A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
thanks Krimez, my tent is 1.8m but i have to have light least 18 inches away so it doesn't burn the plants, so to answer your question, i cant let them get above 4 feet from the floor. i got some growth stunting stuff for last time but didn't need it and hopefully won't this time.
I've just given the big tent a good spring clean ready for its new occupants, they'll be moving in some time next week.


Well-Known Member
I've had a nightmare=( I've got relatives staying and last night i had to stall them for an hour while i got rid of everything and i mean EVERYTHING!! i had to dump the lot plants, tent, lights and fans. I couldn't even get the plants to a mate. I am FUCKING GUTTED. I'll keep jealously checking in on your grows, oh did i mention that i'm FUCKING GUTTED, FUCKING GUTTED!!!


Well-Known Member
I've still got all my equipment but I broke the bulb (no big deal). The inlaws are fucking off in a couple of days. I'm going on holiday at the end of june, so has anyone got any ideas about a strain that will go from seed to weed in 9 1/2 weeks? Probably impossible but any help would be helpful. I've got some fem Super Silver Haze seeds but they take at least 10 weeks to flower and at least 3 weeks veg (no chance).
Did I mention that I'm FUCKING GUTTED!!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
I was gonna say a lowryder of some sort, they finish from seed to chop in 9 weeks. I canny seem to get that link to work mared il copy paste it lol.


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys, I was looking at Sensi Seeds Hash plant in their catalogue it says 40-45 days flowering. but you can't get them fem so if i get those i'll get 20 and hope i get enough ladies. £240 for 20 seeds, so maybe not.


Well-Known Member
I have some (hopefully) good news, I've been sniffing around and "some bloke" has got some jack herer clones i can buy. He could be full of shit but we'll see. I might be back sooner than i thought. If i do get them sorted i'll only have time to veg for a week max. i'll try and get too many and cram the bastards in sea of green stylee.. Heres hoping.. If not i can get those sensi seeds hash plant beans within 3 or 4 days but i doubt i'll have the time to do those properly, if i don't get those clones i'll probably have to forget about growing until after my holiday. I know i've said it before but i'm FUCKING GUTTED!! Bastard inlaws and their suprise visit!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
either way ur gonna have to waittill ya back from ur hols b4 u can smoke any of it lol. How long is ya holiday for, I gotta watch my mates house for a week soon , hes got a room full lol bout 40 plants and 2 cats.


Well-Known Member
I'm going for a week. Fuck me 40 plants thats a lot of work!! But the cats should pretty much take care of themselves.. What do you think about sensi's hash plant? Does anyone have any experience of it?


Well-Known Member
I spoke to "that bloke" again last night and he's gonna ring me at some point today to get things sorted. I really hope he's on the level but i kinda think if he was he woulda met me yesterday. He talked the talk but we'll see if he walks the walk. I asked him if could sell me some of the finished product and he couldn't (alarm bells).

mr west

Well-Known Member
Ive liked the look of the sensi hash plant but as of yet not tried it. Yeah im not looking forward to all the extra watering ill have to be doing for sure jus hope he dunt ask me to look after his dog too that would be a pain.


Well-Known Member
At least you can have a bit of a laugh with a dog, cats are a pain in the arse.. I'm not gonna set all my equipment back up until i've got either those clones or seeds and the inlaws have fucked off! If I have to get seeds i'll be trying the 12/12 from seed thing..


Well-Known Member
"That bloke" does walk the walk but we'll have to see if he's full of shit regarding the strain, he says its jack herer. I'll know for sure in a month or so.
They smell pretty nice and look similar, I really really hope he's telling the truth..

oh yeah, Krimez C'MON EVERTON!!



Well-Known Member
Haha,have you seen the team united have put out.Shit you know some bloke that sells clones?..lucky bastitch :)


New Member
Haha,have you seen the team united have put out.Shit you know some bloke that sells clones?..lucky bastitch :)
yeah clones are good money, average strains go for 5er each decent ones for 10er, used to sell a bunch to a load of commercial growers, but i backed out of that whole scene


Well-Known Member
I paid £7.50 for them, I wanted ten but he only had seven, but he said to give him a bell tomorrow for the other 3. I wanna veg 9 for a week max and keep the 10th for a mother. that should give me 2 days short of 10 weeks flower. i wanna cram 'em in coz they are gonna be quite small. i'm well chuffed i managed to some sorted. They are really well rooted too=) well chuffed..
and utd lost what a day! lol


Well-Known Member
I just got talking to this guy at the hydro shop when i went to get a new bulb. he's a bit of a doughnut coz i went to his house and he showed me his op, I coulda been anybody. i parked a couple of streets away and walked there to try and keep my car out of the way in case he's being watched, coz he's not too careful.

Are you gutted about utd Krimez?