Ron Paul is my pick (so far)


New Member
Med, what exactly has the “compassion” of the federal govt accomplished?
I think you are grossly underestimating the power and righteousness of private charities!

med, your writing style has evolved quite nicely as demonstrated in several of your recent posts. There is not as much venom, and your ideas are much more lucid! Great job!
Hey, live and learn I always say, you ought to try it ~LOL~. Back to topic. I don't rate the undertakings of the government as compassionate, but rather practical. It is practical if you are to be a Ruling entity to make those that you rule over somewhat passified, IE. make sure they have the necessities of life, food, clothing, shelter. Now compassion might include Comprehensive medical care, or it might be practical, as a well society costs less than a sick one, agreed? Would you say a content society would be easier to rule than a disgruntled one. So it makes sense to me that the government would best serve itself by serving the people. The people, in most countries that the government takes an interest in their people, have a much better opinion of their government, IE Canada-Spain-France-Italy, Most of western europe. Outside of Medical and My SS, I don't want anything from our government except for them to pull their heads out and start getting along with the rest of the world, maintain a fair tax structure and take care of it's citizens and infrastructure before giving money away to other countries and corporations. They could relax a few restrictive laws and treat drugs as an illness rather than a crime. There are more things I wish our government would do, but as for me, the SS and Med care are it.


New Member
the media continues to work against Dr. Paul.

DallasNews Lies About Ron Paul Straw Poll Audience

Get over it 7X, he hasn't a chance. You might as well go back to your second choice judyani the crossdresser, or that wank from TV, Fred Thompson. It's like you think truth and justice really have a chance in this fucked up world. I hate to burst your bubble, but without a coupe and an outright revolution, the elites will still control us serfs. So either get used to it or make sure you have a sufficient amount of guns and ammo to survive. I accept the latter.



Well-Known Member
Get over it 7X, he hasn't a chance. You might as well go back to your second choice judyani the crossdresser, or that wank from TV, Fred Thompson. It's like you think truth and justice really have a chance in this fucked up world. I hate to burst your bubble, but without a coupe and an outright revolution, the elites will still control us serfs. So either get used to it or make sure you have a sufficient amount of guns and ammo to survive. I accept the latter.
So you say all the Ron Paul supporters should just sit back and let them win? Hell no.


New Member
So you say all the Ron Paul supporters should just sit back and let them win? Hell no.
Hey, go for it. I'm just saying with my measly 66 years on the planet that I think he hasn't a chance. In fact no repuke stands a chance. so if you really want change, vote for Edwards. He is the most honest candidate outside of Paul, no, he wouldn't shut down the FED as paul proposes but Paul would not be allowed to do that either. Most of pauls agenda are dreams, not reality in this fucked up world. vote for someone that has a chance. Edwards-Kucinich would make more changes than anyone else on either side, take that to the bank.


Well-Known Member
Hey, go for it. I'm just saying with my measly 66 years on the planet that I think he hasn't a chance. In fact no repuke stands a chance. so if you really want change, vote for Edwards. He is the most honest candidate outside of Paul, no, he wouldn't shut down the FED as paul proposes but Paul would not be allowed to do that either. Most of pauls agenda are dreams, not reality in this fucked up world. vote for someone that has a chance. Edwards-Kucinich would make more changes than anyone else on either side, take that to the bank.
Edwards was going to be my second choice. I'm gonna do some more reading on Kucinich and Edwards, maybe I'll change my mind who knows.


Well-Known Member
Edwards is representative of exactly what is wrong with the current corrupt two party system.
He is a trial lawyer, he has precisely NO new ideas....he clearly represents more of the same.
He is also a mendacious twit.:spew:

Voting for Edwards is a vote to keep Government growing and spending at its current irresponsible level.
Time for a change, and I see no candidate, except for Paul, who will even attempt substantive reforms.


Well-Known Member
All this may be true Wavels, but at least they would be spending it on what the people want in stead of that the Corporations want.


New Member
Edwards is representative of exactly what is wrong with the current corrupt two party system.
He is a trial lawyer, he has precisely NO new ideas....he clearly represents more of the same.
He is also a mendacious twit.:spew:

Voting for Edwards is a vote to keep Government growing and spending at its current irresponsible level.
Time for a change, and I see no candidate, except for Paul, who will even attempt substantive reforms.
Would you like to elaborate on your mendacious twit anology? Outside of you being right wing to the point of insanity, Don't you realize that most politicians were lawyers. Edwards actually took some of the miscreant HMOs and Doctors to task for either not performing needed procedures or for botching them. "Edwards, a self-made millionaire who made his fortune representing individuals against corporations - and winning" Has been maligned by the right Wingers even as they themselves have taken money from more odious sources. Nothing like the pot calling the kettle black, eh.


Well-Known Member
timmay, i have to agree with Wavels and warn you that a closer look is in order before you consider casting a vote for Edwards. please research this man!

not only does he push a socialist agenda (in his pandering performance at the last dem debate he touted public schools as a great tool for indoctrinating children in how to follow the government's moral lead.) but he and his ilk have decimated the health care system in the USA.

anyone who has no problem suing doctors for doing their best in impossible situations is not only a cold, empty shell of a human being they're also a selfish pig. he didn't try to get creative as a lawyer and create new guidelines or promote systems to avoid medical errors, what he did was line his pockets with every cent of money he could get. that money oozes with the suffering of Americans who can no longer afford health care. he gets $500 hair cuts with money that forced another OB/GYN to stop delivering babies and give up their dream of helping families grow. he puts another 5000 square foot addition on his huge compound with money that he stole by putting on dramatic performances for uneducated juries who believed that he was some kind of Robin Hood.

he's a disgusting maggot. people like him are at the core of every problem in our country right now. the entitlement people are stealing our liberty so they can sell it back to us in the form of an even bigger government.

please do some research.



New Member
7X, shame on you for posting such demeaning attributes to Edwards. This is conjecture at best and distortion for sure. Your hatred of anything left of Ronald Regan does not lend credibility to your arguements. Take for example your outright lie of the cost of the haircut, it was 400.00 not 500.00 and so what, aren't all politicians rich, name me one that couldn't afford a 400.00 haircut. Your right wing paranoia is obvious in this rant, chill out, I realize you know no repuke has a chance in this election, so you are spouting all your venom against any democrat. Go off into your little made up world of Ronnieville and play nice. Edwards also, FYI got large amounts of money for the people harmed by the HMOs and DR.s that made mistakes, victims of our shoddy medical system. If elected, Edwards wants to institute single payer national, not for profit health care. That would take the large settlements out of the medical care business.


Well-Known Member
Med may I kindly suggest that you look into Edwards’s background; I have a feeling that you may not like what you find out.
Edwards epitomizes EVERYTHING that is broken with the corrupt two party political system.
You miss the point by a full country mile when you characterize 7x's reference to a $500 haircut. So it was $400, and you blithely excuse don't seem to grasp the nature of the problem.....this guy almost brings a new level of meaning to hypocrisy...he touts his empathy for the "poor", and yet lives in a mansion.
You should look at some of his trials, in which he claims to have channeled dead, unborn babies. 7x correctly points out one of the major impediments to providing better health care insurance coverage.....greedy, unscrupulous attorneys!....How can you not see this?
Attorneys perpetually holding elected office are one of the causative factors wreaking havoc on our Founding Father's blueprint for this nation’s government.

Not to mention the fact that Edwards also happens to be a big jerk.

400 vs. 500 dollars for a haircut?…..perfect!



Well-Known Member
thank you, Wavels! please take an objective look at this guy med..

if you want to split hairs, try $1250 for a haircut. his "jet-set" lifestyle is putrid to the average, sane American... apparently that doesn't include you.

Splitting Hairs, Edwards's Stylist Tells His Side of Story -

and no, i do not want "a repuke" to win, i want Ron Paul to win. no one else is acceptable and no one else will get my vote, end of story.

so what if Edwards wants to create a government funded pipe dream of socialist medicine, even that will eventually cause more pain and suffering (occasional 8 week waits anyone, CA? 8 MRIs in the entire country of CA, sound good?) to the people of this country than a return to something practical and sustainable.

get the government out of medicine!



New Member
Guyz ...

I have a new business partner. She's from Romania and lived under communism. Over the past couple of weeks, she's described to me what its like to live in a police state. She finally escaped from Romania, but not after spending a considerable time in communist prisons. Romania had fully covered "free" medical care for all citizens. Those of you who wish for more government control over our lives had better watch what you are wishing for.



Well-Known Member
So does France, England and every other civilized country in the western world and yet they don't live in communist block countries. So what's your point?


New Member
So does France, England and every other civilized country in the western world and yet they don't live in communist block countries. So what's your point?
The point is incrementalism, Dank ... incrementalism.


PS: Was my definition of the term "liberty" to your satisfaction?



Well-Known Member
lib·er·ty (lĭb'er-tē)
n., pl. -ties.

a. The condition of being free from restriction or control.
b. The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing.
c. The condition of being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor. See synonyms at freedom.
2. Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control.
3. A right or immunity to engage in certain actions without control or interference: the liberties protected by the Bill of Rights.
a. A breach or overstepping of propriety or social convention. Often used in the plural.
b. A statement, attitude, or action not warranted by conditions or actualities: a historical novel that takes liberties with chronology.
c. An unwarranted risk; a chance: took foolish liberties on the ski slopes.
5. A period, usually short, during which a sailor is authorized to go ashore.
idiom: at liberty

1. Not in confinement or under constraint; free.
2. Not employed, occupied, or in use.

[Middle English liberte, from Old French, from Latin lībertās, from līber, free.]

n 1: immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political
independence [syn: autonomy]
2: freedom of choice; "liberty of opinion"; "liberty of
worship"; "liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or
do just as one pleases"; "at liberty to choose whatever
occupation one wishes"
3: personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression
4: leave granted to a sailor or naval officer [syn: shore
5: an act of undue intimacy [syn: familiarity, impropriety,

Definition of Liberty and Freedom

Thomas Jefferson Defined it in the "Declaration of The Rights of Man and The Citizen" as: "Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same rights. These limits can only be determined by law."


New Member
Chill out bro. You've been reading too much right wing literature. For a refreshing change, why don't you put away your left wing hatred and go see Micheal Moores "Sicko", get a new perspective from the poor persons view. BTW I know how rich Edwards is, How rich was My man JFK, The last poor presidential candidate may have been Truman, and since he was the incumbent installed at FDRs death, how much campaign money did he need? Anyway having said that, I may be a fool, but I see Edwards as an honest candidate, albiet he is a rich bastard, but they all are and he is telling me what I want to hear.