.
i have learned in life not to look to much at ones religious beliefs or lack there of but there actions as human beings with regards to how they treat people. anyone who judges individuals based entirely on who they pray or dont pray to i feel sorry for. this goes back to my original question do you believe all people who dont worship jesus go to hell regardless of there actions. this is a simple question and i would like a simple answer.


Well-Known Member
i have learned in life not to look to much at ones religious beliefs or lack there of but there actions as human beings with regards to how they treat people. anyone who judges individuals based entirely on who they pray or dont pray to i feel sorry for. this goes back to my original question do you believe all people who dont worship jesus go to hell regardless of there actions. this is a simple question and i would like a simple answer.
If Frederick Douglass' narrative, he says the most violent and abusive slaveholders were those who were religious. It didnt matter that they would leave their slaves half starving and whip them for the slightest thing, they were Christians so they were going to heaven regardless, in their own mind.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
oh i know they are some of the sickest most misguided people out there. but im sure they thought because these heathen slaves were not christians its ok to mistreat or kill them as there going to hell anyways. then they repent on there death beds and all is forgiven. its a child like mental state weakminded people exist in to be able to do as they please and justify any behavior that suits there ideals.